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Warhammer 40.000 Crew

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Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-13 21:36:20

At 5/13/05 08:59 PM, Dragonias wrote:
Next time don't post any of that "faggish" crap like you just did...(And why not try to spell your sentences correctly, hard time translating this..)

hey you quit being an asshole buddy! hes been around longer then you have so you need to watch the flaming. respect is a two way street and you will look both ways if you want to post in here.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-14 04:13:00

Okay, we already know that Dawn of War is getting the Imperial Guard as the official fifth 'race' in WInter Assault, thank you for repeating information that is some months old. And we already know that it will be released Autumn this year if all things go according to plan. (Which wont be for some obvious reason) Did I mention that Baneblades are involved? You know, the big shooty tanks that people dread when playing on the tabletop. You know, the ones of more then 500 points that maul three units at a time while grinding forward like the big lawnmower of the Emperor that it is. Yes, those monsters, Land Raiders are worth shit compared to a Baneblade.

Also, the people that play DoW here do know what a patch is and what it does. We know of the stat changes and other tweaks and balances et al. Just because we are simple tabletop wargamers does not mean that we are beginners when it comes to using a computer or playing a game.

I couldn't care any less really, as I haven't played DoW in months now. Once that new add-on hits the shores, I'll be playing again. Until then, I vill drool over Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines und Guild Wars. Oh, I will paint as well, duty that bound to I am.

One last thing people, play nice and get along, or get off. Just try to keep the friendly aura that hangs here alive, I don't want to bust out the pine shaped air freshners. (Because when the poopy hits the proverbial fan... Sheesh!)

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-14 04:32:47

vill drool over Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines und Guild Wars. Oh, I will paint as well, duty that bound to I am.

I completely agree, "Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines" Is a game you still should be playing(Although I already finished It with the "Ventrue"..)

The next Warhammer game(sequel to Dawn Of War) will be realesed In early 2007, and will most likely use the same game engine(updated ofcourse)...
Also If you don't mind I wish to join this "club"....

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-14 06:07:58

Dont worry about me.I ususaly dont get angry or flame often.Well anyway i went on a screenshot frenzy a few minuts ago and here are the results of that frenzy.


The Nobel and Heroic Force Comander.


The Vile and Treachorus Chaos Lord.


A profile shot of my Space marine color sceme.


I couldent pass up this screenshot opourtinity.Doesent it look like a shot from some movie.


Meh just a little filler shot.


A Cultest shot.Nuff said.

Hey guys can you give me a honest opinion on these screenshots(and maby some advice to make them better)?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-14 17:20:35

You know the Tyranid codex? Well, i've always wondered why they never say where the Nid's come from or what they were created from, what happened to them..
Like they're history.

It seems like they just avoid the Tyranid's history entirely and just tell things about them that the Imperium know...
It just bugs me..
I heard that.

Personally, I like the idea of the Tyranids being the mysterious super predator that just happened to creep upon our territory. (Speaking as an Imperial) My guess is that their history was alot like the Zerg from Starcraft, but seeing as Blizzard is more powerful then GW, they could slap a copyright onto that history.

Tyranids first turned up in 1st Edition 40k, when they had some other strange creatures (zoats), but their background was quite well explained in the old 2nd edition codex. This detailed the first contact with hive fleet behemoth at the planet Tyran on the eastern fringe.
The tyranids are from another galaxy (which they presumably picked clean) before going into stasis for the million light-year journey which would have taken millenia (at least), to find new feeding grounds.

BTW, I was already collecting tyranids when Starcraft came out

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-15 15:20:02

Oh my god i think im going crazy last night i had a dream about dow. and everynight when im about to fall asleep i start thinking about my newb army that will come in um... oh yeah 7 days, plus im spending half the day just looking around at GW looking at minitures.

oh and keep the peace.

---Peace Out---

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-16 13:58:40

The tyranids are from another galaxy (which they presumably picked clean) before going into stasis for the million light-year journey which would have taken millenia (at least), to find new feeding grounds.

BTW, I was already collecting tyranids when Starcraft came out

Good god, 'Nids have been around for God knows how long. I know someone who still owns an ancient copy of Tyranid Attack, complete with punk space marine scouts, in the classic Red-Era miniature pose. Standing, legs astride, with each weapon help up, pointing upwards. Brilliant. Still have a couple of squads of them scouts lying around. and an original land raider. Oh Memories.

