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Castle Crashers Collab

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Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 00:00:58

I decided to take this before anyone else. Basically, you make an animation about Castle Crashers. I have a good enough BA, mind you. We will use some music found in Castle Crashers. I will make the menu.

Frame Rate: 20 FPS
Document Size: 550 x 400
Background Colour: Doesn't really matter. I can make it so that the bg is retained for all parts.
Length: Anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds.
You can use dialogue and sound effects, because there are no lyrics. If you use symbols, put your first three letters of your profile in front.
BIOS: Make sure to put in your username, website or userpage, any weird info for body, picture of you in Castle Crashers form, and why you like Castle Crashers.

Other stuff: Try to keep this teen rated so everyone can watch it. No groups or sticks. No sprites, unless they are awesome homemade ones. Only send the fla. to me if I accept it. Otherwise post the swf for all to see. Post a lot. I want this to be finished by October, but if not, I will extend the date. I will co-author the best. The best parts will get in, but not crap. Have fun, and animate.

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 06:39:57

This sounds awesome. I'll get to work right away. Can I add blood into it or something? or don't you want anything like that. Just "checkin" :D

BBS Signature

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 08:23:59

Yeah, I'm in.
Has this been done before? Just wondering, 'cos there's no point in beating a dead horse. Tonnes of Castle Crashers stuff out there.

But I'll join.
Mainly because I want to draw myself in Castle Crashers form for the bio, LOL.

My Art Thread! || Flash Reg Lounge! || CTSG Collab! :'( //

"And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun, for the people who are still alive..."

BBS Signature

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 09:58:08

At 9/12/08 08:23 AM, xTOXICxEMPIRE wrote: Yeah, I'm in.
Has this been done before? Just wondering, 'cos there's no point in beating a dead horse. Tonnes of Castle Crashers stuff out there.

I don't think it has ever been done?

Heres what i can do (looks dodgy coz its a JPEG)
Tryed drawing the castle crasher dude. Its actually not as easy as it would seem. Anyway it'll never be as good as tom's. Here it is.

Castle Crashers Collab

BBS Signature

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 10:01:07

At 9/12/08 09:58 AM, JKAmovies wrote:
At 9/12/08 08:23 AM, xTOXICxEMPIRE wrote: Yeah, I'm in.
Has this been done before? Just wondering, 'cos there's no point in beating a dead horse. Tonnes of Castle Crashers stuff out there.
I don't think it has ever been done?

you are not allowed on this collab on grounds of not knowing that Dan paladin does all the art and tom is a programmer...

BBS Signature

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 10:42:59

DAMN IT!! whatever Im a little busy with other stuff any way.

BBS Signature

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 11:47:24

I am sure that there was not another, and this will not beat on a dead horse. We'll beat on a live horse. Lol. Anyway, pretty good drawing. The problem is that you thought Tom made it, but you are still in the collab.

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 12:15:39

At 9/12/08 11:47 AM, xxflareknightxx wrote: I am sure that there was not another, and this will not beat on a dead horse. We'll beat on a live horse.

But, there are no beating off any horses, live or dead?

Fuck this thread.

BBS Signature

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 12:20:53

At 9/12/08 12:15 PM, DashDingo wrote:
At 9/12/08 11:47 AM, xxflareknightxx wrote: I am sure that there was not another, and this will not beat on a dead horse. We'll beat on a live horse.
But, there are no beating off any horses, live or dead?

Fuck this thread.

It was just a joke. Cool off. Don't get your panties in a bunch, I was just kidding. Take a chill pill.

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 16:31:56

im so in
ive been trying to do somthing castle crashers for a while but can enver make it long enough
so, this solves it =D

Snipers get more head

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 16:32:15

Anyone working on their parts? I am getting there. I will ask a few others if they want to join that I know.

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 16:55:59

can there be swearing in the film

Snipers get more head

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 17:26:00

There can be blood and swearing, but not so much that it would be rated mature. So you cant drop f-bombs every sentence. Also, no people just exploding with blood.

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 17:59:17

but i can drop the f-bomb, correct

example: whoa! look at the big f**k you fire balls

Snipers get more head

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 18:05:46

At 9/12/08 05:59 PM, jds74 wrote: but i can drop the f-bomb, correct

example: whoa! look at the big f**k you fire balls

Yes, but not to an extent that is stupid and crazy like f you you piece of fing shi with fing pie on to or something. Like I said, I want to make it so it goes to a teen rating.

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 18:25:33

ok my script should be fine then
ill have mine ready by...tomorrow, if not the day after

Snipers get more head

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 18:33:12

Hey, sounds cool. Think ill join. Can you pm me email so i can send to you?

U smells :3...

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 19:04:56

does any one have a picture of the dragon puppet thing where u get the wheel?
i forget what it looks like and my xbox just got the RRoD

Snipers get more head

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 19:24:02

People want my email, here it is. xxflareknightxx@gmail.com. Also, for jds, here is the picture of the dragon sock puppet. http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/120908/5 8891_dragon.png

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 19:45:08

im actually almost done and might give it to u tonight...

Snipers get more head

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 20:04:51

Just as i could keep on doing this collab. My computer just stuff's up. it deleted all my progress while doing this collab last night. I might re make it but when it just stuffs like that i dunno. Do you want help or something doing credits/menu coz i don't really mind doing something like that?

BBS Signature

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 20:05:32

Hey guys I might join this cuz i got nothing else to do so....yeah. I'm not sure yet but I might. I am preety good at drawing CC things check it out.

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 21:13:13

so your gonna put in some sort of backround music, correct?

Snipers get more head

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 22:05:27

i was waiting for someone to make this...can i join if possible?


Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 22:15:21

As I described in the first post, there is background music. Ager, make the characters look more like Castle Crashers and have different colors, and a more Castle Crashers background. Everyone's in, except your parts might not be in. Just post it and if it's good it's in. And my part is finished. http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/120908/6 9328_castle_crash1.php

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 22:37:35

wait nvm i cant join to many collab parts im working on already :)


Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-12 22:43:47

Too bad. Any comments on my part?

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-13 12:10:17

I think I'm going to bump this. We need more people please. C'mon castle crashers.

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-13 13:41:59

i'm almost done,
ill try and get some ppl i know to join

Snipers get more head

Response to Castle Crashers Collab 2008-09-13 18:23:01

I'm in. I'll see what I can do! I've always thought there should be a castle crashers collab. They have an awesome design!