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Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List

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Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-09-29 15:40:08

At 9/29/05 12:15 PM, X-Naut wrote: I hope to level up by the end of the year but i doubt that will happen but who knows. =)

If you deposit every day you'll level up at the start of next year, you've got 106 days to go.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-09-29 16:03:36

At 9/29/05 03:40 PM, Afro_Stud wrote: If you deposit every day you'll level up at the start of next year, you've got 106 days to go.

Yay, only 40 days left till level 22.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-09-29 19:12:09

At 9/29/05 03:40 PM, Afro_Stud wrote:
At 9/29/05 12:15 PM, X-Naut wrote: I hope to level up by the end of the year but i doubt that will happen but who knows. =)
If you deposit every day you'll level up at the start of next year, you've got 106 days to go.

Last time i missed a deposit was back in 2003 so i guess i will level up in Janurary or so. =)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-09-30 19:13:08

At 9/29/05 07:12 PM, X-Naut wrote: Last time i missed a deposit was back in 2003 so i guess i will level up in Janurary or so. =)

Thats good, i dont think i have missed a deposit in sometime, but sometimes i may have forgot one or two now and then, hopefully GFOX did that same so that he doesnt overtake me hehehe...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-01 19:59:23

At 9/29/05 02:15 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: I now have two 10,000 stats. I demand an immediate update to the list, just for me, now!

LOL, be patient mister.

At 9/29/05 04:03 PM, Wylo wrote: Yay, only 40 days left till level 22.

And 65 days left till level 13. Still quite a long way, but I'm so god damn desparate for the baseball bat. ;_;

At 9/29/05 07:12 PM, X-Naut wrote: Last time i missed a deposit was back in 2003 so i guess i will level up in Janurary or so. =)

Heh, the last time I missed a deposit was in October 2004, but that was only because I had dial-up and NG wasn't the site I liked the most back then. I ALMOST missed a deposit in May since my friend forgot to deposit for me, but lucky enough, I was able to come on NG and deposit.

BTW gfox, just to let you know, X-Stem got 10000 posts.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-01 20:41:57

At 9/29/05 07:12 PM, X-Naut wrote: Last time i missed a deposit was back in 2003 so i guess i will level up in Janurary or so. =)

I usually miss a deposit here and there due to going out-of-town on weekends. Once, I rushed home from a trip to deposit, I got on my computer at 11:57PM and just made it.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-01 21:36:13

At 10/1/05 08:41 PM, Wylo wrote:
At 9/29/05 07:12 PM, X-Naut wrote: Last time i missed a deposit was back in 2003 so i guess i will level up in Janurary or so. =)
I usually miss a deposit here and there due to going out-of-town on weekends.

Does anyone know the formula for calculating how many deposits you've missed? I know it was posted months ago but I don't have any idea where to find it. If I had to guess I'd say I've missed around 50 to 60 myself.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-01 23:27:53

At 10/1/05 09:36 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 10/1/05 08:41 PM, Wylo wrote:
Does anyone know the formula for calculating how many deposits you've missed?

Well I never came up with naything for that, and not sure I seen any kind of thing for that, I tend not to think about it.
I do know that in Excel if you take today's date minus your sign up date + 1 you get how many deposits you could have made, not including any bonus for making a profile or signing up for those eamils. Excel figures it out for you. I have been lazy about it.

IF I take 10/1/05-6/23/02 that equals 1196, but since you can deposit the first day you need to add 1 to that to equal 1197 possible deposits. As said not that good, because I comes up with the 1196 out for you as long as you rememebr to make the total colum a number and not a date.

Hell that is confusing, well not to me....Where is Newgrundling with some Math.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-01 23:42:32

At 10/1/05 11:27 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 10/1/05 09:36 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 10/1/05 08:41 PM, Wylo wrote:
Does anyone know the formula for calculating how many deposits you've missed?
IF I take 10/1/05-6/23/02 that equals 1196, but since you can deposit the first day you need to add 1 to that to equal 1197 possible deposits.

