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video game flops.

1,380 Views | 18 Replies

video game flops. 2001-07-08 18:21:31

how many video game flops can you remember? In the short years I've lived, I've seen many consoles and games flop. To name a few, the 3D0, the neo geo, most of sega's add ons (32X, CDX, nomad, CD), the Atari Lynx, NEC Turbo Express, Game Gear, NEC TurboDuo, Philips CD-I, Atari Jaguar, Virtual Boy and the Saturn to name a few. Will the Xbox be a new addition? It is by an outside company (microsoft) and it seems the us market hates to see change among it's consoles. It seems the only companies who have been in the market are nintendo, sega and sony. I was surprised how fast the PS became popular, I actually predicted it was going to be a flop... I figured the Saturn actually had a chance against nintendo.

I remember how the Atari Jaguar was said to be the next big thing. Did anyone actually buy that thing? I remember when they had commericials for it. They were selling it for under 100 dollars, I knew then that theu were desperate. What causes this? What causes people to just neglect otherwise good games. Here are some reason I think some systems and games are flops.

1. Bad commercials and publicity.
2. People have bad taste. Or are just stupid.
3. Too pricey.

Has anyone bought the neglected systems I mentioned above? Were there any good games for it? Please answer me for the love of god.

I'm sad that SNK supposedly stopped porting their games to the US. Metal Slug and the kof series are great... SNK and Capcom seem to be the only ones interested in making 2d games anymore. Sigh. Well, answer my questions please.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 18:31:11

Two words - Blue Stinger.
Nomad was a FANTASTIC hand held system. No advertising, though.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 19:08:08

Halo looks like its going to dissapoint a few. Its all my friends talk about. They've been hyping it for 2 years and from what I've seen its satifactory at best. I'm not saying its gonna suck or that XBOX sucks, just be warned.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 19:13:29

I picked up a second hand Saturn about a year ago for £25 (about $33) and got a shit load of games for £5 each, there are a lot of good games on it: Nights (controller looks almost the same as DC), Fighting Vipers, Sega Rally, Panzer Dragoon Saga.... I'm glad it flopped, I'd never have bought one otherwise, not that I ever play it. I also bought an ill fated Amiga CD32 when it came out (anyone remember those?), that was a bad move, no good games, shit controller and expensive.

BBS Signature

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 20:29:49

At 7/8/01 07:13 PM, Eggatron wrote: I also bought an ill fated Amiga CD32 when it came out (anyone remember those?), that was a bad move, no good games, shit controller and expensive.

Are you saying Dangerous Streets wasn't the greatest game ever??? And that being able to play direct amiga ports, occasionally with a new intro, wasn't worth buying a new console even when you owned an amiga???

You've made me think of how much I still miss Amiga Power now. You swine.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 20:46:35

At 7/8/01 08:29 PM, Jonny_Alpha wrote: Are you saying Dangerous Streets wasn't the greatest game ever??? And that being able to play direct amiga ports, occasionally with a new intro, wasn't worth buying a new console even when you owned an amiga???

You've made me think of how much I still miss Amiga Power now. You swine.

Dangerous streets, oh....that was baaaaaaaaad. I did like the tower assault intro though, it was cool (for the time). I miss AP too :(

BBS Signature

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 21:01:13

I was too poor to fuck around with game consoles.

I spent my youth working outside with bikes, guns and anything generally destructive.

Unfortunately, the cops put an end to my mischief. They found the winching catapult I had constructed with a group of friends and demolished it. It only had a range of 800m with a 15kg projectile.

Though, you did remind me of something... The turbografx 16 or something....


video game flops.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 21:24:33

I have a Game Gear, the thing eats batteries like they were french fries. I can't remember if this was a flop, but it was a piece of crap. I'm thinking of Treasure Master, for the NES. There was a massive contest where you got a password on a specific day (I think in April 1991 or something) and you had to beat the game during the day and call in, and you could win some great stuff. It's too bad that the people behind the concept didn't make the game remotely as good as the concept, as the game was a piece of crap. It was impossible to get past the first level, let alone beat!

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 21:27:59

Hmm, i picked up a nomad out of that bunch, already had a good sorce of games (like 40 gensis games) and i had 200 surplus batterys... actually i stole them from radioshack, idiots left a entire cardboard box of them infront of there store haha!

I also got all the addons for the Genisis. they were good damn it! i remember when i got sega cd, man those were some good times! last time i saw my sega cd, i threw it at my old friend Chris, he wouldnt shut the hell up about his dead dog.

