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Posting A Job Offer On Ng

733 Views | 2 Replies
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Posting A Job Offer On Ng 2007-07-12 15:05:50

I admit I am new to the site, but I have a specific idea for a flash and have a reasonable amount of money to offer a semi-professional level animator. Where is the best place for that? I'm worried if I did so on the general forum, I would get flooded with non-serious applications or comments.

Thank you for your time, I am ready for it to turn out this was a really stupid post to make.

Response to Posting A Job Offer On Ng 2007-07-12 15:08:27

First, flash forum is where tyou would want to go.
Second, you might want to pm a mod who is regularly in the flash forum for permission regarding your request so you can make the thread quality to their standards. Just adds more credibility to you and to make sure your being legit about the matter.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

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Response to Posting A Job Offer On Ng 2007-07-12 15:09:33

Flash forum obviously