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V-tech rampage game

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Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-13 22:09:44

I go to VT and I knew two people that got shot and I think it's discusting that anyone could make a game like this. I mean if I didn't go to VT it may not bother me as much but I knew two people shot. You think that's a fucking game? I hope you people who say hey it's a good game who cares lose a close friend and someone makes a game about it. Then we'll see how much you give a fuck about free speech. It is totally inconsiderate if you think that this is ok. So to anyone that thinks this game is ok. Then fuck you. People like you all make me question the sanity of humanity.

Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-13 22:25:46

to be on honest it plays and looks like a piece of crap as it sounds like crap also cause i smoke weed

Life is great.......well its great when your drunk.


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Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-14 00:47:44

At 5/13/07 10:00 PM, Skeik-Sprite wrote:
At 5/13/07 10:54 AM, PiGPEN wrote: and that McBeef play of his is fuckin hilarious!
It truly is a work of art.

Only person i agree with in this thread.

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Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-16 07:01:12

Hi there,

First off all I'd like to say: Fuck you, you're an absolute disgrace of a person.
Coming from Australia myself it dissapoints me that there is whankers like you living here.

Honestly I hope you get run over and die and then I'll make a flash called "DICKHEAD RUN OVER, WORLD REJOICES" but you see I'll actually make a WELL made game.

You praise Cho as if he was a hero, but if you were there you would be crying like a little bitch and he wouldn't spare you for one second.


The rest of you who support this whanker and Cho, FUCK YOU

I know I'm going to get reported and my account PROBALY deleted, but you know what? I don't give a fuck.

One last time



Have a good week, you dickhead.

Alex Conquest

Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-16 08:03:15

My review of the game and my opinion on this whole thing:

"Americans are such pussies and even bigger hypocrites. When you can buy guns in fucking K-Mart, what do you think will happen?

But when someone pulls a gun out, what do they all do? RUUUUUUUNN!!! OH NOES!! Shit, the planes that were hijacked on 9/11 were hijacked with fucking BOX CUTTERS!! You yanks claim to be the biggest and baddest country in the world but when push comes to shove, you're a big pack of pussies."

America doesn't know how to laugh at itself or take the piss. When tragedy strikes, laughter is usually the best medicine. I think it's hilarious that an Australian made this game too, because we don't piss and moan about shit like this (unless you're the media), we get over it and make people laugh from it, and piss off all you yanks in the process, rofl.

Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-16 08:29:46

At 5/14/07 12:47 AM, PiGPEN wrote:
At 5/13/07 10:00 PM, Skeik-Sprite wrote:
At 5/13/07 10:54 AM, PiGPEN wrote: and that McBeef play of his is fuckin hilarious!
It truly is a work of art.
Only person i agree with in this thread.

OMG PiGPEN, your game made it to the Australian National News!
It's 10:23 pm here, it's going to be on the late news... I'll tell you what it's about.
What did I say in my review huh... "This is the kind of game that makes headlines."


Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-16 08:39:02

Hehe, I watched... They called you a geek, but they didn't go too rough on you otherwise.
You'll should apologize sometime... Or you could end up getting death threats. Also, you should shave your mustache, you're not going to get a good job with that thing on your face.


Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-16 08:57:07

I knew that it was only a matter of time before this game hit the media. I just had to play it again and now im sitting here waiting eagerly to hear thier disgust about it on the Late News.

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Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-16 09:07:07

Response to V-tech rampage game 2007-05-16 09:51:15

this is already being discussed on the front page post. no need for this thread.


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