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Seeking Help with Walk Cycle and More Animation in Adobe Animate

Hello everyone,

I'm relatively new to the world of animation and have been struggling a bit with some basic techniques in Adobe Animate. I would greatly appreciate guidance and advice from the community here on Newgrounds.

  1. Walk Cycle: I'm having difficulty creating a smooth walk cycle for my characters. The correct steps to create limb movements while maintaining naturalness are a challenge for me. Do you have any tips or specific tutorials you recommend to master this technique?
  2. Punch Animation: I'm also struggling with creating a convincing punch animation. I can't seem to capture the desired impact and dynamics. Any guidance on bringing this action to life in my animations?

I'm open to any suggestions, tutorials, or resources you can share. If you have any experience or knowledge to contribute, I would be extremely grateful.

Thank you in advance for the help and patience in dealing with a newbie like me. I can't wait to improve my skills and contribute more to the community!

Best regards,

Vitor Perrut