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Let's make our first album cover!

37,409 Views | 383 Replies

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2008-05-23 03:52:07

Lol this is fun.

Let's make our first album cover!

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2008-05-23 10:29:14

it fits too well.

Let's make our first album cover!

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2008-06-04 21:41:26

And now, here's the anticipated new album "Belongs To Our Ancestors" from the #1 band, Honeymoon Music!

this fits too well

Let's make our first album cover!

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2008-06-05 01:56:58

Mediterranean Air Freight presents: I'm Here To Help. Yet another one that fits well together. Awesome. :)

I put a bit of work into it, hope you like.

Let's make our first album cover!

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2008-06-05 02:08:57

Oh yeah.

Let's make our first album cover!

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-11-27 16:15:39


Let's make our first album cover!

Tick Tock

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-11-27 16:16:18

At 11/27/10 04:15 PM, Admiral wrote: Fail.

Bump authorized, for all you trigger happy backseat mods :P

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-11-27 16:23:35

Wait what.

Let's make our first album cover!

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-11-27 16:24:48

Huh, that worked out particularly well.

Let's make our first album cover!

Let me kill your thread for you, it wasn't all that interesting anyway.

Sig by Limited

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-11-27 17:33:06

Meh. I probably should have enlarged the picture.

Let's make our first album cover!

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-11-27 17:43:05

I love it.

Let's make our first album cover!

I'm the holder of the self proclaimed 'Biggest Douchebag on the Forums' award.

PSN/360 name : BerZerKer 123, and my Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 10:33:35

This is great.

Let's make our first album cover!

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 10:38:22

This thread might be interesting just because how awesome they are but however it is so awesome that everybody will love it!

[Newgrounds Addict] [Internet Addict] [YouTube Addict] [King Of IM Messenger] [IM Messenger Addict] Sig by Coleco

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 11:19:29

Sounds loungey..

Let's make our first album cover!

[No attention whore signature]

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 12:01:53

I'd buy it.

Let's make our first album cover!

Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 14:36:41

I like mine, pretty Indie.

Let's make our first album cover!

Sorry for my bad english. I'm not from this planet

Art Page|Art Thread|Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 14:40:51


God knows why you are reading this.

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 14:46:05

for those who have seen my thread New thread idea. this thread is courntley in the lead if it gains 1 or 2 more pages over night this will win

God knows why you are reading this.

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 14:54:25

Pretty sick imo.

Let's make our first album cover!

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 17:06:33

If I didn't know better, I'd think this was real.

Let's make our first album cover!

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-11 17:44:00

Fibrifold, It's Always Somebody Else...


Let's make our first album cover!

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2010-12-31 23:47:56

This looks like a nice idea.

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2011-01-01 00:01:45

It makes a bit of sense...

Let's make our first album cover!

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2011-01-01 00:14:59

Tiny pic. Fuck.

Let's make our first album cover!

Check out my stupid webcomic: Tumblr | Tapas | Webtoons

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2011-01-01 00:37:37

Would I buy it ? No not really.

Let's make our first album cover!

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2011-01-01 01:26:42

So this is how music works?
...I'm confused.

Let's make our first album cover!


BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2011-01-01 03:04:11

I actually like it.

Let's make our first album cover!


BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2011-01-01 15:59:06

Ok this is an interesting topic. And i can't believe how good it can work:

Let's make our first album cover!

That's right I like guns and ponies. NO NEW GUN CONTROL.

Politically correct is anything that leftists believe.Politically incorrect is anything common sense.

BBS Signature

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2011-01-01 19:17:48


Sexual innuendo interspersed with J-Pop?

Let's make our first album cover!

Response to Let's make our first album cover! 2011-01-01 20:28:21

holy SHIT

Let's make our first album cover!