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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-18 18:26:37

RE: Christmas

At 12/18/06 06:14 PM, jmtb02 wrote: I can't tell you how many Christmases went by where I didn't get what I wanted. But then, you just got to realize parents aren't made of money and that we should be thankful we have anything to begin with. Something I should have learned a lot earlier.

Very true. Merry Christmas John! I hope you get what you want, doll. I wish I did more volunteer stuff during this time of year. I used to go on a caroling runs with my church to the houses of needy people. Then one year I didn't go and they came to my place. It's all very touching.

Carollers (sp?) get a bad rap.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-18 18:26:53

Re: Christmas Time-Presents!

Christmas is the same every year. I get a few of the cheaper things I want, then I get a lot of other stuff thats barely acceptable. Then I go to my relatives' house and get whatever they got me. Then we have brunch, then we do whatever afterward. Thats my Christmas.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-18 19:44:49


At 12/18/06 04:56 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: all of little Timmy's presents (so he don't get none cause hes a poopy head)


My nickname is Little Timmy at school...
At 12/18/06 06:08 PM, TrueDarkness wrote: Done and done. Sorry for any screw ups, I recorded without reading through first ><
(Not my real voice)
(Wait for it to load)
http://www.truedarkness.phrozenflame.com/LOLS ANTA.swf

Ahaha, that was pretty good, 'specially the poopy head part.

What I want for X rated moose day

BattleField 2142, if not then Battlefield 2
4525246432 PS2 games
Oil paint pallet
Swift 3D 4.5
"Why am I so amazing" t-shirt(Invader Zim)
A giant STEAK! to burn witches on, preferably beef
Anything made by Adobe(no joke)
A small set-up for stop-motion animation, which won't be used for shitty Knox tributes. I don't think it'll be used with the same type of clay.
Two balls of glue, tooo beee my friend!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-18 22:44:33


I have finally finished all that is due tomorrow, minus what I selected not to do or couldn't do (one thing was too tedious and two things I lack the materials at the moment.)

Looking for the tape I need for a project I stumbled upon a jar of acrylic paint that I couldn't open months ago and just left laying around. I still couldn't open it so I stabbed the top of the jar with a flat head screw driver a few times until I broke through. After that I didn't know what to do with the contents, so I poured them into an empty water bottle. Then I decided I'd mix things up a bit. I added the following: Barbasol shaving cream, Panteen ProV conditioner, Tums, Solarcaine, Scope, Lysol, deodorant spray, a penny...then I shook the bottle. Nothing happened. I then started to twist the bottle around itself in order to shoot the cap off. I was afraid of what may happen so I aimed it into the garbage can. It didn't fire and instead spray fresh smelling black paint on my hands a bit...
I was thoroughly dissatisfied. It made gurgling noises in the garbage a few times.

Page 200

Its coming.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-18 22:52:26

At 12/18/06 10:44 PM, MethodMinus wrote: Its coming.

Re: Page 200

Whoopee. Lets have a party...or something.

Re: Reg Collab.

So, for this collab, the characters we're doing our ourselves, right? I'm not too filled in on the details of this.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-18 23:09:22

RE: Page 200

Ive made history here. The second century, and I was here among only a few others, to post on the page. Now someone make a flag, and post it on this page, like what they do on the moon eh? Or not...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-18 23:35:28

Front Page

I remember the old argument on how having your Flash on the front page brings down your score. Well I realized it can do the opposite. For instance, the movie "Future" was only a score of 3.90 before, now its on the front page and has a score of 4.30!



Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 00:20:21

That has to be one of the best flashes I've seen on Newgrounds, it has such an awesome style to it and the fact that no 3D was used makes it better too.
It getting a frontpage definitely benefiteed it, this will probably be in the top 50 for a while.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 00:26:27

PAGE 200
just so i can say i posted on page 200..
tho one of my first post was on pade 1thousand and thirty something on the art showcase thread...

and you dont need an invitation to my party.. i just wont pay you the bus/plane/ship/war tank or
whatever you are using to come..

