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Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts?

5,745 Views | 112 Replies

What do you think of them... should they not be allowed to come to peoples doors? Are they cult members?


Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 14:13:40

I wish they'd come to my door. Never had them. I'd act like one of those creepy people who lures people into their home and kills them.
Turn off all the lights, keep blunt instruments all over, have marks of the stigmata, as well as an anarchy star-cirle thing on your forehead....

Ok, that's just too much effort. Go away, witnesses.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 14:17:16

never had any stop by. oh and ted, check out Pyrite147's profile pic. it has porn in it, is that allowed? cause i really dont think it is.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 14:25:23

At 8/5/03 02:17 PM, michelinman wrote: never had any stop by. oh and ted, check out Pyrite147's profile pic. it has porn in it, is that allowed? cause i really dont think it is.

It is, and STFU, Ted already answered your question. E-mail Wade.

Also, Ted, while i would laugh out loud if that happened, you can just as easily find the number to the local congregation and tell them to not come to (your adress here) and they will write it down and you'll never see witnesses again.

Its really that easy, or just tell them politley when they come to your door to not come back.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 14:32:16

At 8/5/03 02:03 PM, Magna wrote: What do you think of them... should they not be allowed to come to peoples doors? Are they cult members?


Yes they are cult members, just like any Christians are. By definition, Christianity is the largest cult in the world. What do I think of them, they are preachy ignorant morons who use a butchered translation of the bible. In general they tend to have an exaggerated vocabulary that comes from reading commentary made by the leaders of their church, which seek to use so many big words that people think they know what they are talking about because the average JW doesn't know what the hell was said, but it sounds intelligent. Then they try to mimic it. I like to invite them in and draw them into biblical debates until they want to leave in a hurry. :P

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 14:36:20

At 8/5/03 02:32 PM, RoyBatty wrote:
Yes they are cult members, just like any Christians are. By definition, Christianity is the largest cult in the world. What do I think of them, they are preachy ignorant morons who use a butchered translation of the bible. In general they tend to have an exaggerated vocabulary that comes from reading commentary made by the leaders of their church, which seek to use so many big words that people think they know what they are talking about because the average JW doesn't know what the hell was said, but it sounds intelligent. Then they try to mimic it. I like to invite them in and draw them into biblical debates until they want to leave in a hurry. :P

Ok. I'm right here. XD XD XD

Please, when making arguments, quote scriptures. I have every version of the bible right here except the book of mormon. *Gets pumped*

P.S. If the Shrike Reads this, please SIGN ONLINE or just send the FLA using the method we discussed.

For the love of god, Shrike. Please do it.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 14:42:02

At 8/5/03 02:36 PM, Magna wrote: Please, when making arguments, quote scriptures. I have every version of the bible right here except the book of mormon. *Gets pumped*

Umm what are you talking about? The version of the bible in question is the Watchtower edition. And I wasn't referring to any scriptures, so why would I quote them?

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 14:52:16

At 8/5/03 02:41 PM, JudgeMeHarshX wrote: I bet none of them ever even witnessed Jehovah.

Um, yeah, that's not what our name means. We are witnesses OF Jehovah. Meaning we testify to others about our interpretation of the bible. You should really consider reading some of the pamphlets they "shove down your throat" because you don't know what the hell you are talking about XD XD XD

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 15:03:01

Dude, you take life too seriously.

Anyway, I think they should be allowed to come to peoples doors, but the shouldn't be allowed to come and never leave because that irritated the hell out of me. If someone came to your door wioth double-glazing and wouldn't leave for an hour, you'd kick him, and with good reason.

In short, I would like to have them all shot, but purely for my own amusement. Really though, they should be left alone, but they should leave when people ask them to. If I went to their houses and tried to get them to join my church, they'd get pissed off.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 15:19:26

At 8/5/03 03:03 PM, bumcheekcity wrote: In short, I would like to have them all shot, but purely for my own amusement. Really though, they should be left alone, but they should leave when people ask them to. If I went to their houses and tried to get them to join my church, they'd get pissed off.

I don't get pissed off. Mormons come all the time and i have decent polite convos with them.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 15:25:12

At 8/5/03 03:19 PM, Magna wrote: I don't get pissed off. Mormons come all the time and i have decent polite convos with them.