On the subject of scouts, and video-game copyrights. anyone remember the promotional artwork for Unreal Tournament? With the character Malcolm? Now, if those characters weren't wearing Space Marine Scout armour, i'll eat my hat. I mean, c'mon, twin headed eagle emblazoned upon their chest armour, how'd they get away with that?

That and the bloody insult that was Chaos League. Blood Bowl I think you'll find. Games industry, bunch of bloody thieves. Sure, GW has ripped off plenty of movies, but those are movies! EVERYBODY rips off movies!

God i'm getting hypocritical these days...

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-16 15:07:39

Thank you capatain obvios(sp).We already know that the imperial guard will be in Winter Assault and a few other things.Also i thingk most of us here have dawn of war and already have the patch instaled(i could be wrong thogh).

Dont worry about me.I ususaly dont get angry or flame often

You gave me a "disrespectfull" response, anyway I'm Interested In joining this "crew".
I'm not a "collector", I just like the game and the "History" of Warhammer40k..

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-16 15:15:22

At 5/16/05 03:07 PM, Dragonias wrote: Thank you capatain obvios(sp).We already know that the imperial guard will be in Winter Assault and a few other things.Also i thingk most of us here have dawn of war and already have the patch instaled(i could be wrong thogh).

Dont worry about me.I ususaly dont get angry or flame often

You gave me a "disrespectfull" response, anyway I'm Interested In joining this "crew".
I'm not a "collector", I just like the game and the "History" of Warhammer40k..

Kool, there's no joining or anything, just post about 40k, be polite, and try not to use " too often, and you'll fit in just fine.

Ashamed as i am to join in the terryfying stranglehold it has over the threads current topical flavours, i have a Dawn of War question. How the hell do i put them custom badges and banners in? I know were the folder is for them, but just putting it pics doesn't seem to work. What do i need to do? File names? Specific format or size? What?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-16 16:19:25

Ok Dragonias im sorry.Now can we put this behind us i am tierd of argueing this.Oh and Seedykay here is a thread on the Dawn of war forums giveing you a tutorial on how to make custom badges and banners


That should tell you everything you need.
And now for some screenshots of Dawn of war.





Well that is all from me for now again tell me what you thingk of my screenshots.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-16 23:16:39


we are on 6 days till my "army" comes here the contents

1. 16 mind controled tyranids(i think)
2. 35 space marines
3. citadel paint
4. Sgt. Octavian
5. Lt.Varras
6. An annyomous space commander
7. A razorback

so thats 39 space marin units total + the 16 tyranids= 45 units horay

Oh and DawnOfWar......

Captains log:843592423

---++ activate audio transmission++---

Mesa Jarjar binks de sunny brisk movie an BOOM mesa scared jedi come snacth me now mesa here. Wesa fight bad. Hey what the hell are you doin here! MESA SCARED *BANG* What the hell was that?

---++deactivate audio transmission++---

To you right you will see some imperial guards

And above you will see a weak ass joke

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-17 09:01:47

Well, one thing that most people around here that collect miniatures can agree upon has to be the satisfaction of having a complete army. I don't have one as of yet, but I am soo fragging close now, I am shivering all over. And with an large mob army such as the Imperial Guard, you ahve a long way to go before you can sing the Tipperary song, aye? But with only a few more storm troopers to go, one beefy army commander and a plasma gunner, I must be close to ascension.

The oficial army list of my 2.000 pts. Cadian 13th Rifles.

Command Squad.
Senior Officer with power weapon, bolt pistol, carapace armour and Iron Discipline.
Veterans (2): Medic with lasgun and standard bearer with carapace armour, bolt pistol and ccw.
Guardsmen (2): Grenade launchers (2)

Sanctioned Psyker: Lapistol and ccw.

Anti-tank support squad.
Lascannons (3) and Sharpshooters.

Fire support squad.
Autocannons (3) and Sharpshooters.

Mortar squad.
Mortars (3) Duh...

Special weapons support squad.
Sniper rifles (3).

Storm Trooper squad.
Veteran sergeant with hellpistol, power weapon and meltabombs.
Nine storm troopers with two plasma guns.
All models can deep-strike or infiltrate.