Awesome! Thanks for the info ramagi. By those calculations I've missed exactly 46 deposits. Not too shabby for an account that's over 3 years old. Funny, the 460 points I missed out on seems like chickenfeed now.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 01:46:41

Web Pentalist Mark XXXIV is uploaded and available.

FIVE weeks in a row (how penta-propriate!) with exactly one new member each update. I'm not so sure this "one new member per week" streak can continue much (if any) longer, though. We have three hopefuls with 9953, 9945, and 9936 points queued up for list entry, and I doubt they're going to slow down and space out so that we can hit 48 members next week, 49 the week after, and 50 three weeks from now (though wouldn't it be something if they did!?). Anyway, the main thing is that we are soon going to have a full top 50 of 2x10kers for the first time in NEWGROUNDS HISTORY. How's that, eh?

In other news, I just had one of the best weekends in a looooong while.

A) No hurricane worries like the weekend before.

B) Spent lots of time with my girlfriend, including going out to see Serenity (the Firefly movie) tonight, which is what delayed the update, I'd started it this afternoon (early for once! Ah well, it wasn't meant to be...).

C) After losing two in a row to the hated Chicago Cubs (sorry, Gooch), my Astros did Houston proud and won 3-1 on Saturday and 6-4 on Sunday. I spent this afternoon cheering my lungs out for my team and they came through after falling from a 3-0 lead to a 4-3 deficit.... come-from-behind wins ROCK. Especially when they win your team a last-minute spot in the postseason picture. Just like 2004, the Houston Astros have gained entry to the 8-team playoff field by winning a game on the final Sunday of the season. Impressively procrastination-filled MADNESS, I tell you! Unprecedented, too. Name me one other team in MLB who has done that tricky a feat two years running. NONE OF 'EM, THAT'S WHO. #;-}>

So anyway, back to the list. Welcome to Pure, who sadly is banned until tomorrow and can't reply until Tuesday to his own doublelistedness being put up on the official list, though he already celebrated enough in here, methinks, when he actually hit that second 10k stat, eh? #;-}> Also, congrats to leeboy and Bonus for getting to triplelistedness! 3x10k for teh win!

Also also:

Updating on Sunday nights is starting to really kill me on Mondays at work. I'm getting too little sleep on Mondays (after around 6 hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings... and then 8-10 hours or so on Saturday and Sunday mornings... I tend to get around 4-5 hours on Monday mornings, aka Sunday nights)....

And every time I try to start an update on Sunday afternoon, something IRL interferes or my inability to restrict the amount of people I check causes it to take more hours than I expected (I only checked 125 people today, but these things must be done to ensure the accuracy of my beloved list, yanno? (sniff)... obsessive compulsions sure do suck sometimes!)....

Short story long: I'm going to move the updates back to Saturday. I can't even remember why I shifted from Saturday to Sunday (I think I must have been out of town on a Saturday, but I don't believe it was Christmas 2004, though I was out of town most of that Saturday... I got the update done late Friday night/early Saturday morning... so it must have been around the time the NG Lister program was outlawed, around March of 2005... maybe the same weekend I met Tom Fulp in Austin, come to think of it)....

So back to Saturday we go next week. That means +60 exp for most people, so prepare for an even LOWER gain than usual, folks. Sorry, but it's just karma for ya (we had a +80 exp week when I changed the updates from Saturdays to Sundays, logic should tell you).

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 02:09:42

At 9/26/05 04:47 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Well KwaS is somewhat the imspiration but also the fact that im not on review drain anymore, ya i may be #1 for sometime to come...

KWAS just hit 11,000, but you look like you're doing just fine, 12,220 for teh Xmaster, as I remember from updating your reviewcount just an hour or so ago. Quite the nice number, too bad it wasn't 12221 or 12121 or 12321, though. #;-}>

Whew long reply... damn you GFOX...

THAT was long? Pfft....

At 9/26/05 04:53 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: 750 miles aww is that all hehe...