Perhaps because you share their insane desire to violate other people's rights to privacy in their own home. People shouldn't even have to deal with strangers at their door without a good reason.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 15:48:05

At 8/5/03 03:19 PM, Magna wrote: I don't get pissed off. Mormons come all the time and i have decent polite convos with them.


Heh, not very factual, but still entertaining :P Have fun.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 17:24:30

They used to come to my house all the time with this little bald kid (looked like someone from children of the corn) and I asked them politely to stop coming and they did, so they don't really bother me.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 17:39:16

At 8/5/03 05:26 PM, BaKsHi wrote: Maybe they wanted to sell the bald little kid to you?

lol who knows, I hardly gave them a chance to speak. I feel kinda bad because we would mess with their heads. We would leave a bible by the chair next to the door if they came and if we saw them out the window we would grab the bible and a bottle of bacardi 151 and start to pretend to preach to them.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 21:10:33

It's not like they're harming anyone, they're like girl scouts but instead of selling cookies they're selling Jesus version 2.0. At least their interprertation of the bible doesn't tell them to hate homosexuals and shoot anyone who ever set foot in an abortion clinic.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 21:12:26

I Hate jehovah's witnesses. They suck donkey balls!

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 21:20:57

At 8/5/03 09:12 PM, BootlegJones wrote: I Hate jehovah's witnesses. They suck donkey balls!

Why did you watch jehovah's witnesses sucking off a donkey?

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 22:01:56

At 8/5/03 09:10 PM, _crossbreed_ wrote: It's not like they're harming anyone, they're like girl scouts but instead of selling cookies they're selling Jesus version 2.0. At least their interprertation of the bible doesn't tell them to hate homosexuals and shoot anyone who ever set foot in an abortion clinic.

EXACTLY. I mean, its not like i want to be in a religion that is the lesser of two evils, because i'm not evil, or brainwashed. If you've read my posts and played my games you would know that. XD Jesus 2.0

We're less about Jesus and more about God. lol, we don't think Jesus IS god, but was a great teacher and God's Son in heaven.

I Hate jehovah's witnesses. They suck donkey balls!

At least you added a correct posessive apostraphe! Good boy!

I feel kinda bad because we would mess with their heads. We would leave a bible by the chair next to the door if they came and if we saw them out the window we would grab the bible and a bottle of bacardi 151 and start to pretend to preach to them.

Bullcrap. NO ONE has ever played a prank on us. EVER. And i've been going door to door my whole life on average of 15 hours a month.

Although, i think sometimes guys and girls come to the door half naked just to mess with us and distract us... but it might just because they really like wearing boxers.

Heh, not very factual, but still entertaining :P Have fun.

Just whoah.

There are two people in our congregation with mental ilnesses. One grew up in and drank unhealthy water because of a local company dumping waste. He is no 63 and runs an extrememleyt succesful dry cleaning facility and carpet company. It is becoming a franchise.

The other is a 17 year old girl with some mental disease where she cannot talk, but her parents who have been witnesses there whole lives take her to meetings.

Man... i read that article on that same site, the 'kingodom hell' one.

Hahahah, i find it funny that he blames his families problems like incest and drunkeness and other dysfuctionality on his religion. I also laughed at the fact that he was dragged kicking and screaming into meetings. I am in a congregation of 200 and i've never ever seen that. I'm usually happy to go (but sometimes beg for it to end if i'm really tired or whatever) because my friends are there and they aren't boring at all. We see movies go to the swimming pool and skatepark and film jackass movies. What the hell? He must just be a real stupid idiot who can't sit still. But i do agree that the meeting can be utterly pointless. LOL, i totally identify with that "while those ancient adults discussed riveting topics such as what the hangnail of the third toe on the right foot of the ten headed beast of Revelation symbolized in the activities of JWs during the 1920s" its really true. In fact that's close to what last sundays talk was about...

Things he got wrong:
-the meeting times. Sunday: 2 hours Tuesday: 1 hour Thursday: 1 hour 45 Minutes.
-The following paragraph in quotes is incorrect ENTIRLEY "When I attended, one wasn't supposed to date before marriage. Heck, you weren't even supposed to hold hands with someone before marriage! Somehow though you were expected to find a suitable marriage partner. They have even tried to control what married couples do after they are married as well, deciding for them what is or isn't appropriate to do while making love."
-This sentence "not getting a higher education (recently changed to a gray area due to outside pressure)"
Thats just not true, all the peeps in the congregation keep telling me to 'go to college'. All of my older friends who are really cool guys that we have Halo Tourneys with all go to Northern Illinois University.
-This "When I was growing up around JWs, stories of demons and poltergeists haunting and harassing JWs were common."
I only heard ONE story and it was about the place where they filmed the shining (i could see the building from our resort room window) and witnesses claimed objects were thrown at them by air... and it didnt make me scared, and i was only 10 at the time. What a puss.

