You spelt ''Porn'' wrong. . .
*tstk tsk* First off, don't submit stuff just for pranks because the viewers will sure enough blam it! And yuo maye ned to cek out yr spleing!
Fianlly after a month of putting it off i finnaly finished acoordingly.
You spelt ''Porn'' wrong. . .
*tstk tsk* First off, don't submit stuff just for pranks because the viewers will sure enough blam it! And yuo maye ned to cek out yr spleing!
Not good
The flash was a pretty lame attempt. The graphics were bad and didnt feel qite right. The style was weird and the osund was odd in the sequencing. Overall you need to try again.
(who the fucks hamy_jamy)
I always liked that for the record, and I think that this is an excellent parody of it! It was very carefully re-mastered to be funny, i liked it!.
I think that it's well made, it's basic, but I think that it was all-around nicely done.
It was a bit long for the file size.... I was expecting something shorter, but I guess thats not a bad thing...
Holy crap
I watched it up to the bit with the clock pr0n and then I got horny. Weird...
I saw that music video but you forgot the blood