Uh... the other systems... i used the money i would have wasted on them on lighters and hairspray, i like to burn things and hurt my peers

video game flops.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 21:33:47

At 7/8/01 09:27 PM, Hellbent_Gravelord wrote: Hmm, i picked up a nomad out of that bunch, already had a good sorce of games (like 40 gensis games) and i had 200 surplus batterys... actually i stole them from radioshack, idiots left a entire cardboard box of them infront of there store haha!

I also got all the addons for the Genisis. they were good damn it! i remember when i got sega cd, man those were some good times! last time i saw my sega cd, i threw it at my old friend Chris, he wouldnt shut the hell up about his dead dog.

Uh... the other systems... i used the money i would have wasted on them on lighters and hairspray, i like to burn things and hurt my peers

Meh, i never really used batteries for Nomad. I mainly used it as a very portable Genesis. However, i couldn't get enough good genesis games, and back when i had one, sonic games were too expensive (Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic 3D were still $30 each), so i sold it. I still have a genesis, though. I hook it up every once in a while to play Beyond Oasis. Now there's a classic. Better than the SNES Zelda.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 21:34:58

any one of the final fantasys after 7

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 21:47:24

At 7/8/01 09:34 PM, Deadscepter wrote: any one of the final fantasys after 7

I don't know... 9 wasn't too bad... It was just a blatant rehash of the other games. I wouldn't be surprised if the movie massively sucks, though.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 22:12:22

At 7/8/01 09:47 PM, JLove1982 wrote:
At 7/8/01 09:34 PM, Deadscepter wrote: any one of the final fantasys after 7
I don't know... 9 wasn't too bad... It was just a blatant rehash of the other games. I wouldn't be surprised if the movie massively sucks, though.

I dunno, 8 wasn't really that bad. It got a bad rep and all, but if you don't really focus on the game in it's entirety, it wasn't that bad. Some things were just fucked up, like "Well, i guess the GFs we were using made us all forget, and we never realized it.", and "Yes, we all went to the same orphanage, and now the evil sorceress we are trying to destroy has reincarnated herself in the body of our old Nanny!", "You see, monsters row on the moon, and every once in a while they come down to earth to piss us off. Since we've gotten too happy, they've decided to all come at once.", "Wow, i can't believe you're the person I've already fallen in love with in every past life i've had, even though we always looked exactly the same, and i always had the same name" (oh, nevermind. that was Xenogears.), and "Well, i guess the lost city *could* be on that giant continent that has at least a third of our world's land with the giant force field surrounding it that no one has ever gone to or come from, even though there's a bridge to it that even has people living on it." Still, the SEED concept was cool, the empress was cool (until you actually learned info about her), and the whole Squall actually admitting he loves Riona concept was good, even though i'd rather he went with Quistis. I'm a hopeless romantic, so sue me. I like RPGs with love stories. (no, Killjesus, i don't want your opinion on love stories) The magic system odd, but still new and original. FFIX had a ripoff of FFVI. FFVII had an original one, but that's because it's one of the 3 greatest RPGs of all time (FFVII, Chronotrigger, and Legend of Mana) So all in all, FFVIII may not have been the best of the Final Fantasy series, but it sure beat the hell out of non-Square RPGs. So there.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-08 23:51:04

Speaking of flops... You guy hear about Final Fantasy Chronicles? 90% of the cds don't work for all three PSX, PSone, and PS2!

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-09 01:32:13

At 7/8/01 11:51 PM, Wall wrote: Speaking of flops... You guy hear about Final Fantasy Chronicles? 90% of the cds don't work for all three PSX, PSone, and PS2!

Yes I did hear about that. Supposedly the final fantasy game doesn't work, but the chrono trigger game did work... I wish square chose a different animator for the cutscenes. I'm sorry, I just cannot deal with that DBZ-Esque character art. :(

One of the posters mentioned a turbo-grafx 16... there was one good game I could remember and that was splatterhouse. that was a good side scroller. I liked the boss with the two chainsaws grafted to his hands and a paper bag over his head. what a great game.

I never bought a sega nomad and hardly any of the add ons... Is there any 32X games that were good? Someone also mentioned Beyond Oasis. I'd have to agree that was a good game (although I hate how your weapons can break). Other good games for the genesis were the shining force series and land stalker. Pick 'em up if you can. I love old games. I wish I hadn't missed out on so many games when I was younger and obsessed with mortal kombat and shitty games like that.

