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Messed-Up Bible Stories 2

April 4, 2007 –
May 10, 2021
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Unbelievably Messed-Up Bible Stories: Adam and Eve: Based on actual scripture from the bible, this cartoon series plans to tell “the greatest story ever told” with complete accuracy, and in chronological order.


Not sure what the purpose of the movie was...

Entertaining indeed! Offensive, not at all. The most offensive thing was thy grammar.

The eating of the fruit part was pretty funny though. And not as if you wanted any type of accuracy, but how is gay Adam supposed to have children?

Keep doing these.

This had some really funny moments, plus good sound and animation and what not. I love how gay Adam is. The one thing that really irritates me is the use of "thy" in place "I," and other such grammatical errors. Maybe that's intentional, but it sorta bothers me.


First of all, I rated this animation based on the quality, not the subject matter. If you can't separate content from quality, you shouldn't be reviewing anything.

This was an entertaining animation, but I can't help but think what could have been. I understand the main purpose is to push buttons and satirize the modern fundamentalist Old Testament texts. However, if you dig back to the various origins and originals of those texts (eg. Sumerian myth, the Nag Hammadi, Jewish Haggadah, etc.), you'll find the actual explanations of the strange parts just as bizarre.

For example, Adam and Eve are often described as having scaly or "horny" skin. Their skin also glowed. When God created Adam, he used various colors of dust, including green "for the pale green skin". The talking snake is often described as a literal bi-pedal lizard man. When Adam and Eve hide from God, he is described as physically walking around looking for them, despite supposedly being omnipotent and incorporeal. When Adam and Eve eat the fruit and their minds open, it is said that they look upon God and see that he is a "beastly form". And so on.

You could make a really outrageously bizarre animation if you dug into the origins of modern faith.

Well done

Can't see how this would be offending to a Christian or whatever. He hasn't put anything to shame or something. Friggin weirdos -.-

Good job mate, keep it up! :D


Funny flash! Good work.

Lighten up nay-sayers, and remember the concept of sarcasm. Yes, religious people can still be sarcastic.


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