1st Platoon.
Junior Officer: Power weapon, bolt pistol, carapace armour and Iron Discipline.
Veteran: Medic with lasgun
Guardsmen (3): Plasma guns(2) and meltagun.

1st Squad: Sergeant with laspistol and ccw, guardsmen with flamer.
2nd Squad: Sergeant with lasgun, guardsmen with grenade launcher and heavy bolter.
3rd Squad: Sergeant with lasgun, guardsmen with grenade launcher and missile launcher.

2nd Platoon.
Junior Officer: Bolt pistol, ccw and Iron Discipline.
Guardsmen (4): Grenade launcher and missile launcher.

1st Squad: Sergeant with laspistol and ccw, guardsmen with flamer.
2nd Squad: Sergeant with lasgun, guardsmen with grenade launcher and heavy bolter.
3rd Squad: Sergeant with lasgun, guardsmen with grenade launcher and missile launcher.

Armoured Fist squad.
Sergeant with laspistol and ccw, guardsmen with meltagun and missile launcher.
Chimera with multi-laser and heavy bolter.

White Shield platoon.
Squad 1 with flamer.
Squad 2 with flamer.
Squad 3 with lasguns.

Cadian pattern Sentinel.
Autocannon and extra armour.

Leman Russ MBT.
Heavy bolters (3) and pintle-mounted storm bolter.

Leman Russ Demolisher.
Lascannon, plasma cannons, pintle-mounted heavy stubber, extra armour, track guards, rough terrain modifier and siege armour.

Okay, I've filled out my weekly quota!

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-17 11:28:51

At 5/17/05 09:01 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote:


Sounds like one Hell of a Fightingforce man.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-17 22:08:12

At 5/17/05 11:28 AM, Gladius1000 wrote:
At 5/17/05 09:01 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote: Stuff
Sounds like one Hell of a Fightingforce man.

Heh I'll say

Space Marine Commander (weapon unkown)

Special Characters
Sgt Octavian w/ Bolter and ChainSword
Lt.Varras w/bolt pistol

Heavy Support
Space Marine Devastator w/ Plasma Cannon
Razorback (i have know idea what its weapons are called)

Fast Attack


Squad 1
Sgt.Octavian, 5 marines,( 1 w/flamer 4 w/bolters)

Squad 2
Lt Varras 10 marines (1w/missle launcher 9/bolter)

Squad 3
Space Marine Commander, 9 space marines, 1 Devastaror(devastatorw/plasmacannon marines with bolters)

Squad 4
Razorback, 5 space marines (bolters)

Squad 5
Space marine Sgt. , 5 space marines (1 w/ missle launcher 1w/flamer 3w/ bolters)

Well there ya go.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-18 03:03:47

At 5/17/05 09:01 AM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote:
The oficial army list of my 2.000 pts. Cadian 13th Rifles.

(sorry for the non-posting)
Nice army

If i was to start my space marine army i would have two new ideas

the first idea is to have a spacemarine bike squadran which would have a vet. sergeant armed with a teleporter homer.
- on the first turn bikes would turbo boost to where they need
- (if rolling is good) on second or subsequent turn deepstrike terminators to teleport homer

the second idea is to set up a devestator squad or two with the tank hunters upgrade and give them heavy bolters or missile launcehers (at least won't cost as much as a lascannon)

the third idea is to make an tank army where each of the tactical squads has rhino + vet. searge/ p weapon combo and a melta gun ( can be combined with idea 1)

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-18 08:33:26

i like wh 40k but i don't play it lol ^^

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-18 20:29:33

If you have Space Marines, pick a type of Space Marines you want. I have the Blood Angels. Also, consider getting a land Raider, some terminators, and a dreadnought.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-18 22:54:44

Hmm i think ill go with dark angels or should i choose my own i was think white as the base color gold for the rims green eyes and whatnot.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-19 13:25:49

Hey can I join teh club? I got a Space Marine army that I've been collecting for 4 yrs. I do have a question, should I create a tyranid army with all the big ol' cool looking monsters, or a big ol' IG Tank Company?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-19 14:11:01

At 5/19/05 01:25 PM, gavborg9 wrote: Hey can I join teh club?

Welcome to the crew

I got a Space Marine army that I've been collecting for 4 yrs.

