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Kabul Weather Channel

October 15, 2001 –
June 19, 2020
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Kabul's local weather forecast


How can anybody call this racist?

How can this be called racist? It doesn't say anything bad about Afganistan people. It doesn't make fun of anything that even has to do with them. With all the bombs we're dropping (which we have a right to drop right now) those are probably the real temperatures. We're bombing terrorists, not families. So deal with it shitbags. Find something to do besides making accusations, you motherfucking, protesting bitches.

Some of you critics need to get a life.

I saw the movie and liked it a lot. I also went back and read a few other reviews. Most were positive as is mine, but I noticed a few saying that it was racist. What a pile of shit. One long-winded whiner in particular tried to excuse the attacks on the trade center as self defense against us. The fact of the matter is that the film gave estimated temperatures for parts of Afghanistan that whether you like it or not were probably not that far off the mark. We have attacked Afghanistan admittedly. The difference between our attacks and the terrorrist attacks is that we didn't go in there looking to wipe out a bunch of civillians, thats what they did. Have you seen how the Taliban treated their own countrymen. Afghanistan will probably be a better place to live after we're through wiping out the terrorrists and the government that supported them. It seems like it will go on for a while, but that is mainly because the monster behind the 9-11 attacks is evading justice by shitting his pants under a rock somewhere in the mountains. Maybe before you slam this film, you should get your facts straight.

this movie rocked

fuck all of u anit-americans u can suck camel cock this movie rocked and i dont care if u hated it or not leave the guy alone he did a good job makeing this movie i laughed my ass off my friend died in the wtc so fuck all u anti-americans and if it takes bombing to get the job done then let it be so kiss my american ass u leftwinged-antiamerican,hippie s, go home the majority agrees with me and enjoyed the movie. so go suck a camel cock u american haters

A funny parody of The Weather Channel

I think this movie is great. It is full of humourous slides, adn it is full of origionality. L personally liked it! Now, if only the REAL Wewather Channel did this.....


how crappy wos that film man...my arse could make a better movie about bombing Kabul then that.


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