Feels like a surreal fever dream.
When I was in grade 9 I had my last year of of mandatory French in school. I was not very receptive to learning a second language, and never got along too well with my French teachers. This animation was a final project, and was the only reason I was allowed to pass the class. It was slapped together in a week, about 2 month's after I had started teaching myself flash.
After I had submitted the project, I decide to do an english dubbing....
Feels like a surreal fever dream.
Good Luck With The Future of your animation.
I mean really common.
that was interseting
you know, its cool to watch these when you can understand what the hell the narrator is saying! all i know is that there was an amazing action sequence in a bathroom.
relax bud relax
99% of the people that review this stuff have never done a flash or even taken a 8mm movie of Aunt Charlie. It looks you took a long time and tried hard. Don't give up the ship, and keep on doing what YOU like, not what the so called critics think. They don't know a hole lot. I have been in the movie business for 35 years and know what I say. OK! ok.
Hi, I just seen your movie and I think it an decent effort and it's orginal. If anyone disses your movie, I will mess them up, chew them and spit them out, cussing at them.