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HELP WANTED - CA Studios' next indie animated series

CA Studios is calling all creatives from the Newgrounds community to join our team and contribute to the creation of The ChristianAnimations Show (TCAS), our ambitious 2D indie animated series. We're looking for artists, animators, storyboarders, and more to help us make a mark in the world of animation.


About TCAS:

TCAS is a series that combines the energetic visual style of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with the storytelling zest of Pilgrim. It's an epic tale of a 2D animator who, after winning a competition, finds himself in the crosshairs of a secret society intent on destroying animation. It's up to him and his friends to fight back and save their creative expression.

Artistic Inspiration:

Our art style draws heavily from the innovative looks of Science SARU, known for its unique blend of traditional and cutting-edge animation techniques. We aim to capture that same spirit of creativity and experimentation in TCAS, creating a visual experience that's both familiar and fresh.

We're Seeking:

- Animators (2D/Hand-drawn): If you have a flair for bringing stories to life through animation, we want you on our team.

- Illustrators: Your ability to create engaging character designs and immersive environments is what we need.

- Storyboard Artist: We're looking for those who can translate scripts into visual narratives that guide our animators.

- Sound Designers: Your skills will set the tone and atmosphere of our series.

- VFX Artists: Add a layer of magic to our animations with your expertise in visual effects.

- Background Artist: Create the settings and landscapes that will be the foundation of our visual storytelling.

Why Join CA Studios?

- Creative Collaboration: Be part of a team that values your voice and vision.

- Innovative Projects: Contribute to a series that's poised to stand out in the indie animation landscape.

- Career Growth: Develop your skills and portfolio in a dynamic and supportive environment.

If you're passionate about animation and eager to be part of a project that's all about pushing the envelope, then CA Studios is your stage. Let's create something extraordinary together!

How to Apply:

Send us your portfolio and a short note about why you're excited to join the TCAS project. We're eager to see your work and hear your ideas! Use this form to sign up: https://forms.gle/ME2ZZr78Pz5EcmLy5

Contact Us:


Let's animate our dreams into reality, frame by frame! 🎨✨