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Crimes Against Nature

1,699 Views | 41 Replies

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:13:45

At 7/24/08 05:18 AM, JackPhantasm wrote:
At 7/24/08 04:01 AM, InsertFunnyUserName wrote:
Because they don't have the capability to understand and give informed consent.
Who defines this? People.

Who commits the "crime?" People.

See the connection?

See the thought that screams, "you'll never know?"

True Jack.

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:20:31

At 7/23/08 11:51 PM, InsertFunnyUserName wrote:
Well, how else would she teach the dog to have sex with her?

They have sex with: puppets, chairs, legs, babies, sofas.

Anything they can hump, they WILL hump. I don't think you need much training to make a dog want to fuck you.

And I don't even know much about animal training but it works with REWARDS, not punishments. Animals are REWARDED when they do something you want them to. When you try to make a dog learn a trick, you don't beat him up until he does it, you give him a treat when he does.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:31:38

Animals can't consent, but who cares; they don't consent to any of the shit we do to them. Are you guys proposing we stop doing anything to animals until we discover some neurological way to understand their desires and aversions, or is it just this particular instance of 'using' an animal is more distasteful to you than any of the myriad of other ways we use animals without their consent?

Like, I'm pretty sure if the dogs had any way of communicating, they'd say they'd rather fuck some woman than get killed by some Korean or tested on by Neutrogena.

I really think that aversions to bestiality are just like aversions to other fetishes; however for bestiality and necrophilia some bogus ethical excuses to condemn are haphazardly stapled on top. If there's any evidence of harm, then maybe the dogs were mistreated, but I would be really inclined to think they weren't, and the extent of their mistreatment was putting their cock in human pussy. Which is pretty insignificant, for a dog. They'll fuck anything.

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:33:00

I wonder if me and earfetish disagree on one thing.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:34:58

At 7/23/08 03:07 PM, JackPhantasm wrote:
At 7/23/08 03:04 PM, poxpower wrote: It's when you do something a hippy thinks you shouldn't do.
That's like EVERYTHING maaaan.

With the exception of cutting down trees and mashing them into pulp then pressing the pulp into paper and then cutting down other plants and grinding them up and rolling them up in your tree paper and lighting the whole thing on fire.


Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:37:03

At 7/24/08 12:33 PM, poxpower wrote: I wonder if me and earfetish disagree on one thing.

You don't believe in the ZOG.

Actually you're not a vegetarian. I'm that worrying kind of vegetarian who is pro-animal fucking.

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:39:39

It would only be a crime against nature if the woman actually gave birth to a half-breed human/canine, but I think their is something in our biology that stops extreme cross-breeding like this. The only way to do it would be some genetic engineering. But using that science for anything other than positive applications is banned in all shapes and forms, hell even the good side of genetics finds it hard to see the light of day.

Their was a great documentery on UK Channel 4 two years ago that went into it. I cant find a link. But if any of you get the chance to watch it. They had all sorts even pigs that glowed in the dark, some kind of super mase that could feed millions but is not allowed to be grown, cows being used as white blood-cell farms all sorts. But only legal genetically engineered pets you can buy so far is glow-in-the-dark goldfish. Which rock :)

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Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:51:36

At 7/24/08 12:37 PM, Earfetish wrote:
Actually you're not a vegetarian. I'm that worrying kind of vegetarian who is pro-animal fucking.

It's hard to give up meat. We all know we eat way way too much meat but that shit is TASTY.
I feel bad though when I think about animals being tortured and killed : (
Especially fish. Man it's fucked up what we do to fish.


BBS Signature

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:51:55

At 7/24/08 12:33 PM, poxpower wrote: I wonder if me and earfetish disagree on one thing.

Anyway it's just because we're right. We've been blessed with the ability to look at issues sensibly. I was raised to ask questions and now I question everything, especially social norms. Like 99% of the populace would condemn bestiality but I really reckon they've got shitty reasons beyond that it's a social norm not to fuck animals.

In regards to the dog's mental capacity in comparison to a retarded child, the child will eventually care that some old woman molested it, the dog wouldn't. Molesting a stroke victim or someone in a coma would be a better comparison, since no-one will be upset by it, but that's more of an issue of respect for humanity and for the victim, and such respect is hard to translate to animals. Although now I think of it, I can't think of any watertight moral case for not fondling someone who wont notice it and is going to die before they do.

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 12:57:53

At 7/24/08 12:51 PM, Earfetish wrote:

In regards to the dog's mental capacity in comparison to a retarded child, the child will eventually care that some old woman molested it

See I don't know about that.
Kids play doctor all the time anyways, and retard kids too. I don't get why it's so inconceivable that a kid would have fun fucking. I don't buy that it's instantly traumatizing. That's bullshit. They push those feelings on people, telling them "oh that happened to you, THAT'S WRONG, YOU SHOULD BE SO SCARED AND APPAULED AND ASHAMED AND ANGRY" and you hear that for 20 years and there's no way you won't believe it.

I mean, kids can consent to something like that easy as long as they do it with someone they trust and love. So what if they don't like it? They don't have to do it twice. I mean what's the big deal anyways? What's going to happen? He'll have a weird sex life?
Newsflash: the vast majority of people have either no sex life, a shitty sex life or a weird one.

And this is not to excuse the absolute shitbags who go out of their way to rape and abuse kids and force them into sex. THAT IS FUCKED UP. Those people truly are shitstains.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 13:07:48

At 7/24/08 12:57 PM, poxpower wrote: See I don't know about that.

I certainly agree that if the priest grabs your balls, you'll be able to get over it soon enough, even if you're a little kid. I think the whole idea of 'once you're a victim of sexual assault, you're ALWAYS a victim of sexual assault' is very dangerous and has most certainly caused more harm than good. But I'm sure that kids who are being molested by their uncle regularly, and it's 'their little secret', are being harmed by it. But the odd grope by an adult isn't gonna cause any lasting damage.

I've got my own examples but they're TOO DEEPLY REPRESSED. Like there was this little (male) kid who fucking OBSESSED over me when I was in Boys Brigade when I was like 9 or 10 and he'd always try and feel my balls. And my brother's old guitar teacher was a weirdo whose weird behaviour stopped him from taking lessons. And my dad went to a Christian Brother's high school and recalls the priests being far worse than my brother's old guitar teacher. But you get over it, you see it for what it is, until some therapist tells you otherwise. The 'cult of victimhood' for victims of abuse is very bad indeed.

But then none of these stories are similar to what that poor dog had to go through. It'll never get laid now, it'll never have the confidence to approach other dogs, and then it wont be able to keep it up because it'll always be thinking of those nightmarish days in that house with that woman.

Response to Crimes Against Nature 2008-07-24 13:28:17

At 7/24/08 01:07 PM, Earfetish wrote:
But I'm sure that kids who are being molested by their uncle regularly, and it's 'their little secret', are being harmed by it.

Yeah definitely, though if the kid got a toy every time, I bet you a million dollars he'd love it and couldn't wait to do it again. Total money abuse haha.

until some therapist tells you otherwise. The 'cult of victimhood' for victims of abuse is very bad indeed.

So you think therapists are full of shit too?
It's so dangerous giving these people SO MUCH POWER over a person's life. You give them the right to say if you're crazy or not? Fuck no.

But then none of these stories are similar to what that poor dog had to go through. It'll never get laid now, it'll never have the confidence to approach other dogs, and then it wont be able to keep it up because it'll always be thinking of those nightmarish days in that house with that woman.


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