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Art Forum Lounge

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Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-15 13:53:54

I just woke up and it's 8 in the evening.
Working through the night to get your project done on time for the deadline isn't recommendable...

Though it paid off, not that you'll be able to see it until the 25th though, but... yeah.

So now comes the time of wondering what the hell I should do now. I think I have some .PSDs around here that need finishing.

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BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-15 19:34:19

At 1/14/10 06:52 PM, havegum wrote: When you let your imagination go loose, and draw something that doesn't have any references. How do you (normally) go by drawing it?

I usually just start scribbling and I go from there, most of my ideas I get while just doodling trying to come up with something to draw.

That or I think of something that I think is funny during the day at some point and decide to paint/draw it later.

Look at my art!

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-15 21:24:06

At 1/15/10 07:34 PM, Captain-Ben wrote:
At 1/14/10 06:52 PM, havegum wrote: When you let your imagination go loose, and draw something that doesn't have any references. How do you (normally) go by drawing it?

most of the time my minds blank when it comes to thinking of something though all it usually takes is a line of some sort for something to appear in my head and i go from there

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-16 06:48:12

At 1/14/10 06:52 PM, havegum wrote: I have a question ...
When you let your imagination go loose, and draw something that doesn't have any references. How do you (normally) go by drawing it?

You might want to give alchemya try too...
The makers descibe it as: Alchemy isn't software for creating finished artwork, but rather a sketching environment that focuses on the absolute initial stage of the creation process. Experimental in nature, Alchemy lets you brainstorm visually to explore an expanded range of ideas and possibilities in a serendipitous way.
which pretty much sums it up. my advice would be to just try it out... it can give you some nice things


BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-16 08:51:11

At 1/16/10 06:48 AM, J-qb wrote:
You might want to give alchemy a try too...

I second that, it's one fun bugger for coming up with strange ideas. Simply put, it's like looking at clouds and looking for images from them.

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-16 10:36:52

i stare at the carpet for a while and pick out shapes with my mind... much more basic then anything you can buy :D... but it works for me... shame i can copy and paste what i see into a program... :S

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-16 10:53:25

On a more art related note, bacon+reggae reggae sauce+cob= fun times

No mate, no.

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-16 20:13:30

At 1/16/10 04:19 PM, esko-man wrote: If anyone has a good link or information on how to photograph paintings please send me an IM. I've got to start documenting my work before I get rid of it, and the only photos I have now are nowhere near what it would take to make quality prints later on.

you could try this


BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-16 20:15:04

At 1/16/10 08:13 PM, J-qb wrote:
At 1/16/10 04:19 PM, esko-man wrote: If anyone has a good link or information on how to photograph paintings please send me an IM. I've got to start documenting my work before I get rid of it, and the only photos I have now are nowhere near what it would take to make quality prints later on.
you could try this

whoopsie! I meant this one of course


BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 11:03:24

At 1/17/10 10:55 AM, Jow279 wrote: Any tutorial for ''how to use pen tool in photoshop'' or ''how to do sharp´lines''?

This ones pretty good.
For getting sharp edges with the pen toll, when, set the path>stroke>inside. It'll give you a nice pointed edge(s)

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 16:14:45

hey artfags
anyone looking to become not shit at drawing? Here's a booklist that will I SWEAR make you a better artist.
If it was me who decided what it requires to be an artist or not I would say understanding the concepts in these books to be extremely wanted.

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain = Betty Edwards
Creative Illustration - Andy Loomis
The Eye of the Painter - Andy Loomis

If you think that the best way to learn art is through practise, you are right - but foundations must be had especially if you are thinking to expand your skills and through study - whether through your own practise or instruction is important - and these books will make you a better artist no matter your skill level.

p.s. the real reason I'm preposing this, is because these books (especially drawing on the right side, made me improve even when I thought that you can't learn art from books or that book studies are unnatural) and I also think that due to the large userbase of this forum it has potential, but currently is full of shitty shit
and no, i'm not a fucking bot trying to sell some books IN FACT two of those books can be nabbed from this website: this one but I think it would be way better if you were dedicated enough to pay for your learning

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 16:21:55

At 1/17/10 04:14 PM, austinzombie wrote: hey artfags
anyone looking to become not shit at drawing?

