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Day of the Dead Remake Teaser.

2,230 Views | 33 Replies

Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:15:15


It's Youtube so the quality sucks, but this is the only place you can get it.

Now before you watch this I have some comments first. After you read my comments you probably aren't even going to watch the trailer. Anyway, from what I can surmise about the trailer, actors, plot, and people involved making the film I can sum up my opinion in two words. Don't Bother.

This movie was written by the same jackoff who did the Wicker Man remake. Yeah.

It also dives away from the original plot line of people being stuck in a bunker. That's okay because it at least talks about military. It's got that down. Sheesh.

To make things worse (as if they could be) the guys aren't even connecting it to Dawn of the Dead re-make. The last thing, which really irks me, is the kicker.

It's a virus. They are going to explain what is happening. My nerd instincts kicked in real quickly and decided that this is slaughter. Throw in Nick Cannon and you got a great steaming pile of poo.

I liked the Dawn of the Dead remake. It was an interesting take on Remero's old film.

I won't like this, at all. I'm not even going to watch it.

Screw You Steve Miner.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:20:22

Nick Cannon? In a horror movie?

Dude. This has GOT too be a joke.

I'm serious.


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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:23:35

At 10/26/06 05:20 PM, bigexplosions wrote: Nick Cannon? In a horror movie?

Dude. This has GOT too be a joke.

I'm serious.

Nope, Nick Cannon is in it.

On the last line in the trailer he's standing there. He's holding a shot-gun and he blasts it. He grins with the dumb grin and says proudly, "It's a bad day to be a zombie."

Uwe Boll might as well be making it.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:24:00

Wow, Nick Cannon.

Day of the Dead was the most boring out of Romero's series to me. Still good, but quite boring.

I don't even think this is a remake, the Dawn of The Dead remake at least had the same setting and quite the same plot but with more characters.

D13, the most elite you've ever seen.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:24:28

yeah all remakes are starting to suck big time
i really liked the remake of dawn of the dead
but after that there never came a good zombie movie anymore
i am going to watch day of the dead just to see if it really sucks
the remake of land of the dead sucked btw
the only thing a good zombie movie needs is a lot of action and never get a safe environment and a lot of blood
i think day of the dead is something like that but i didn't see much blood

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:25:59

Oh wow, I think its too much of shitbomb to even be named a horror movie. From what I could see it was an action movie with zombies, and the so-called action is just people jumping through windows or other similar obstacles, and blazing gunfire directed at zombies.

I especially love how there is the same old plot of a virus making people into zombies, we all know it will suck, so at least make it veer off into a little different direction and be creative.

I won't be watching this.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:28:56

It all has to do with one simple thing and that is: the unknown.

That's what made all the Dead movies great. You don't know why it's happening and that's why it's scary.

What they did was revamped it into a action movie with an explination. So where is the horror? At what point am I going to be scared? Or, at any point, at least entertained?

If I wanted to watch an action Zombie movie I'd watch Resident Evil. In fact...this remindes me too much OF Resident Evil.

Paul W.S. Anderson is a tard.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:31:50

At 10/26/06 05:24 PM, mikeAJ wrote: the remake of land of the dead sucked btw

What? A Land of the Dead remake? Land of the Dead came out last year. Or is there some sci-fi channel movie I missed?

D13, the most elite you've ever seen.

BBS Signature

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:32:39

At 10/26/06 05:23 PM, SirXVII wrote: Nope, Nick Cannon is in it.

Oh my good god.

I still remember The Nick Cannon Show.


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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 17:52:14

i cant watch a horror film. ever since i watched a zombie movie at 11 i have nightmares; sometimes i would scream in my sleep.

so i read the books instead. i like the plots and storys of them.

does anyone remember dave chappelle where his kid says nick cannon is funny, and dave tillls him to go fuck himself. good times.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 18:06:12

This movie doesn't deserve the same title as day of the dead. I'm not seeing it. Even though George A is my favorite director.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 18:11:52

Wow, that's one hell of a way to butcher a classic. It's like they tried combining The Stand, with Resident Evil named it Day of the Dead and threw in Nick Cannon because he's todays hip black actor.