Yep, that's all. Texas is a very long and very wide state, yanno. Only Alaska beats us in terms of "state fatness/tallness." No other state even comes close, cept maybe Montana or California, but both are somewhat narrow and long...

Heh sorry i wouldnt want the GREAT GFOX to leave us then who would do the list heh...

Some other crazy bastard, I reckon. #;-}>

Its ok your allowed a few mistakes now and then haha...

Yeah, just as long as they're not on YOUR line of the list updates, eh? Wouldn't want that, would we. :::evil glint in teh eye:::

At 9/26/05 07:15 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Nice update! :D


Yeah, true, but you were really lucky to get those id#. You must've either watched the accounts carefully or kept making accounts until you got both 999999 and 1000000, LOL.

I noticed account #999939 submitting flash so I knew we were close. I opened up to the "last 50 signups" list and found #999939 on it by his name... I then watched that list for a few hours until 999998 was created, then I created two accounts using two browsers at once. Boom boom, 999999 and 1000000 were mine.

Indeed I will. I should get 9000 posts in around November/December. And my name change, LOL, I know I'm calling myself a fucking idiot, but I think it's quite true since I can do stupid things at times. XD

Whatever. You're known by B7, you should stay B7 IMO. :::nods:::

Heh, just looking at the most recent page, I saw quite a lot of the mace icons. That I find quite scary.

Yeah, there was quite a string of level 19s in a row before you came in and broke it up, eh? As jonthomson would say, C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

At 9/26/05 08:36 AM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Nice update there, gfox. Glad to see you aren't, ya know...dead. :-)

Yeah, me too. 100 or so miles more to the West and... (gulp) ya never know. But I still doubt it. Might have been a bit too wet and without electricity to do the update last week, though. #;-}>

I'm so close! Hopefully I'll be on the list again next update. I've no excuse not to make it, actually. Just don't go switching it to a 3xPentaList, okay? :-P

And so your hope has come true. And hey, would I do something like that? #;-}>

At 9/26/05 08:45 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: But switching to 3 stats would make it even more elite then ever... do it GFOX do it hahahaha, hell since were at 3 lets go for 4 hahahahahhaha....

If I ever have to switch to 3 stats to avoid not being able to update the list, I will. But it will be a long time off in the future. I would cut down the frequency of the list from once a week to twice a month or even once a month before I would switch from 2x10k to 3x10k. But who knows what the future holds. I've been doing 2x10k for quite some time but not even a year yet. Have patience and we'll see what happens, folks.

At 9/26/05 09:22 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: gosh darn geee wilikers... I got passed on dee list. Oh snap! darn... my gawd.. it's the end of dee world now. oh well, maybe next time. k thx for dee update g to dee fox but now I gots to go to my other job. That would be school. bye!

.... was that some sort of parody of how another poster around here posts or something? Something tells me it might be, but I'm not sure on that. #;-}>

At 9/26/05 06:42 PM, iscRulz wrote: Well lets see here poor gfox lost his last #2 spot. Saves, portal s/ker and total points are #3 for now. Congrats agian to -Myst- on making it.

Yeah, I'm #3 in too many damned things now. ;_; I like silver better than bronze (or gold, for that matter). Such a nice colour and shininess... alas, I've lost all three of my silvers (even the one that used to be gold, my saves that is). The other two were destined to top out at silver and then fall, due to me never being able to realistically pass ramagi in either pentapoints or b/p. But at least I got to sit at the top in saves for a time. Quite a long while, actually. Many months... at the top... in my favourite stat of all time. And that makes me happy, looking back.

24,000 + 36,000 = 60,000 is going to make me even happier. Retirement, here I come (within a week, I'd wager).

At 9/26/05 06:45 PM, PimpMasterKDOG wrote: Pssshhht. It ain't no surprise.

Hey, it was to me. You have been consistently active down there towards the bottom of the pentalist, but I'd never noticed you having a really bang-up week before, at least not to THAT degree. But now it seems you're energised and the top 5 gain slots for the week is going to be seeing a lot of you both now and later, eh? Good job!

