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Messed-Up Bible Stories 2

April 4, 2007 –
May 10, 2021
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Unbelievably Messed-Up Bible Stories: Adam and Eve: Based on actual scripture from the bible, this cartoon series plans to tell “the greatest story ever told” with complete accuracy, and in chronological order.


lol satan and god

well thy is pissed rofl this a funny god =)

Somehow, not as good as the first one...

Adam was also very much in love with Eve. Hence his little speech about a man leaving his parents and taking a wife.

Another problem I want to point out is that Adam was actually WITH Eve when she ate from the Tree of Knowledge (Genesis 3:6). So, yeah, it really IS Man's fault this crap happened. Woman sinned but Man didn't stop her. I could go into a whole lecture about the symbolism of Man being made first and the meaning of Woman being made from a rib, but you probably don't wanna hear that.

But, yeah, man screwed up by not stopping a screw up.

I'm a man, by the way. And if I could go back in time, I'd punch Adam in his fig-covered groin for not stopping his wife from doing something stupid.

Okay, maybe I SHOULD go into the symbolism of the rib.

See, Woman wasn't created from a hair on top of man's head to be above him, nor- don't interrupt me, I'm not done- nor from the bottom of his foot to be trampled on. She was made from a rib. Three reasons why: from his side to be equal, from under his arm to be protected, and close to his heart to be loved.

So, yeah.

And the punishment wasn't about eating the fruit. It was all about disobeying God. Considering what happens when man sins, it's no surprise that God takes sin seriously.

Decent cartoon, but I still don't think it was as good as the first.

Serpent's response to HIS punishment kept it at 7, though. I laughed a LOT at that one.


Again, Adams faggy? Why? Well at least even satan got some punishment...but damn, Eve was a bitch

Why does thou cover up thy boobs?

LoL make more.


AHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA,this is so fuckin funny


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