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 18:20:48

HELL YES! There is always some fatass in every zombie movie, this movie doesnt looks great, but there r zombies, and zombies r cool :D
note to everyone: shaun of the dead os on TV sat night :D :D

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 18:21:57


Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 18:30:25

At 10/26/06 05:41 PM, ShitOnMyChest wrote: Ugh

It's bad enough the Day of the Dead remake features him

Bad enough he still has an acting career.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 18:34:52


I'm not touching that steamy pile of cat vomit with a 10 foot pole and a 6 foot midget attached to it.


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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 19:15:15

I dont know. The trailer makes the movie definetly look like............ya.

I'll still watch it and probaly find it somewhat cool. Though I can already tell it has those "Dumb Bitch" moments. You know. Where some dumb bitch (Can be a guy as well) does something fucking retarded. Like super retarded. Then you say in you're head or outloud "What the fuck, why did she just do that". It usually jeapordizes all their lifes.

FUcking first rate bitches. If I had it my way I'de suck a dick. Hell. I'de suck you're dick. Yeah. You. You reading this. I'll suck you're cock.

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 19:24:11

Nick Cannon? Horror? I'm sorry, I can't accept this as a fact.

I'm just gona listen to my tunes and forget this tidbit of disturding information.

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 19:28:49

At 10/26/06 05:32 PM, bigexplosions wrote:
At 10/26/06 05:23 PM, SirXVII wrote: Nope, Nick Cannon is in it.
Oh my good god.

I still remember The Nick Cannon Show.

oh dear god i hated that show so much even as a kid i thought it was retarded


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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 19:31:11

Day of the Dead is the most underrated zombie movies ever. I'm glad it's being remade to attract others to the original.

Skype: the_sleuth

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 19:35:50

Dawn of the Dead was awesome.

That asshole should stop fucking around with George A. Romero movies!

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 19:57:46

Ah! This is going to be bad.

I loved the Dawn of the Dead remake from 2004. I thought it was great. But if you're going to remake a bad sequel, try not to make a bad remake of a bad sequel. They should have got the folks behind the Dawn remake to do this. This looks bad. Nick Cannon is the least of my problems. For one, these zombies are terrible. Unless it was just bad sound quality, they sound more like wraiths in freeway tunnels than zombies. Two, the zombies are acting totally gay. Three, they're explaining the cause. The point is not to know the cause; only the effect, and the coping with this event. They're ruining the way people will look at this series now. It's tragic.

Hopefully they will end up doing a better job than I'm expecting. After all, I didn't really expect the Dawn of the Dead remake to be very good either.

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 20:07:05

that looks like ass. looks like the only movies i currently can look foreward too are hot fuzz, and ghost rider. also hell boy 2 whenever they finally get around to making it. my opinion, id rather get beaten to death by obese chick tits, then watch this remake.

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 22:00:46

Well the only difference from Dawn is that the Dawn trailer looked cool.

This looked cheesy.

I'd rather watch Gigli.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 22:01:32

Im not watching it, fucking nick cannon.


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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2006-10-26 22:35:49

nick cannon is hilarious

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2007-02-22 22:25:29

I'm only replying so I won't remake the topic.

In my opinion, this remake will be shit. Same as every other...

Skype: the_sleuth

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2007-02-22 22:40:20

god that looks so shitty.
at least scarlett johansen sister is going to be in it.
is there going to be a bub?

Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2007-02-22 22:48:12

Since when do zombies make a 'Pterodactyl' noises?

It looks like another horrible, cheesy remake that adds a bunch of sex scenes because they thing thats what people want, and that's why they're going to watch it.

This gets me worked up for all kinds of reasons, but I'm just not going to watch the movie. It'd probably piss me off more if I did.

Jason Becker, will of steel. | Django Reinhardt, the greatest.

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Response to Day of the Dead Remake Teaser. 2007-02-22 23:00:09

This does look like a shitty remake but I will probably end up watching it sooner or later. It will never be what the original was though.

Fool me once...shame on you. Fool me twice...no one will ever find your body.

I kill threads.

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