At 9/26/05 08:08 PM, ramagi wrote: Glad you were spared, yea RIta fizzled out.

Tell that to the people in her path. She still packed quite a punch. She ended up punching a much less populated area, that's all. All pale in comparison to killers like Camille, Andrew, and Katrina, though.

Yea stuck waiting for Wade to finish, tto get too what he said he would some time back is so much fun. I am sure I will get a few more poitns when He is done, No idea how many. Well I hopping to hold at the current number till he gets to the rest of the list, I liked it beget when I was holdign at 50,001.

Well, I was all set to just put 50,000 for you this week, but then I noticed you went up from 50,005 to 50,007 a couple days ago, and now you're up to 50,018! Are you just getting that many blams by accident, or due to Wade's clearing of the whistled movies? Or did you decide to just get your blams and saves to equal the number you're retiring at (good ol' 3/4 of 100k, right? (wink)) and then you'll get Wade to change 'em to the nice round numbers you really want (like you did at 36,000 points)?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 02:13:36

At 9/27/05 12:18 AM, Rabindarath wrote: Well, I guess a hug is out of the question, then.

Egad, man. Your Bonus impression is uncanny. AND CREEPY. So let's give it a rest, eh wot? Just for a bit, at least....

Yeah, I just write too many grand epics in my posts. Feels like I'm an undergrad again when I get too caught up on some topic. All that dang edu-ma-cation n'such...hee-yuh.

Again with people thinking their posts are long. Come on, now. #;-}>

At 9/27/05 12:26 AM, Rabindarath wrote: Hey, quit sticking these ethical dilemmas in my avaricious stat accumulation/outlet for my budding OCD

I just thought you deserved fair warning before turning your account over to Bonus so he can "post a whole bunch for ya" and yet somehow not get you banned (yeah, right!). #;-}>

At 9/27/05 05:57 PM, MPA wrote: Well since you're all 3's and 6's (favorite numbers wise) gfox, I'm sure you're happy to have another 3 to add to your list, right? (hah) Thanks for the update.

All 3's and 6's? Unless someone passed me in blams without me noticing (which does sometimes happen since I don't monitor my blamrank all that often), I'm all 3's and ONE 5. No sixes, sadly.

#3 in b/p, #3 in saves, #3 on the pentalist...

... and #5 in blams.

Also: #109 in exp (for another month or two, I think... bleh... #111 woulda been much cooler to get stuck at).... #15 in VP... Somewhere between #50 and #100 in BBS poster rank (I gave up tracking it when I stopped posting so much after 8000 posts and got jammed between 8300 and 8600 and my ppd started slipping lower and lower, I've lost like 0.200 in the past few months). And probably somewhere around #100 in review rank, too.

At 9/29/05 02:15 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: I now have two 10,000 stats. I demand an immediate update to the list, just for me, now! gfoxcook, stop enjoying life outside the computer(If you call that living) and put me on the list...now! >:-(


Riiiiiiight. Last time I left work four hours early on a Thursday to rush home and update the pentalist was.... when, exactly? #;-}>

At 9/29/05 03:38 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 9/29/05 03:35 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Haha crazy kids and there demands, oh well whatever the case your on the list and now whats next for the PLH...?
Modship...no matter who I have to kill. >:-)

Forget killing, you better start by not getting yourself banned by existing mods for backseat modding, as you seem to have done. O_o

Good luck staying unbanned once yours ends on 10/04, yo.

At 9/30/05 07:13 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
At 9/29/05 07:12 PM, X-Naut wrote: Last time i missed a deposit was back in 2003 so i guess i will level up in Janurary or so. =)
Thats good, i dont think i have missed a deposit in sometime, but sometimes i may have forgot one or two now and then, hopefully GFOX did that same so that he doesnt overtake me hehehe...

Yeah, I notice you've missed a few, actually. So did Crono-, amazingly. I'm closer to both of you now than I was a year ago.