Eggatron said he has a sega saturn. I hardly play mine anymore but I like some games on it. Namely Albert's Odysee, Dark Wizard and Fighters Megamix.

Thanks for all your thoughts people. Glad to see I can have a conversation with SOME of you.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-09 12:28:47

At 7/8/01 06:21 PM, kaiser_tritoch wrote: how many video game flops can you remember? In the short years I've lived, I've seen many consoles and games flop. To name a few, the 3D0, the neo geo, most of sega's add ons (32X, CDX, nomad, CD), the Atari Lynx, NEC Turbo Express, Game Gear, NEC TurboDuo, Philips CD-I, Atari Jaguar, Virtual Boy and the Saturn to name a few. Will the Xbox be a new addition? It is by an outside company (microsoft) and it seems the us market hates to see change among it's consoles. It seems the only companies who have been in the market are nintendo, sega and sony. I was surprised how fast the PS became popular, I actually predicted it was going to be a flop... I figured the Saturn actually had a chance against nintendo. (snip)

Personally, I think that you should add the Nintendo 64 into the pile of flop systems. There was almost no support from the big companies, and with a few exceptions most of the games were truely horrible. I'm thinking that GameCube is going to go just as badly...


Response to video game flops. 2001-07-09 12:36:10

At 7/8/01 07:13 PM, Eggatron wrote: I picked up a second hand Saturn about a year ago for £25 (about $33) and got a shit load of games for £5 each, there are a lot of good games on it: Nights (controller looks almost the same as DC), Fighting Vipers, Sega Rally, Panzer Dragoon Saga.... I'm glad it flopped, I'd never have bought one otherwise, not that I ever play it. I also bought an ill fated Amiga CD32 when it came out (anyone remember those?), that was a bad move, no good games, shit controller and expensive.

I got one too. The US games I got were ok. But the imports I got (all Japanese) are great! Like Fire Pro Wrestling 6 Man Scramble, pure gold.

video game flops.

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-11 21:53:10

At 7/9/01 12:28 PM, Septimus wrote:
At 7/8/01 06:21 PM, kaiser_tritoch wrote: how many video game flops can you remember? In the short years I've lived, I've seen many consoles and games flop. To name a few, the 3D0, the neo geo, most of sega's add ons (32X, CDX, nomad, CD), the Atari Lynx, NEC Turbo Express, Game Gear, NEC TurboDuo, Philips CD-I, Atari Jaguar, Virtual Boy and the Saturn to name a few. Will the Xbox be a new addition? It is by an outside company (microsoft) and it seems the us market hates to see change among it's consoles. It seems the only companies who have been in the market are nintendo, sega and sony. I was surprised how fast the PS became popular, I actually predicted it was going to be a flop... I figured the Saturn actually had a chance against nintendo. (snip)
Personally, I think that you should add the Nintendo 64 into the pile of flop systems. There was almost no support from the big companies, and with a few exceptions most of the games were truely horrible. I'm thinking that GameCube is going to go just as badly...


Septimus, you are very right. I was one of the unfortunate souls to buy the nintendo 64. The system's games consist of platformers and sports games I wouldn't lay a finger on. I think I have a total of 3 games. One, Goldeneye. Two, Banjo Kazooie. Three, Banjo Tooie. Is it a coincidence that they are all rare games? No. They are the only company who actually made good games for that horrible system. Do you think that the Gamecube will be the next flop? I really have no opinion on that because I am totally ignorant when it comes to newer games and systems. It seems 2d games are a thing of the past and with the birth of all these high end 3d systems, that conclusion is very true. There are three companies I have in mind who still have the balls to make 2d games... And that would be capcom, square and enix. Enix recently made a great but underated rpg called Valkyrie Profile.

One thing that I am glad to see in the gaming market is the add-ons. They seem to have gone extinct. I think all the other companies saw that Sega made a mistake with all that crap. Ask yourself... How many people subscribed to the Sega Channel? Or bought a 32X? The modem and keyboard for the modem in the Sega Saturn? Well? Exactly. Nintendo actually wasted a lot of money by making addons for the nintendo 64 and eventually dropping them because (I'd assume) that the N64 wasn't selling as much as they'd expected.

Who honestly knows?

Response to video game flops. 2001-07-11 22:23:10

Septimus, you are very right. I was one of the unfortunate souls to buy the nintendo 64.

I'm just glad mine was stolen and that I got to use the insurence to buy a playstation.

video game flops.