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 00:28:30

RE: Frontpage

Remember the treasure hunt? Break'n to your house by TrippingMetal (suggested by me :P) won. It got frontpaged. It's score before that was 3.10. Rose to a 3.99 in a matter of days. It really depends on the content, if its total asskicking and humour, then its bound to rise.


whoopedy doo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 00:39:36

RE: FrontPage

Yer, it all depends ion the quality of the flash. But after numerous fives, maybe when its on the frontpage, and gets a four, the average actually goes down possibly? And think its pretty obvious that a few go up, rather than down.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 01:17:02


I need my place in history

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 01:25:28

we really have to get back to flash discussion. Im really dis-interested with the shit that get's talked about in here nowadays. anyway.

What do you think about working with other people?

What are all your views on working with someone else? an animator or programmer, or even 2 animators, 2 programmers. Do you like it, hate it, dont care much either way. Bad experiances *cough*NegativeOne*cough*, good experiances.

I for one am working with someone on a x-mas game. As alot of you probably are. it was going good at first, but he got lazy, and out of no where wanted a bunch of shit added to the engine that was not planned, which makes finishing a game hard, and makes the engine messy and hard to work with. Now i pretty much have to force work out of him. Even then the animation is lazily done, at best.

Dont get me wrong, he is a good animator, and a good artist. But it just seems like he's rushing everything, not putting any effort into any of it anymore.

so, anybody else have any thoughts?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 01:36:36

RE: Partners

I like working with other people much much more. Theres so many up points to doing it, and I dont think the occasional small little problems are too bad, But most of them are just little annoying things, which only take 20 minutes to fix.

The main positive is, you may not be as great in one position, as you are in another. For example, alot of the time, a programmer, and an artist will work together, making pretty muich everything a whole lot easier.

Then again, more than 4 people, maybe five, is way too much, and can get a little out of control. Collabs are a bit different really, but not too many, then its more of a disaster than it is a good thing.

Partner Ship Comp

I think ti would be cool to actually do this. Dont know if its been done before, and just do it with say, 5 groups of 2 or 3 people. It would be fun, and just make a basic storyline, that they have to follow alopng, but make their own sub stories.

Well, if you all agree to it, I would be willing to host it, just see if you guys like it first right?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 02:09:44

Front Page Score Fluctuation

Some submissions will hit the front page and go way up, like future, others will stay the same, like most things, then some will just nose dive, like Four Second Firestorm. It also happens in other places, like if your game gets mentioned on the games page, its the same thing, and it makes me mad >:U The people from the games section don't vote the same way as everybody else. Sledder was listed there and because of that, I got a zillion reviews saying it wasn't hard enough, and the score dropped from 3.75 (out of judgment) to what it is at now, which happens to be a 3.36. Don't know what caused it to drop, I have my guesses, but they can stay in my head.

The Newgrounds scoring system does seem like it can be a little off at times, and that, for the most part, is alright. The part about it that really gets me though is that the Armor Game contests are based off NG scores. I wish they had a better system because sometimes the NG scores don't truly reflect the value of a game. Prime example being AquaSlug vs -Red-. Red got a score over 4.20 within a week and won the AG competition, but I personally thought AquaSlug was a much better game and it looked like a lot more work went into it. So although I don't care about the NG scores not always being accurate, I do, however, dislike it when things are based off the NG score instead of a panel like the NG team does their awards.

And there be my two cents.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 02:19:04

At 12/19/06 01:25 AM, 23450 wrote: we really have to get back to flash discussion. Im really dis-interested with the shit that get's talked about in here nowadays. anyway.

totally agree.

RE: Partners

I think i just have a bad taste in collabs. I've never been in a successful one, that's for sure. One that's on NG is the christmas collab. I haven't heard ANYTHING from diamond-armada (the guy leading it) in forever. He took one flash game and that was it. Now I'm not even sure if mine's gonna get done on time. Mostly because my mic is at a friend's house :(

But i do love working with people in some situations. Usually while people are interested, things go smashingly. I did this failed series called Spam Kitty (Reyals idea). I wrote pretty much the entire pilot and loved being a part of it.

But for some reason, it's really hard to keep flashers together. Probably because flash is so exhausting in general. We've all started projects that we just couldn't keep up with, whether it be from lack of ideas, time, or just interest in general

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 02:27:48


Anyone else notice that theres been a lack of new collabs lately. Im really interested to get into one, but none have been made recently. I dont really want one based on parts of a song either, those ones are too common, ones like the tutorial collab work better.

