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Previews: My Little Brony

July 6, 2012 –
September 19, 2019
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Friendship is for pussies!

This is a trailer (and, I suppose, voice call) for a new miniseries me and a friend are animating. If you are a female actor who can voice any of the mane six, email xxextremegamingxx@gmail.c om.

We are both bronies. We are in no way making fun of other bronies, nor are we insulting the show in any way.


Wait until you have a finished product. If you need resources (i.e. voice actors) look in the forums. People will appreciate a finished, and polished production. Refine your animation and artwork as well. Sound seems on key, but there is no real story here or a decent punchline. Be patient. Work hard. Get results.

Well, it seems a bit short for a trailer, but the quality and voices are good (so far) Hope to see the movie soon!

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