And BTW, since January of 2003, almost three years ago now... I have only missed two deposits. Two in a row in June of 2004, due to the password-notifying e-mail I sent TheJoe not getting through and my usual password for him not working somehow while I was out of town for a couple of days.

That's about 20 exp missed out of 10000+ exp. So no, I don't miss much exp anymore, sorry to inform ya. #;-}>

At 10/1/05 07:59 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Heh, the last time I missed a deposit was in October 2004, but that was only because I had dial-up and NG wasn't the site I liked the most back then. I ALMOST missed a deposit in May since my friend forgot to deposit for me, but lucky enough, I was able to come on NG and deposit.


BTW gfox, just to let you know, X-Stem got 10000 posts.

Thanks for letting me know, but I was all over that shizzit, yo (translation: Stem has been on the spreadsheet for months).

In general, I've been on top of all 10k posters because there were so few of them... now as the number of people over 5000 posts is spiraling out of control, I may miss some people, so it's good to tell me of those as well. For now, though, I don't think I've let any high-posters slip through my net quite yet. Let me know if I do! #;-}>

At 10/1/05 11:42 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 10/1/05 11:27 PM, ramagi wrote: IF I take 10/1/05-6/23/02 that equals 1196, but since you can deposit the first day you need to add 1 to that to equal 1197 possible deposits.
Awesome! Thanks for the info ramagi. By those calculations I've missed exactly 46 deposits. Not too shabby for an account that's over 3 years old. Funny, the 460 points I missed out on seems like chickenfeed now.

That's because it IS squat, man.

Try 9460 points on for size, which is about how many I've missed out on due to my lack of visiting NG daily from 2000 to 2002. Now... does THAT seem like "chickenfeed?" #;-}>

Anywho, that's all for now. Enjoy the list update this week, all!

Personally, I'll be enjoying the Astros' pitching devouring the Atlanta Braves (unlike 2004, when we had to use our HITTING to defeat them for the first time EVER in the postseason)... Pitching rotation is TIGHT with Pettitte, Clemens, and Oswalt all ready to tear it up on the diamond. BRING ON THE OCTOBER BASEBALL!!! I loves me some playoffs.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 10:11:48

Great update Gfox and congrats to Pure_lionheart for making the list. =)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 10:54:00

Nice update gfox and congrats to Pure for entering the list.

At 10/3/05 02:09 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Whatever. You're known by B7, you should stay B7 IMO. :::nods:::

Or Bahamut or Bahamut7, LOL. Yeah, a lot of people didn't like my other name. I guess they disagreed with it, LOL.

Yeah, there was quite a string of level 19s in a row before you came in and broke it up, eh? As jonthomson would say, C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

jon, I saw him post and havn't seen him on the BBS for a while. Same with DanMalo. He disappeared and made one post recently.

At 10/3/05 02:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: OH NOE!

OH NOE indeed. I would've been stuck with level 11 for an extra day. Heh, that was when my computer got reformatted earlier this year. I dunno why my friend didn't deposit for me that day. He might've just forgot. :S Oh well.

BTW, it should take me around 44 days to be mentioned on the close to 2x10k list and around 75 days until I enter the list. And that will be when I get the baseball bat, which is the level that I want when I get 10k. :)

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 15:18:12

Nice update.

At 10/3/05 07:31 AM, BonusStage wrote: Wylo ... he will burn out right ... i mean i just went up a rank, and i just got another asterisk ... but 2000 points seems like nothing when they gain that many per week :(

Burn out, eh? I was actually thinking of spending more time on NG.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 16:15:56

At 10/1/05 09:36 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Does anyone know the formula for calculating how many deposits you've missed? I know it was posted months ago but I don't have any idea where to find it. If I had to guess I'd say I've missed around 50 to 60 myself.

I do it this way total exp possible- your exp=total missed deposits assume only 10/day

to find total exp possible take total post/PPD x 10 for you its 11980-11530=450 less 20 from profile 10 for newsletters. SO you missed approximately 410 exp. I see a difference in ramagi total so its from the ppd not being accurate or something else I think its fast and gets the amount close enough.

