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Idiots in Iraq

1,547 Views | 29 Replies

Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-27 22:46:32

Hippys go to Iraq from the US to sit and guard Iraqi nuclear plants....your opinion?

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-27 23:19:35

At 2/27/03 10:46 PM, WolfSoldier wrote: Hippys go to Iraq from the US to sit and guard Iraqi nuclear plants....your opinion?

human free-will,
freedom of choice,
sunny holiday vacation,
language and cultural studies.


Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-27 23:23:17

If they don't like the idea of war, that's fine, but if they're so convinced that they are right and Bush is wrong that they will endanger their lives in order to stop a military strike, then they are fools indeed.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-27 23:47:32

YES!!! Two-for-one on all our bombs - Saddam and a bunch of dirty-ass hippies

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-28 06:58:18

Bush is so convinced he is right and everyone else is wrong that he will risk hundreds of thousands of lives. Who's more idiotic?

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-28 09:19:09

At 2/28/03 06:58 AM, Slizor wrote: Bush is so convinced he is right and everyone else is wrong that he will risk hundreds of thousands of lives. Who's more idiotic?

You Slizor! :) You act like Bush is the only one wanting this. Not true. There are many world leaders and citizens around the world that agree that we need to deal with Iraq. Maybe you should move to France. :)

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Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-28 12:16:59

You Slizor! :) You act like Bush is the only one wanting this. Not true. There are many world leaders and citizens around the world that agree that we need to deal with Iraq.

But sadly they are in the minority. Damn pseudo-democracy!

Maybe you should move to France. :)

Pfft, all western democracies suck. I'll never get represented anywhere. All governments only take a stance on this due to their own economic interests. America wants to control the oil and to stop OPEC changing to the Euro, France, Germany, etc don't want to see their trade agreements with Iraq cut (These are export agreements btw, not import.)

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-28 12:22:29

well, let the hippies gard the plants. who cares. hippies are most of the time big hypocrits who say how sad childlabor is, while they are wearing nike shoes. As soon as they hear a plane coming they pee in their pants and run home to mommy.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-28 13:13:18

At 2/27/03 10:46 PM, WolfSoldier wrote: Hippys go to Iraq from the US to sit and guard Iraqi nuclear plants....your opinion?

I haven't heard this... but hey if they have the money and the balls to actually go to a place where they're hated power to them.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-28 20:15:22


Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-02-28 20:57:25

If they're so eager to die they could always jump in front of a subway, no one will miss their anti-american asses. The only "statement" they're making is "I'm willing to die because I think the president pronounces words incorrectly."

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-03-01 01:01:56

nope sorry thats not anti war protesting thats siding with the enemy as a human shield.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-03-01 08:04:38

At 2/27/03 11:23 PM, TheEvilOne wrote: If they don't like the idea of war, that's fine, but if they're so convinced that they are right and Bush is wrong that they will endanger their lives in order to stop a military strike, then they are fools indeed.

They demand freedom, is that foolish!?

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-03-01 08:06:03

At 2/28/03 08:57 PM, NEMESiSZ wrote: If they're so eager to die they could always jump in front of a subway, no one will miss their anti-american asses. The only "statement" they're making is "I'm willing to die because I think the president pronounces words incorrectly."

I'm not sure about "anti-American", but I agree with the part about how the "president pronounces words incorrecly." The sad thing is how truly uninformed many of these anti-war protesters are. A few things to say about them:

1. They refuse to accept that inspections don't work and have never worked.

2. They can't seem to grasp the fact that Iraq is not a peaceful nation that seeks the weapons for peaceful purposes. I can't stand it when people say that "If Iraq can't have them, then the US shouldn't have them either." This is SADDAM HUSSEIN we're talking about, people!

3. They are very quick to make the "it's all about oil" accusation, despite the fact that there is NO GROUNDS WHATSOEVER for that ludicrous claim.

I think it's time that these people received a nice dose of Reality™. Quit living in a dream world and realize that Saddam is a threat to global security.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-03-01 10:06:49

1. They refuse to accept that inspections don't work and have never worked.

I'm not sure if they had inspectors, but I think they did...and they being...South Africa.

2. They can't seem to grasp the fact that Iraq is not a peaceful nation that seeks the weapons for peaceful purposes.

I seek peace, so I will get weapons of awesome destructive capability.

I can't stand it when people say that "If Iraq can't have them, then the US shouldn't have them either." This is SADDAM HUSSEIN we're talking about, people!

This is GEORGE BUSH we're talking about, people!

3. They are very quick to make the "it's all about oil" accusation, despite the fact that there is NO GROUNDS WHATSOEVER for that ludicrous claim.

Iraq has 1/10th of the World's oil reserves. America's entire economy is dependent on oil. Most of Bush's cabinet have/do work for oil companies. A big sponser of the republican party are oil companies.

I just thought I'd put some general ground there.

I think it's time that these people received a nice dose of Reality™. Quit living in a dream world and realize that Saddam is a threat to global security.

Despite the CIA claiming in 2000 that he wasn't a threat to global security?

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-03-01 11:19:13

At 3/1/03 08:06 AM, TheEvilOne wrote:
3. They are very quick to make the "it's all about oil" accusation, despite the fact that there is NO GROUNDS WHATSOEVER for that ludicrous claim.

you are listening to the 6 o'clock news every night arn't you!

Do you know that the "iraqi opposition" have already made deals with western oil companies to legitamize their power-play position when Saddam is removed, and the REAL battle for iraq begins in earnest behind closed doors. Opec will be on it's knees, and countries like Saudi Arabia will no longer be able to set their own oil price compared to the discounted contracts that have already being signed.

