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MS Paint your school pet peeves

394,667 Views | 3,552 Replies

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-23 12:34:29

At 4/23/08 12:33 PM, macio wrote: Boys' bathrooms are dirty as fuck, and the urinals are blown up.

Fuck, forgot pic. 4SRS

MS Paint your school pet peeves


My username is pronounced "mah-chee-o". Thank you for your attention.

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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-23 12:57:26

Your cell going off in a quiet classroom.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls.

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-23 13:05:34

Mrs. Finnan.....?


BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-23 13:25:31

The Dean at my school is an asshole, He always takes my skateboard but thats my main form of transportation to get to school. It's a lot faster then walking and I don't want to be late again.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

life can be real fuckin crazy

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-23 13:51:21

whoever says guitar hero is harder than real guitar sucks at life and GH

"Thats like calling shotgun for a car you cant even find!!"-drunk cousin

The Stoner's Club / Guitarists

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-24 07:23:45

blind people puke

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-24 07:39:51

when i was at school if you didnt get to the dinner hallwithin three seconds after the bell you have to wait the dinner hour only to get cold under cooked food although i was on the worst side i didnt get the school dinner and was in the corridor when the storm came

MS Paint your school pet peeves

underage users there so easy to spot LOL

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-24 20:50:10

At 4/23/08 11:13 AM, lawlita wrote: i hat blac pepole in my scole

Epic first post

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-25 14:31:48

Everyone dyes their hair black and claims to be emo. Seriously, wtf?

Because kittens scare me...

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-25 14:46:14

At 4/25/08 02:31 PM, Jaredcatz wrote: Everyone dyes their hair black and claims to be emo. Seriously, wtf?

Ah, The hardcorness of highschool.

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-04-26 15:58:05

At 4/23/08 11:23 AM, valium9 wrote: All the chav girls have the same really horrible upturned pig noses

Dude do you go to my school
that looks just like this total whore that goes to my school.

When the needle drops, Time stops.

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-03 16:19:01

So i transfered from private school to public school. In public school im learning the same exact thing i just leraned at private school so when i aced a test i already passed everyone called me nerd

MS Paint your school pet peeves

"Inset quote here" - Some guys name

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-03 16:37:49

people who ask me if i want a smoke.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Test for echo

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-03 16:38:51

At 5/3/08 04:37 PM, wasb wrote: people who ask me if i want a smoke.

that looks lika a ink blot

underage users there so easy to spot LOL

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-03 16:57:57

some stupid kids from our school newspaper, that draw
themselves with fox and dragon tails and ears and ony brag about naruto
which nobody know in our country, cause we don't have it here.
they actually think thats cool...

tell me what is: beanohamstertimes3??
yeah they are retards...

MS Paint your school pet peeves


BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-03 18:01:06

When people spit their gum in the water fountain when the trash is three feet away!

MS Paint your school pet peeves

The average person has only one testicle.

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-03 18:26:14

I like how this thread keeps having the same pet peeves posted about over and over again.

I think just about everything's been covered by now.

I love clever sigs.


BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-03 19:06:09

I'm the person closest.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-05 07:46:35

At 5/3/08 06:26 PM, Jayblin wrote: I like how this thread keeps having the same pet peeves posted about over and over again.

I think just about everything's been covered by now.

I like how you posted your thoughts without contributing to the thread's actual topic , despite what you think , people actually want this thread to last

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-05 08:19:05

At 5/3/08 04:19 PM, gdog163 wrote: So i transfered from private school to public school. In public school im learning the same exact thing i just leraned at private school so when i aced a test i already passed everyone called me nerd

It doesnt really matter, because if you`re the nerd, what are they? people that fail at life?

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-05 09:18:42

when blac peopel steal my kfc

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-05 09:23:49

At 5/3/08 07:06 PM, FlameMesial wrote: I'm the person closest.

I have suffered a similar problem.

Science. Happened twice, guys behind me were pathetic.

Click here! For a free intelligence test.

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-05 09:30:20


MS Paint your school pet peeves

When this post hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious friendship.

Youtube, Twitch: Mostly games

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-05 09:34:39

Attention whores

MS Paint your school pet peeves


My username is pronounced "mah-chee-o". Thank you for your attention.

Youtube Account (under construction)

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-05 10:01:19

Im in 6th form, but the only thing is, when Im actually going to the cafeteria, you notice that some the younger years say gay quite a lot.

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-07 16:53:14

Yeah, just like " are you scared of lightning " and the unicron trick.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-10 21:16:19

Our sports teams suck.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

signature lol.

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-18 21:53:19

When I have to work with Partners. I hate it so.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Mortal kombat sprites are Aweshum

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-18 22:01:46

When I have to stand in front of the class and share something with them

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Mortal kombat sprites are Aweshum

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2008-05-19 14:19:22

Oh hey guys.