However, there are things i DO NOT like about my religion... for one, everyone who is not in our religion is a bad person and bad associates 'spoil useful habits' and its sometimes true. All of my associates that aren't from my congregation are all horny. They never stop talking about sex and having sex and they are only 15! I'm interested in girls and have had relationships but not relations. Christ.
But it still seems to be religious prejudice to me.
Also, i don't like feeling like i'm being watched like a hawk. I'm actually really uncomfortable reporting my time in feild service, although almost everyone gets the same; 10-20 hours. But it gets added to my 'report' or something which talks about my history of 'trouble' and 'accomplisments'.
How are beliefs seem to change... while it HAS NOT happened recently, it happened a lot, like we stopped celebrating christmas and all that jazz... we do talk about it freely at meetings "In 1913 we actually used to celebrate christmas! We've learned more about the bible since than." *chuckles*

Plus, like i said about that whole Hangnail on ten headed beast thing... it all seems purposeless. I'm leaning towards the idea of: Does god really care that we spend 5 hours a week listening about how great he is and about how prophecies will come true and than spending another 2 hours a week telling others who rareley care about how great god is.

Well, thats it... i hope i said everything!

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 22:15:11

At 8/5/03 09:10 PM, _crossbreed_ wrote: It's not like they're harming anyone, they're like girl scouts but instead of selling cookies they're selling Jesus version 2.0. At least their interprertation of the bible doesn't tell them to hate homosexuals and shoot anyone who ever set foot in an abortion clinic.

Umm actually as much as the Watchtower crew tried to quell opposition of their text, the gay rights movement hadn't had enough of an effect on them to weed out that part yet. The New World Translation reads:

[Leviticus 20:13] And when a man lies down with a male the same as one lies down with a woman, both of them have done a detestable thing. They should be put to death...

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 22:17:37

At 8/5/03 10:01 PM, Magna wrote: Well, thats it... i hope i said everything!

Hmm, maybe you do have mental illnesses. Like extreme paranoia if nothing else. I put that up as a joke, you didn't need to make a weak attempt to refute a site that no one took seriously anyway.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 22:34:21

At 8/5/03 10:17 PM, RoyBatty wrote:
At 8/5/03 10:01 PM, Magna wrote: Well, thats it... i hope i said everything!
Hmm, maybe you do have mental illnesses. Like extreme paranoia if nothing else. I put that up as a joke, you didn't need to make a weak attempt to refute a site that no one took seriously anyway.

I debated whether you posted it as a joke, or if you wanted me to react to it, and if so, what kind of reaction.

I mean, sure it was a week attemp to refute it, but unlike the sites creator, i have better things to do that uproot a religion.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 22:39:53

At 8/5/03 10:34 PM, Magna wrote: I debated whether you posted it as a joke, or if you wanted me to react to it, and if so, what kind of reaction.

Does "Heh, not very factual, but still entertaining" imply to you in any way that I took that site seriously? I wanted you to read it if you felt like seeing a funny attempt at ridiculing JWs. I personally have the same beef with JW as I do with any Christians, no matter how much you butcher the translation, you still worship the same God that commanded thousands of atrocities if he ever existed.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 22:53:38

At 8/5/03 10:39 PM, RoyBatty wrote:
Does "Heh, not very factual, but still entertaining" imply to you in any way that I took that site seriously?

Heh, i'm sorry, miscommunication.

I wanted you to read it if you felt like seeing a funny attempt at ridiculing JWs.

Some funny attempt, that guy spent YEARS of 'research'. Sad.

I personally have the same beef with JW as I do with any Christians, no matter how much you butcher the translation, you still worship the same God that commanded thousands of atrocities if he ever existed.

Well i'm glad you don't give us special treatment. Really. And yes, the bible contains some horrible things... i can't stop thinking of all the animals that were killed in the 'flood'. Of course, the logical thing is to believe it never happened. Oh well.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 23:23:08

At 8/5/03 10:39 PM, RoyBatty wrote: I personally have the same beef with JW as I do with any Christians, no matter how much you butcher the translation, you still worship the same God that commanded thousands of atrocities if he ever existed.