I've seen better openings
if your trying to get a point across, then you failed pretty miserably with this right here.

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 16:25:44

If you can't take insults then you can't take criticism
The content of a message should be more important then the way it's conveyed

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 16:35:15

At 1/17/10 04:25 PM, austinzombie wrote: If you can't take insults then you can't take criticism
The content of a message should be more important then the way it's conveyed

oh I get the content, and I admit it was ok at best, but opening like you did, probably made at least 80% of the people who tried to read your post stop after just the first few words.
You discredited yourself multiple times in your very own words by automatically lumping artist like BMK, HyperJive, M-Vero, and a few others by calling the art on here shit.
with words like these, once can only assume that you are a butt hurt troll with some knowledge of some general art books who can't get his own art or flash to muster to his own standards to anyone elses.

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 16:43:11

I fully understand that good artists do exist on this forum but now you're calling me out and trying to make this personal but I am confident in my own abilities as an artist and am willing to learn from the problems of my art

Also: how the fuck am I a troll if i'm offering help. If I was a troll I would actually try and make you mad
I still obviously offended you but that clearly wasn't the intent of my post

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 16:55:10

At 1/17/10 04:43 PM, austinzombie wrote: I fully understand that good artists do exist on this forum but now you're calling me out and trying to make this personal but I am confident in my own abilities as an artist and am willing to learn from the problems of my art

Also: how the fuck am I a troll if i'm offering help. If I was a troll I would actually try and make you mad
I still obviously offended you but that clearly wasn't the intent of my post

if to offend was not the intent of your post then explain the opening and the insults on all the artist on this Forum?
you may just have a twisted sense of humor, but in insulting everyone like that was just incredibility rude. Sadly so far I'm the only one willing (or stupid) enough to stand up for the better artist of the Forum.
if you truly think good artist do exist on here then why not acknowledge them as such instead using derogatory terms.
this is not personal, I'm just trying to understand why someone would come in with insults and expect to be liked. if I'm calling you out on anything, it's your etiquette.

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:03:19

I never said I wanted to be liked and you did want to make this personal by calling me out and saying that my art and flashes may not be in the standard I hold to everyone else's which is far from the truth because I am never satisfyed with any of my work.

But my original comment still stands as the insult of the opening statment got you more interested then you would've if id done some nice little hi all. Everyone on this fucking website is obsessed with their e-persona meaning that nothing is ever given any thought unless you have the balls to say something that is controversial - the prime example for me is when I was a young buck trying to get my name out by making many threads that ultimitaly failed. The other example is LaserCarl who was a brilliant artist, but got hardly any replies and ended up bumping his thread to death.

the problem is, this conversation will distract people from the educational stuff in my original post just as soapy dramas distract are far more addictive then the interesting stuff on discovery

If you would like to harp on me some more, I recommend doing it over PM or in the thread I'm about to make.

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:10:14

At 1/17/10 05:03 PM, austinzombie wrote: I never said I wanted to be liked and you did want to make this personal by calling me out and saying that my art and flashes may not be in the standard I hold to everyone else's which is far from the truth because I am never satisfyed with any of my work.

But my original comment still stands as the insult of the opening statment got you more interested then you would've if id done some nice little hi all. Everyone on this fucking website is obsessed with their e-persona meaning that nothing is ever given any thought unless you have the balls to say something that is controversial - the prime example for me is when I was a young buck trying to get my name out by making many threads that ultimitaly failed. The other example is LaserCarl who was a brilliant artist, but got hardly any replies and ended up bumping his thread to death.

the problem is, this conversation will distract people from the educational stuff in my original post just as soapy dramas distract are far more addictive then the interesting stuff on discovery

If you would like to harp on me some more, I recommend doing it over PM or in the thread I'm about to make.

you know, what, this has been given more attention than it deserves. But in case you didn't know, the mods have been cracking down on these argumentative post and these will probably be deleted, most likely by ToaS.
in all fairness your are more than welcome to insult all you want, I'll leave be. Although if you continue to do so, people will eventually stop listening. try to show some compassion rather than just being concerned whether you are heard or not. it'll save you and others a lot of grief and meaningless post.