Russia knows this. The united Arab States know this. Texan Oil Merchants know this. But truth is, the American public would never complain about cheaper oil, and will care less if big business rides rough-shod over the assests of the "post-war" iraqi people...

so plz don't be so selfish with pro-war comments

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 00:55:55

Damn the Hippies and their homosexual prancing*FuK the Anti-War Sympathists!*........(Elliott-Sama aka WolfSoldier's" Crazy cousin!)

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 07:28:40

Simply put, war is a failure from the moment it becomes an option in someones mind.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 11:06:24

At 2/27/03 10:46 PM, WolfSoldier wrote: Hippys go to Iraq from the US to sit and guard Iraqi nuclear plants....your opinion?

If they want to help the citizens of Iraq, that’s fine, but if that’s their intention, then they need to help by giving them food & water. They don’t need people guarding nuclear plants.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 12:47:53

as i see it if our damn country would leave people alone instead of thinkin we r right all the time we wouldnt be having this conversation

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 12:55:16

At 2/27/03 10:46 PM, WolfSoldier wrote: Hippys go to Iraq from the US to sit and guard Iraqi nuclear plants....your opinion?

Oh damn it! I hate damn Hippys...!

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 12:59:53

At 10/23/03 12:55 PM, Furious_Angel wrote: Oh damn it! I hate damn Hippys...!

P.S: I hate hippies- except the Beatles.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 14:41:53

I heard they all got huge fines when they returned to the US, because of some travel ban or something like that on Americans going to Iraq. I dunno maybe Im wrong.

Bellum omnium contra omnes

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Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 16:05:45

At 10/23/03 12:59 PM, Furious_Angel wrote:
At 10/23/03 12:55 PM, Furious_Angel wrote: Oh damn it! I hate damn Hippys...!
P.S: I hate hippies- except the Beatles.

Ahh...the good old word 'hate'...and we wonder why our world is so tangled up lately ;)

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 16:19:04

At 2/27/03 10:46 PM, WolfSoldier wrote: Hippys go to Iraq from the US to sit and guard Iraqi nuclear plants....your opinion?

Well, I think it's screwed up that they can trespass and not get in trouble. But, if we say something that isnt even that bad, but someone might find offensive, they can file harassment charges and even land you a night in jail and a hefty fine.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 16:27:03

At 10/23/03 12:55 AM, the-creeper88 wrote: Damn the Hippies and their homosexual prancing*FuK the Anti-War Sympathists!*........(Elliott-Sama aka WolfSoldier's" Crazy cousin!)

Fuck the Rednecks and their homophobe squaredancing*Fuck the Pro-War Nazies!*......(George W. Bush aka God's Holy Fighter

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-23 16:31:55

At 10/23/03 12:55 PM, Furious_Angel wrote:
At 2/27/03 10:46 PM, WolfSoldier wrote:
Oh damn it! I hate damn Hippys...!

Yea me too. I hate anyone that stands up for their beliefs even though they are forced down by society....oh yea and by the way I hate jews (not really its just to prove a point)

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-24 12:28:18

At 10/23/03 04:31 PM, blueloa13 wrote: Yea me too. I hate anyone that stands up for their beliefs even though they are forced down by society....oh yea and by the way I hate jews (not really its just to prove a point)

Alright, maybe I didn't cleard my point. I don't hate hippies personaly- I hate detest their opinions and their way of life. Is it politically correct enough for you?

The hipies, lately they defend only world tyrants, terorists and etc. Why don't they deffend other leader that don't have so much blood on his hand as SADDAM(by the way, Saddam means "rebel" in Arabic).

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-24 15:14:59

At 2/27/03 10:46 PM, WolfSoldier wrote: Hippys go to Iraq from the US to sit and guard Iraqi nuclear plants....your opinion?

I think you need to educate yourself on the matter.

Response to Idiots in Iraq 2003-10-24 17:15:28

At 3/1/03 08:06 AM, TheEvilOne wrote: I'm not sure about "anti-American", but I agree with the part about how the "president pronounces words incorrecly." The sad thing is how truly uninformed many of these anti-war protesters are. A few things to say about them:

1. They refuse to accept that inspections don't work and have never worked.

Maybe (this is a chain of thought that isn't explored often) the Inspectors found no WMD because....

THERE WASN'T ANY!!! *Crash of thunder* Just maybe...?

2. They can't seem to grasp the fact that Iraq is not a peaceful nation that seeks the weapons for peaceful purposes. I can't stand it when people say that "If Iraq can't have them, then the US shouldn't have them either." This is SADDAM HUSSEIN we're talking about, people!

So? I do not believe Saddam was a threat to the UK or the US. I believe he was a nasty piece of shit. I believe he harboured a lot of hate. I believe the same of George Bush. America is not a peaceful nation. It is a nation racked by hate and war. When the world proves that they have no need to use Nuclear Bombs, then I will support Nuclear bombs.

3. They are very quick to make the "it's all about oil" accusation, despite the fact that there is NO GROUNDS WHATSOEVER for that ludicrous claim.

*Ahem* There are LOADS of Oil Barons in the country taking all the oil already. Contracts have been signed and America has made quite a lot of cash from the oil.

I think it's time that these people received a nice dose of Reality™. Quit living in a dream world and realize that Saddam is a threat to global security.

Is he? Why on earth would America install him as a ruler of a country then?