Actually it wasn't God or Jesus that told men to go out and carry out the inquisitions or hang Native Americans 13 at a time in honor of Jesus and his apostles or burn them alive. It was those interpreting their holy scriptures in any way they want and ignoring the stuff that is actually beneficial to world peace. Personally, I hate all the popular religions because so far they've caused us more harm than good.

I'm curious, do any of you even know why Jehovah's witnesses try to recruit new members?

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 23:26:26

At 8/5/03 10:53 PM, Magna wrote: Well i'm glad you don't give us special treatment. Really. And yes, the bible contains some horrible things... i can't stop thinking of all the animals that were killed in the 'flood'. Of course, the logical thing is to believe it never happened. Oh well.

There are alternatives to belief my friend. And the flood is a pretty funny story if you try to think of it rationally. Especially dealing with the number of species they could have logically put on the ark, the actual amount of food they could have had to sustain the people and their animals, and the idea that people died because they didn't listen to a senile old man who told them if they didn't get on a boat (in the middle of dry weather) they were going to die. I mean if some crazy loon ran down the street from door to door and told you that God was going to flood the earth (I know it says he wouldn't do it again, but forget that for a second) and you would die if you didn't get on his little boat he made out of nowhere. Would you do it? I'd be like you want me to shack up with you and two of every animal in existence (which many of which were too far away to have migrated to the ark to join them), no fucking thank you.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 23:34:25

Although Ive already chosen my religion, I find these people as very respectful, polite, and informative individuals. You see, most people will proclaim a religion yet know nothing, or nearly nothing, about it when asked. JW's are able to respond to a broad array of questions, and so I respect them for that. It is fun to talk to them, in my opinion. They have every right to go about doing what they do. If you dont like it, tell 'em to leave; I suggest you talk to them because they are fun to question/talk to.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 23:44:37

At 8/5/03 11:23 PM, _crossbreed_ wrote:
At 8/5/03 10:39 PM, RoyBatty wrote:
Actually it wasn't God or Jesus that told men to go out and carry out the inquisitions or hang Native Americans 13 at a time in honor of Jesus and his apostles or burn them alive. It was those interpreting their holy scriptures in any way they want and ignoring the stuff that is actually beneficial to world peace. Personally, I hate all the popular religions because so far they've caused us more harm than good.
[Exodus 22:18] Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
[Leviticus 20:27] A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

These were part of the justification for the inquisition and actually for some of the slaughter of the native Americans as well. And it was obviously the intent of the author (reputedly Moses, although I think that's absurd) that it was meant to be taken literally.

[Deuteronomy 13:6] If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; [7] Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;

[8] Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
[9] But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
[10] And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

This was used to attack any culture that had different beliefs from them. Since the method of telling you of other gods, carrying a punishment of death, it also cost many people who did try to understand these foreign cultures their lives as well.

[Deuteronomy 17:2] If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant,
[3] And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
[4] And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:
[5] Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

So obviously religious tolerance is not something one would really get from any good reading of the bible. Sorry if any of the bible quotes are inconsistently colored, I'm still not sure on how the colons work right :P

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 23:47:47

At 8/5/03 11:34 PM, BWS wrote: Although Ive already chosen my religion, I find these people as very respectful, polite, and informative individuals. You see, most people will proclaim a religion yet know nothing, or nearly nothing, about it when asked. JW's are able to respond to a broad array of questions, and so I respect them for that. It is fun to talk to them, in my opinion. They have every right to go about doing what they do. If you dont like it, tell 'em to leave; I suggest you talk to them because they are fun to question/talk to.

Hmm, well perhaps your not looking at a few things either. First off, I am nocturnal, I sleep during the day. The time period where most of these people make their rounds. Now should I have to be woken up by people knocking on my door when I'm trying to sleep? I mean if someone did that shit at 4 in the morning, it would be all over that they were a menace. But no one is considerate of us nocturnal people. And yeah, they don't know better, but the people who should be coming to my house do. That's why only friends or people who know you should be coming to your doorstep. Because no one else really needs to be there.

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 23:50:34

This colon shit is lame, does anyone know if we can use html codes on here other than the four on the side? Or is there a font code?

Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. Your thoughts? 2003-08-05 23:54:45

You're only allowed to use 4 html codes, but as for the colo thing it's not hard all you have to do is leave one space after the colon.

like this.