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The Cyberpunk Coallition

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The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-10-16 10:14:12

What is Cyberpunk?
[Cyberpunk is about expressing (often dark) ideas about human nature, technology and their respective combination in the near future.] - Cyberpunk Review
Those who played Shadowrun or Deus Ex, watched G.I.T.S. and Blade Runner, and readed Neuromancer knows what i'm talking about:
The overwhelming impact of technology in a dystopic society, with a wide breach between the poorest of the rich, and the richest of the poor. The fusion of man and machine. Corporations looming beneath the grey sky. Oppresed anti-heroes form the underground, like Case and Molly. The Matrix. The Sprawl.
This coallition is for us. Those who see that our present is drawing closer and closer to what our "overtechnolized" world will be. Dystopia...

Ok. Enough with the intro. Welcome to the club chum. Grab yourself a seat. In this joint we will chat about Cyberpunk and it's variants, like Steampunk or Biopunk. In order to do this, you will have to get yourself a street name and a profession. Don't worry, it will stay strictly in between us. We dont want the cops busting and geeking your ass, now don't we? An example of a name for this thinga-mabob could be: "Case - Decker for The Cyberpunk Coallition" (or for the TCC). But it's already taken by me.
Get yourself some Soykaf, and let's chat...

NOTE: If your gonna post, then post something that has to do with the club. Don't say "Cyber punk sux" or "I couldn't care less". Be polite and refer to your fellows with their street names. If you can't figure out a name send me a PM and i'll give you a hand.

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-10-16 19:51:41

You know, this is accually a pretty cool idea. I'm also a fan of steampunk & retro-futurism (though niether are quiet as nihilist as Cyberpunk) and I love the way you word yourself in the opening paragraph, very wicked indeed.

Now, the way I understand it, we choose our own name & profession? Alright, then here we go...

"Astronomus - Hauntologist of the TCC."

I was also hoping we could bring up the culture and politics behind cyberpunk.

I, for one, would like to see a true-to-life Technocracy being set up. The masses are illiterate & their leaders equally so. Then why would such people be given the authority over themselves and everyone else to elect a possibly unqualified person into a seat of power such as presidentship? I propose a low-stress gov. run by those with certain intellectual standards, not only will this ensure a brighter future, but also stive the lower-class to work hard & study that someday they may be counted among the elite...

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-10-16 21:40:28

Wow, Attactivist, you actually kept this thread alive! Thank you very much!

About technocracy... i dunno, i think it could be good, but i have my doubts. I think we should reform democracy and let everybody have the same chances in life, without depending on the almighty buck. An example could be: You get a loan for $50000. I should be able to get it too! But if you use that cash to buy a house, and i waste it in paid company and booze, it's my fault and i can't complain.

Attactivist, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-10-17 17:04:17

The Finn - Fence for Stolen Goods

Now, a technocracy would be a wonderful experiment to be set up into practice. It seems like a very logical method of politics.

Also, if you want to read a good cyberpunk comic, I'd suggest Transmetropolitan. Fantastic story about a man fighting the president in a dingy and advanced future.

BBS Signature

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-10-18 12:04:36

Thanks, Ashford, i'll keep that in mind. In exchange for your recommendation, i recommend you to watch Armitage III. Get a move on, fixer!
Ok chums, the first task in the Coallition is telling everyone who can be interested in the group where it is. That way, we won't be buried under the "masturbation club" and the "omg i luv naruto Club".

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-08 15:12:16

Has anyone here heard of H.R. Giger? He designed the Xenomorphs for the movie Alien, he's got some really good stuff. "biomechanical" I think. Anyway, if you have'nt already, check out some of his art work on his website. He one of my favorite artists.

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-08 16:13:46

Giger? I know him. He's famous for the phallic imagery in his art. I remember the cover for "Frankenchrist" from Dead Kennedys :P

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-08 16:15:19

Sorry, i meant the inner poster, not the cover.

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-09 20:16:59

I know what you ment ;). He's got alot of differnt art theams dealing with the taboo & the paranormal. My all time favorite is the Tarot Card Collection. I love dark theamed cyberpunk.

Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-11 20:33:16

Oh, and btw, i'm not sure if you noticed, but I finnally got around to putting "The Cyberpunk Coalition" into my sig. Yeah, the Asatru crew started out find, but when my posts went ignored & they started talking about dicks, I decided to ditch em'.


Metal Hell | Industrial Crew | The Grindcore Gore Pit

Theirs only ONE "Hell Hammer", and it isn't a band... It's a drummer.

BBS Signature

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-11 22:50:36

At 11/11/07 08:33 PM, Attactivist wrote: Oh, and btw, i'm not sure if you noticed, but I finnally got around to putting "The Cyberpunk Coalition" into my sig. Yeah, the Asatru crew started out find, but when my posts went ignored & they started talking about dicks, I decided to ditch em'.


Why, of course i noticed! I didn't say anything to keep the crew as objective as possible, but soon enough we'll be more. You can count on it!

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-11 22:56:08

Quick question... what exactly is a hauntologist?

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-12 04:41:31

would Robocop fall under this catagory? Alex Murphey was resurrected through "goth" themed science, (ie, Stygian technologly as envisioned by Mary Shelly), And thus, he is a cyborg, in a punkish alternate reality 90s Detroit.....

At 4/22/09 12:38 AM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Raped by hongkong. NEXT.

Yeah, that was one champion of a post, wasn't it? -Zerok

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-25 03:27:22

At 11/12/07 04:41 AM, hongkongexpress wrote: would Robocop fall under this catagory? Alex Murphey was resurrected through "goth" themed science, (ie, Stygian technologly as envisioned by Mary Shelly), And thus, he is a cyborg, in a punkish alternate reality 90s Detroit.....

Yes it is, from that point of view, it has a high correlation to cyberpunk themes, it has the visuals. Yes i think it can be confirmed


Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-28 02:34:55

Hmm... an interesting topic, but I'm not quite sure what to say.

Oh yeah, as for name and title:

"Auros--Weaponsmith of the Cyberpunk Coalition"

Now, what else? How about...future small arms? I am the weaponsmith.
Eventually we'll run out of oil as a resource. This will majorly cut down on the production of firearms, seeing as the factories are going to have a hard time finding enough power to mass-produce them. Production could continue, but it would be mainly done by individuals for personal use. What else should we use for weaponry?
...Am I totally missing the point of this thread? :(

"Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye." --Miyamoto Musashi


What is this website???

BBS Signature

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-29 17:01:01

At 11/29/07 03:41 PM, Sekhem wrote: Anyways nice crew, and I hope it doesn't become an inactive piece of shit like most crews around here.

As long as i'm in NG it won't. Promise!
I'm thinking about fusing with the Snatcher Project club. It's been inactive since 05.

Response to The Cyberpunk Coallition 2007-11-29 17:03:23

At 11/29/07 03:41 PM, Sekhem wrote: I'll likely post occasionally in this group, but would prefer not having some "futuristic pseudonym" as it's very childish and I've never been interested in any type of roleplaying, call me Sekhem if you must.

It's not for RP'ing. Just for the links in the sig. Seems more interesting that way :P