I would start one, but firstly, I cant think of anything useful, so therefore, I wont start one, until theres something pretty good that comes to mind.

Ofcoarse the more obvious reason that i cant start one is, theres nothing to show against my name, therefore, nobody will join. Even if I had more posts, and a higher level then maybe it would happen :)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 02:30:57


it's back up. the reason why collabs were up was because the >3 BA rule was temporarily discontinued when that site went down. now that it's back up, i believe everybody ran back to their NGC.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 02:36:49

RE: NGCOllabs Back Up

So, its finally back up, after so darn long. It was really getting on my nerves. I was going there for like a week, and it never worked, so I gave up, we still need more here never the less, so maybe someone can start one up.

Well Im about to join.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 03:10:14

I dunno what it'd be like to work with a partner but it'd be pretty interesting to partner up with an ActionScripter to make a game. But it working with another artist would be something that I'd have to try out.

What would you like to learn in Flash and who from?
I want to learn special effects(explosions, lightning, smoke and etc...) from Dan Paladin.
IMO I could learn a lot and easily adjust the style he teaches me to suit me better and match my style.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 03:15:38

RE: Regs Collab

Um, is it starting or not, I searched the last couple of pages, and nothing, is it going ahead or not? If anyone can answer me please do so, Im ever so confused.

RE: Partners

I guess you could say it would be nice, but you can go on the forums at any time and ask people for things and codes for just about anything you need, so really is there any point? Other than mingling with mates?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 03:24:39

RE: Learningz

Everything that I want to learn to help in flash I am currently taking a class for. I have two graphic design classes, a trig class, and a physics class. The last couple days I have been applying the trig and physics concepts that I have been learning to actionscript and it has been straight up orgasmic. The results are great, and I can already see massive improvements from even just a week ago :)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 03:26:34

RE: Partnering - To Reedo11 Mainly

So Reedo11, do you draw, or script the stuff? Well, If you interested I would make something with you, just to get me off the ground really, then again, you have alot of good movies, So maybe I should start with less good people?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 03:42:32

Reg Collab
Luis said he won't start it till after Christmas when he has the time.

@ UnForged:
The point was that I don't know everything and I would like to learn how to do something I suck at from one of the people who do it really well and I'll be able to take what I've learnt and apply it to my own style of animating.
Basicly the topic was what you can't do or you want to improve on, the who part is optional.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 04:10:30

Teh Learnin'

I'd love to learn explosions from Dan Paladin as well...but to add something to this thread...

I'd have to say I'd love for Dim to teach me some stuff about animating. He does character model tweening VERY VERY nicely. I'm attempting to teach myself, and it's going well, but some things are just a mega-bitch to figure out

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 05:17:31


At 12/19/06 04:10 AM, HandsomeJake wrote: Teh Learnin'

I'd love to learn explosions from Dan Paladin as well...but to add something to this thread...

I'd have to say I'd love for Dim to teach me some stuff about animating. He does character model tweening VERY VERY nicely. I'm attempting to teach myself, and it's going well, but some things are just a mega-bitch to figure out

Easing is really helpful in tweening, and I believe you can get an extension for Flash that makes it easier to tween. I think it makes it work a bit like animating in Pivot.
Tweening is one of those things that can be done really good and really well with a nice look to it but not a lot of people seem to do that.
You should probably try out how the Brothers Chaps do it(Homestarrunner.com), if you give that a try it could come out really good yet be simple to do.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 05:49:22

RE: 200 pages

yet how much of it was spam on average?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 06:53:54

RE: Working with other People

I think it's harder sometimes, because your whole idea might not be expressed. Then again, when I was just starting out, I did like 6 collabs at once just to get experienced. From what I see now, it's easier to work by yourself if you're good enough.

I've gone and become an SSBB addict... what to do, what to do...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 07:49:53

Re: Page 200

At 12/19/06 05:49 AM, zoy wrote: yet how much of it was spam on average?


No more animated sigs. :(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-12-19 08:17:53

speaking of spam the next post is 6,000