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:19:45

thank you. I appreciate your opinion and what you're saying and I am aware that people will eventually get bored of the passive-aggressive style but I feel that it is important in all walks of life to change things up sometimes. When I see that something needs complimenting I will compliment it. But for the time being, as long as people are smart enough to see what is serious and what is not, I choose to start arguments with unmeaning insults

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:23:04

At 1/17/10 05:19 PM, austinzombie wrote: But for the time being, as long as people are smart enough to see what is serious and what is not, I choose to start arguments with unmeaning insults

no offense, but I don't think admitting to starting arguments is a good Idea on here.

seen too many people go down for it >.>

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

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Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:27:26

I think he's a 4channer, hence artfags

No mate, no.

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:32:39

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Joe, The Toucan.

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

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Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:33:22

At 1/17/10 05:32 PM, Kinsei01 wrote: Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Joe, The Toucan.

should be interesting now

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:38:57

At 1/17/10 05:33 PM, ashman112 wrote:
At 1/17/10 05:32 PM, Kinsei01 wrote: Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Joe, The Toucan.
should be interesting now

I was thinking less interesting and more of "Did I just watch that happen?!?"

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:40:06

I think 4chan gets a bad rap. Minus /b/ and the weaboo boards and /v/ there are SOME good posters. Just don't judge me by what you've seen in those boards I AM NOT THEM. And you guessed it - I am comparing this board with /ic/ because I'd love to see more mature and studious artists and muuuch less anime is really cool XD here

is that so bad?

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:40:31

My 2 cents on this here argument
Quit it
Those books are all pretty credible for studies, but I'd also add drawing comics the marvel way, it's an amazing book that teaches you anatomy etc etc, pretty much anything that would be covered in a regular art book but more focused towards cartoonists.

Starting a post like that is just unnecessary, its just trying to invoke a negative reaction, that's just being a troll, no matter how useful what else you had to say.

Being able to take insults and criticism is completely different a critique should an attempt to help someone and point out there flaws, calling someone a fag does jackshit.

Studying is an important part of anyone who wants to go into doing art professionally, no artist has gotten where they are today without putting in the hours of study and practice.

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:42:25

At 1/17/10 05:40 PM, austinzombie wrote: I think 4chan gets a bad rap. Minus /b/ and the weaboo boards and /v/ there are SOME good posters.

I go /b/
Although as you know you must wade through a lot of tripe to get to the luls.

No mate, no.

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:45:19

At 1/17/10 05:40 PM, M-Vero wrote: Those books are all pretty credible for studies, but I'd also add drawing comics the marvel way, it's an amazing book that teaches you anatomy etc etc, pretty much anything that would be covered in a regular art book but more focused towards cartoonists.

since we are on books about art, anatomy and dynamics, lets also discuss Burne Hogarth his anatomy, although exaggerated is really nice and powerful.
If your in to the powerful looking guys, I would suggest taking some time to study him

Heavy influence on my early works and he can still be seen in parts of my modern works

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

BBS Signature

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:45:42

I used to think /b/ was fantastic but then I moved to /v/ during the boxxy shit and realized that the bad outwieghs the good and that many memes on /b/ are stolen from the other boards (on which people post much funnier replies) and when I moved to /ic/ and /co/ I saw the shit that is /v/. I can't wait till I move to another board and see that /ic/ and /co/ are shit

Response to Art Forum Lounge 2010-01-17 17:46:17

At 1/17/10 05:40 PM, M-Vero wrote: Those books are all pretty credible for studies, but I'd also add drawing comics the marvel way, it's an amazing book that teaches you anatomy etc etc, pretty much anything that would be covered in a regular art book but more focused towards cartoonists.

ill have to look for that one thanks vero