At 10/3/05 02:09 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Yeah, I'm #3 in too many damned things now. ;_; I like silver better than bronze (or gold, for that matter). Such a nice colour and shininess... alas, I've lost all three of my silvers (even the one that used to be gold, my saves that is). The other two were destined to top out at silver and then fall, due to me never being able to realistically pass ramagi in either pentapoints or b/p. But at least I got to sit at the top in saves for a time. Quite a long while, actually. Many months... at the top... in my favourite stat of all time. And that makes me happy, looking back.

Well at least your ranked that high 3rd in any stat is really great compare to the total poppulation. Getting passed ramagi in b/p and total would be too hard but possible if you posted alot and got 150 b/p pace and such. I remember the save streak you had when it ended in the inactive top 50 protector thread.

24,000 + 36,000 = 60,000 is going to make me even happier. Retirement, here I come (within a week, I'd wager).

I guess about a week. Your son should get some saves on daily2oons day and blams to 360.

At 10/3/05 10:11 AM, X-Naut wrote: Great update Gfox and congrats to Pure_lionheart for making the list. =)

and bonus and leeboy on tripleness.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 20:36:04

I used to gain 700-800 blam/protect pts + 70 exp pts per week (when I wasn't double-listed) and now I only earn 400 pts per week.

Am I slowly becoming inactive?

Oh well.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-03 21:06:41

At 10/3/05 02:09 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Well, I was all set to just put 50,000 for you this week, but then I noticed you went up from 50,005 to 50,007 a couple days ago, and now you're up to 50,018! Are you just getting that many blams by accident, or due to Wade's clearing of the whistled movies? Or did you decide to just get your blams and saves to equal the number you're retiring at (good ol' 3/4 of 100k, right? (wink)) and then you'll get Wade to change 'em to the nice round numbers you really want (like you did at 36,000 points)?

Well If you looked that the sumitted and how many blammed there was like a 12 difference the other day. Wade hacked at that list I got two, then the took a nice big chuck out and I jumped to 18. I need to ask Wade if he is done, I have saves on hold to till I make sure that he is done. Yea the object is to have the numbers reset when he is done.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-04 12:53:51

I'm always talked about more when I'm banned. I wouldn't be suprised if there were something scientific to it.

It's good to be on the list. Nice update of course gfox. And I'm not even in last place on it, which I was sure would happen. Neato!

At 10/3/05 01:46 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So anyway, back to the list. Welcome to Pure, who sadly is banned until tomorrow and can't reply until Tuesday to his own doublelistedness being put up on the official list, though he already celebrated enough in here, methinks, when he actually hit that second 10k stat, eh? #;-}> Also, congrats to leeboy and Bonus for getting to triplelistedness! 3x10k for teh win!

Having fun talkin' about me and my banness, eh? ;-)

Me + Back on the list = Rockin'!

At 10/3/05 02:09 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Yeah, me too. 100 or so miles more to the West and... (gulp) ya never know. But I still doubt it. Might have been a bit too wet and without electricity to do the update last week, though. #;-}>

Excuses excuses. :-P

And so your hope has come true. And hey, would I do something like that? #;-}>

Dreams do come true. You just have to...believe.
And yeah, you did it last time, remember? #;-}>

At 10/3/05 02:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Riiiiiiight. Last time I left work four hours early on a Thursday to rush home and update the pentalist was.... when, exactly? #;-}>

Hey, I know my rights! I pay my taxes! >:-(

Forget killing, you better start by not getting yourself banned by existing mods for backseat modding, as you seem to have done. O_o

Good luck staying unbanned once yours ends on 10/04, yo.

Hahaha, you're having quite a bit of fun with me on this, aren't ya? XD

At 10/3/05 10:11 AM, X-Naut wrote: Great update Gfox and congrats to Pure_lionheart for making the list. =)

Thankies. It feels so good...and so right. :-)

At 10/3/05 10:54 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Nice update gfox and congrats to Pure for entering the list.

Thanks yo.