Realy what is the color sceme

I do have a question, should I create a tyranid army with all the big ol' cool looking monsters, or a big ol' IG Tank Company?

Dont play the TT game so i cant realy give a opinion...

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-19 18:34:46

Welcome to the crew...

Hey gladius since you have the DoW game and whatnot do the buildings self build or do they have workers build it. Could you upload a pic showing it self-build or showing a builder upclose.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-19 18:38:49

oh and gay-borg woops sorry gavborg it doent matter what you guys look like or how well there painted it depends if there gonna kick your enemy's ass. Oh and if you have an amry of SMs then show us a pic of it. Its not that i dont trust you its just that i dont trust you. And besides i wanna see what it looks like.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-19 19:19:30

well, i'm kinda bored so i'll post my army. :)

BTW: ill only list the creatures i have. I wont put down weapons and stuff cause that would take a LONG time.

1 Hive Tyrant
1 Tyrant Bodyguard

1 Lictor
6 Warriors

12 genestealers
48 Hormagaunts
32 Termagants
16 Spinagants
6 Ripper Swarms

Fast Attack:
2 Raveners
2 Gargolyles

Heavy Support:
1 Carnifex
2 Zoanthropes
2 Biovores
Old One Eye

Also: An unpainted and anassembled biovore and ravener.

Thats my army!!

(course, now the rules have changed!)

Well....Oh Ya! I also have about 12 spore mines...
And a Haraspex .....or something spelled something like that.


Maybe ill give you the full army list later. or when the new codex comes out!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-19 19:31:28

At 5/19/05 06:34 PM, ScumOfTheEarth wrote: Welcome to the crew...

Hey gladius since you have the DoW game and whatnot do the buildings self build or do they have workers build it. Could you upload a pic showing it self-build or showing a builder upclose.

Workers build them...

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-19 22:46:08

okay thanx could you send me a pic either here or at my email the_sandwhichman@yahoo.com

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-21 11:27:00

Well, I cant really post a picture becuase i dont know how(I am a noob). But i can give you teh army list.

Terminator Librarian w/ Terminator Command Sqwad
Captain w/ plasma pistol and power sword

5 man Devestator Sqwad(I used the "Honour your Wargear" doctrine. I think thats the 1)
Furioso Dred

2 10 man sqwad w/ flamers and missle luancher
1 Rhino

Fast Attack
5 man Assualt Sqwad w/ 2 plasma pistols

Heavy Support

Predator Annihilat0r

Land Raider (for my command sqwad)


Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-21 12:07:48

You must be a noob cause i wasnt talking to you. For future refrence to post pictures go to photobucket or imageshack .com After you select your website...wait hold on i dont use photo bucket so ask gladius how to use photo bucket all i kmow about photobucket is that you need an account to upload pictures. But for image shack you click on the select an image or something like that. after you selected you image click the upload button and bam select a url and put it in your post.

One more way to do it....

At the bottom of when your typing your post there's a >Attachment: button click on the browse button and select your image well there you go.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-21 12:12:03

At 5/21/05 11:27 AM, gavborg9 wrote:

But i can give you teh army list.

That army list is defeintly fake...alot of fake weapons and how can you have 20 space marines with ALL flamers and Missle Launchers. Post a pic of it using the information above...

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-21 14:11:05

At 5/21/05 12:07 PM, ScumOfTheEarth wrote: You must be a noob cause i wasnt talking to you.

Hey man dont insult people ok please i dont thingk we want another flame war.

ask gladius how to use photo bucket all i kmow about photobucket is that you need an account to upload pictures.

accounts on photo bucket are free.You just select your username and password then log in.Then you go into your album,hit the browse button to find a picture,then once it is in the album you select the image and link to the indavidual image...

One more way to do it....

At the bottom of when your typing your post there's a >Attachment: button click on the browse button and select your image well there you go.

There is a size limit of 50 kb and you can only have Jpeg or Gif images on newgrounds...

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2005-05-22 06:32:40

My, my, my, it seems that knob has been turned to "Zero Tolerance" once more. Now I know how an UN representative must feel. I know I would frown if somebody said he was a champ or something, but come on guys, a little more tolerance here would be nice.

Anyway, go to THQ.com and check on the extra info for Winter Assault.


Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature