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HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:08:02

who here shops at hot topic... I will never shop there again. Seriously. Did you realize that Hot topic is owned by Gap. And this is where im going with this. They just came in with a bunch of shirts that said GAP SUCKS. OMFG WHAT THE HELL IS THAT. GAP OWNS HOT TOPIC.
Thats such a good marketing poly. But its so devious and hypicritical and retarded that I dont feel like shopping there....buncha posers...

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:10:22

Why are you shopping at a GAP owned store in the first place? Just buy some random shirts at mervyns or walmart. Guys don't care about brands. We don't wear abercrombie and bitch or bebe. We just wear shirts.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:11:43

dude gap is lame....=.=...just wear whatever dont whine about clothing brands

Like pears in rain.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:12:34

I wear Hot Topic clothes, no biggie.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:12:43

I just kind of assumed gap owned hot topic. They're trying to cater to both sides of the richkid spectrum.

I could probably find something I like at both stores but I wouldn't sink too much money in any store.

BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:14:54

The one and only thing that I bought from Hot Topic was a 4gg metal spool for me ear. From now on though, I'm just going to have the body piercer down the road make all my stuff.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:15:27

my friends who die their hair alot seem to recogmend hot topic for good dies..so i might stop by there one day..if i'm not to lazy and leave my hair bleached for four months and then cut it off again.

but oh well..i think i have a bunch of stuff from gap, mostly comfy stuff i found when my bro leaves his clothes at the house every couple weeks or so. and how can i resist that giant slolem shirt that has est. 1969 on it? i mean, come on, the skiing aspect, and the '69...and its comfy as hell

my advice: stop bitching you lil shit, it doesn't matter. just wear what ever fits and is comfortable

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

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BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:15:44

Why do you like Mervyns? From what I've gathered it's just a west coast target. Name brands are waaay better. They last longer, and feel more comfortable and usually fit better. The only people that say "I don't care what I look like", are dorks who look ugly so they revert to pretending that wearing crappy clothes will masculate them. Gap clothes are kinda shitty but they have some good stuff, structure has some really nice clothes but I'd much rather spend $25 for a comfortable durable shirt that will last a long time and will look reasonably well than some crappy Hanes Hefty T with a Fast and the Furious silk screen.

Hot topics is the ub3r ghey though. They honestly do have hanes hefty T's that are silkscreen but they cost like $30.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:19:47

I think you missed what he is saying. He is talking about the fact that companies will do anything to make money, even insult - make fun of themselves. On a related topic you think all the anti-corporate music, shirts, and funny little bumper stickers don’t make them or someone money? Hell yes it does or it would be squashed, freedom of speech as long as you buy what we are selling.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:24:47

At 10/17/03 12:15 AM, NGWOAnarchyPenguin wrote: Why do you like Mervyns? From what I've gathered it's just a west coast target. Name brands are waaay better. They last longer, and feel more comfortable and usually fit better. The only people that say "I don't care what I look like", are dorks who look ugly so they revert to pretending that wearing crappy clothes will masculate them.

For some it's the stereotypical I-am-not-a-clone-ism. For some it's just that they don't want to spend $30 on a t-shirt.

I know when I wear name brand stuff I feel like a jackass. I mean that as both a feeling and what I call people who follow trends and fashion and stuff.

Even if they don't mean it, whenever I talk to those in fancy clothing there's always an underlying "I'm better than you" tone that I just don't like.

BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:27:21

I wear whatevers in my closet or just laying around and I am not a lozer for the way I dress or anything people at our school dont giva shit anyway

BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:29:44

At 10/17/03 12:24 AM, Swanky-Tuna wrote:
At 10/17/03 12:15 AM, NGWOAnarchyPenguin wrote: Why do you like Mervyns? From what I've gathered it's just a west coast target. Name brands are waaay better. They last longer, and feel more comfortable and usually fit better. The only people that say "I don't care what I look like", are dorks who look ugly so they revert to pretending that wearing crappy clothes will masculate them.
For some it's the stereotypical I-am-not-a-clone-ism. For some it's just that they don't want to spend $30 on a t-shirt.

That's the whole point. Places like structure don't sell crappy T-shirts. Mervyns or Target sells some crappy T-shirt that looks ugly and feels like a bit cotton towel. You might as well get some free Budwiser T-shirts or something of that nature. I have a bunch of those but I never wear them. I much perfer the shirts that I've bought from Guess, Structure, REI, and Gap, though I bought them all at least on 40% or more sale.

I know when I wear name brand stuff I feel like a jackass. I mean that as both a feeling and what I call people who follow trends and fashion and stuff.

I don't wear labeled clothes, and I don't pay attention to trends. Purposely avoiding trends is no diffrent than actively partaking in them.

Even if they don't mean it, whenever I talk to those in fancy clothing there's always an underlying "I'm better than you" tone that I just don't like.

That sounds like you're creating a submissive role for yourself based on your insecurites and perception of others.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:30:48

I have some Hot topic shirts myself but CrazyShirts rule all

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:30:56

At 10/17/03 12:24 AM, Swanky-Tuna wrote:

The whole point of name brands is to show how much money you have and are willing to spend. It is not like if you get in a plane accident one will turn into a parachute, there is no damn use to them besides saying 'look I am an asshole with to much money.'

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 00:51:40

At 10/17/03 12:29 AM, NGWOAnarchyPenguin wrote:
feels like a bit cotton towel. You might as well get some free Budwiser T-shirts or something of that nature.

I like cotton towels... the Buswiser thing I can understand. That's just cheesey.

Purposely avoiding trends is no diffrent than actively partaking in them.

That depends on how you avoid them. If you point out that you avoid trends then yeah, that's bad.

I try not to partake of trends but if I happen to be caught in one I try to lie low with that if I can. The dreadlock trend I just had to ride out.

That sounds like you're creating a submissive role for yourself based on your insecurites and perception of others.

Nah, these people I speak of are highschool kids and they actually are full of themselves. In "the real world" I assume things'll be different. That and I don't like people.

BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 01:18:12

I dunno...I think they are gonna have to be my last resort for pants. I'm down to three worn-the-hell-out BullHead Monster Pipes. They don't sell bad ass jeans like that no more at Pac Sun :( .
But I did manage to buy my shiny pleather pants there, you know for my Crow costume for halloween. I swear I'm not gonna wear em anytime else, I have no desire to go out moonlighting as a lost Village People guy.
Tapered jeans are for cowboys and wierdos.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 02:32:42

At 10/17/03 12:30 AM, sirevil wrote: I have some Hot topic shirts myself but CrazyShirts rule all

Footlocker pwns you

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 03:27:23

At 10/17/03 01:18 AM, blue_bomber_69 wrote: I dunno...I think they are gonna have to be my last resort for pants. I'm down to three worn-the-hell-out BullHead Monster Pipes. They don't sell bad ass jeans like that no more at Pac Sun :( .

Ok, that I will give them. I almost never see a pair of faded jeans in a Hot Topic. Maybe I will go back and shop there though, I mean, it really was my fault for going in there looking for jewelary anyway when I could of waited a week longer and gotten better stuff from the net...

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 03:33:00

I buy clothes from Hot Topic when I see something I like. I'm not one of those "OMG!!!!! I HAVE TO HAVE AN ENTIRE HOT TOPIC WARDROBE!!!!!" retards.

If your worried about GAP owning Hot Topic, then your just pathetic. I don't care who makes my clothes or owns the store thier in as long as I like what I'm wearing.

And theres no shame at shopping at Wal-Mart, thats where I get all my plain T-shirts.

"As I'm sure you're aware it is full of silhouettes of girls. The one on the M looks like she has a dick, just saiyan." -Shade-

BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 03:35:23

At 10/17/03 02:32 AM, Deleted wrote:
Footlocker pwns you

its not everyday you can buy a shirt thats ment to smell like Hemp

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 03:40:12

Nothing wrong with your topic but could your refrain from making topics in all caps for poor reasons?

I've never been to a 'Hot Topic' store... perhaps I'm glad they don't have them in Canada?

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 03:46:52

i have a friend that only buys designer clothes, like abercrombie and something, versace, you know that kind of shit, well, this would be normal if he were a she, fukin fagot, you know, he scares me sometimes.

he always gets like $800.00 for shopping during vacations, i have no idea who gives it to him, but he only goes for around 2 days and comes back w/ absolutly NO money left.

Apologies aren't what I look for. Redemption is what I want!

Look at my profile to see a true cockhead! DO IT NOW!

BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 03:48:40

At 10/17/03 03:35 AM, sirevil wrote:
its not everyday you can buy a shirt thats ment to smell like Hemp

Yay... now we can have even more "druggies R cool" crap shoved down our throats :\

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 03:52:21

At 10/17/03 03:48 AM, Version2 wrote:
Yay... now we can have even more "druggies R cool" crap shoved down our throats :\

I'm wearing this shirt now

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 06:14:31

At 10/17/03 12:08 AM, DontTouchMe wrote: who here shops at hot topic... I will never shop there again. Seriously. Did you realize that Hot topic is owned by Gap. And this is where im going with this. They just came in with a bunch of shirts that said GAP SUCKS. OMFG WHAT THE HELL IS THAT. GAP OWNS HOT TOPIC.
Thats such a good marketing poly. But its so devious and hypicritical and retarded that I dont feel like shopping there....buncha posers...

They never have any T-Shirts of The bands I like A lot there like Primus or Radiohead, so I odn't usally buy from there, nor do most of my friends, they usally just steal from there which is fine by me.

Were there is money to be made a big company will be sure to cash in on it, I myself never knew the gap owned Hot Topic, but I was sure some money hungry company owned it.

The way I look at it is, If they got something I really want, I'll buy it, but they usally don't so I don't buy from there.


BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 07:22:47

At 10/17/03 03:40 AM, Shrapnel wrote:
I've never been to a 'Hot Topic' store... perhaps I'm glad they don't have them in Canada?

Ya..For a while I never knew what the fuck Hot Topic was and why these people always went on about it..Now I'm being told I should be grateful to be in Canada for that reason.
Pfft..first they tell me canada sucks..now it's grateful to live there.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 07:26:46

At 10/17/03 03:52 AM, sirevil wrote:
I'm wearing this shirt now

That's actually a pretty cool shirt. I mean, something dyed with Chili pepper.

/me waits for them to start dying underwear next ;)

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2003-10-17 07:34:09

who the fuck cares if teh gap ownes hot topic, in fact, that makes the gap a lil cooler. i wear clothes that i like, they work well, they help to make me popular, they are comfy, they dont look stupid, there are tons of great atributes, and if you hae that damn much then u r a poser.

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2007-09-06 20:10:18

Ok...how do I put this w/o sounding like a jerk.....Hot Topic is owned by Hot Topic....not the Gap, not Abercrombie, not McDonald's....simply put, do some research before spouting out such non-sense...It makes one look very ignorant....Next, I'm sure you'll be telling us that there are WMDs in Iraq or something....

Are you a poseur if you shop at HT? I think HT being a Mall Store is just as evil, no matter what the corporation's name is that owns it...but, what do I know?

Love and Blood,

Response to HOT TOPIC SUCKS!! 2007-09-06 20:12:13

It's just another clothing store. I don't see what the big deal is... so the font is "spooky" looking, it's not like its claiming to be anything.

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