At 10/3/05 08:36 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Am I slowly becoming inactive?

Oh well.

Yes you are, you black nazi. :-)

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-04 15:04:19

At 9/29/05 02:15 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: I now have two 10,000 stats. I demand an immediate update to the list, just for me, now! gfoxcook, stop enjoying life outside the computer(If you call that living) and put me on the list...now! >:-(


Hey congrats! But you can go fuck yourself for the update! XD

No, seriously, congratulation ;)

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-04 19:13:43

At 10/4/05 03:04 PM, -Myst- wrote: Hey congrats! But you can go fuck yourself for the update! XD

I'm hurt, I truly am. :-(

No, seriously, congratulation ;)

*Cheers up* Thanks. ^_^

At 10/4/05 05:40 PM, -Gooch- wrote: I'd like to gain entry into your fine establishment, please. . .

Another week with a new entry is on it's way, I see. Congrats there, Gooch.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-06 02:43:31

At 10/4/05 06:30 PM, -Canas- wrote:
But once you level up, you get the wife-beater icon.

I guess we'll both be sitting with shitty icons for a bit.

Indeed but i can't wait for my barbarian weapons. >:)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-06 14:52:03

in what page is the last ranking page,so i cant check it out

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-06 14:58:32

At 10/6/05 02:52 PM, RemRulzz wrote: in what page is the last ranking page,so i cant check it out

Its not hosted on Newgrounds. Its here

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-06 16:00:05

*looks at gfox's profile*

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 35,996 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 24,000 quality entries.

24000 saves already, eh? Congrats. Just a few more blams and your main account will retire from b/p'ing. Heh, I think it was in July when you mentioned about your b/p retirement and you're now there. I see it took a while to get there.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-06 18:14:42

At 10/6/05 04:00 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: 24000 saves already, eh? Congrats. Just a few more blams and your main account will retire from b/p'ing. Heh, I think it was in July when you mentioned about your b/p retirement and you're now there. I see it took a while to get there.

This is going to be one of the saddest days in NewGrounds history. Of course, the more higher-ups that retire, the more incentive I have to keep going on B/Ping after I hit EGSC. >:-)

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-07 01:45:02

At 10/6/05 04:00 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: *looks at gfox's profile*

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 35,996 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 24,000 quality entries.

24000 saves already, eh? Congrats. Just a few more blams and your main account will retire from b/p'ing. Heh, I think it was in July when you mentioned about your b/p retirement and you're now there. I see it took a while to get there.

Tis sad to see such a great B/P veteran as gfox to retire but he did an excellent job and he will be remembered after every blam and every save we make. =)

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-07 10:40:02

At 10/6/05 06:14 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: This is going to be one of the saddest days in NewGrounds history. Of course, the more higher-ups that retire, the more incentive I have to keep going on B/Ping after I hit EGSC. >:-)

True, but there's his gfoxclock account I think he wants to work on b/p with.

At 10/7/05 01:45 AM, X-Naut wrote: Tis sad to see such a great B/P veteran as gfox to retire but he did an excellent job and he will be remembered after every blam and every save we make. =)

Ah yes, third highest B/Per and will be the third to reach 60000 B/P. Another thing I find quite disappointing is seeing ramagi becoming inactive on B/P. With here recent lack of blamming, she is no longer number 1 for blamming, but MPA takes that number 1 spot now.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-07 23:55:51

At 10/7/05 10:40 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: True, but there's his gfoxclock account I think he wants to work on b/p with.

How does one "rank up"?

Somehow it seems like I once knew how to do so...

... but those memories now seem... like they were from another lifetime.

[And so, the torch is passed]

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2005-10-08 00:09:21

At 10/7/05 11:55 PM, gfoxclock wrote: How does one "rank up"?

Somehow it seems like I once knew how to do so...

... but those memories now seem... like they were from another lifetime.

The memories shall soon rekindle, my friend. Soon...you will remember.

[And so, the torch is passed]

You know you're two points over 24,000 Saves, right? :-/

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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