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Mac haters...

2,805 Views | 56 Replies

Response to Mac haters... 2006-07-31 20:54:18

Yepp macs are the best I got an iMac G5 (not on it now, sorry about that). But I just love it, not one error yet, NO VIRUSES (thats a biggy, I am a file whore). More space, games are becoming more applicable (companys making mac versions) good software, more user friendly. But yes its not as good for games, but I am not a huge gamer anyway!

I still haven't forgiven the asians for pearl harbor.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-07-31 20:56:56

Macs brought the hate upon themselfs with their fancy new commercials.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-07-31 20:57:21

At 7/31/06 08:54 PM, _yoddtacos_ wrote: Yepp macs are the best I got an iMac G5 (not on it now, sorry about that). But I just love it, not one error yet, NO VIRUSES (thats a biggy, I am a file whore). More space, games are becoming more applicable (companys making mac versions) good software, more user friendly. But yes its not as good for games, but I am not a huge gamer anyway!

YEAH! thats what im talkin about!
Thats a real mac user, not a stuck up dick face!


BBS Signature

Response to Mac haters... 2006-07-31 21:00:15

I hate Macs because my school has Macs, and they fucking suck. They never work and that damned spinning rainbow wheel of death drives me insane.

BBS Signature

Response to Mac haters... 2006-07-31 21:01:27

people dont hate macs! they are just jelous of the one who has it so they make sure to make it seem like pc's are better cause everyone has a pc.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-07-31 21:03:36

Macs are great if you want to eatheir just use as a home computer or if you want too Program and Design. But it lacks a lot of programs windows uses and also from what I heard sucks at running some games.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 10:36:14

That is why i combined the two.

The power of a pc with the stable system, mac osx that runs on a pc.

BBS Signature

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 11:04:08

At 7/31/06 08:55 PM, esko_man wrote: Good luck finding that perfect new game for a mac...
Good luck upgrading a mac...
Good luck getting software for a mac...
Good luck sharing files with a mac...
Macs do get errors
Macs do get viruses
Macs do get less buys worldwide annualy than any individual main pc brand
Macs suck

I like the way you think.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 13:23:51

Let me tell you a story of a mac..tis was a long time ago whilst I still went to school (2-3 years)
and in cafeteria there was a mac...of the sligthly older kind...the kind that gave itself error messages even when nobody had touched it for days it still cried out its complaints and the funny thing is that it the error message was a ducks quack..only ten times louder...it happened about ten times a day...pretty funny actually...imagine your playing cards and then there is QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!

About macs in general....they do suck because pc's at least let you save your shit if your working a program if you press the power button once...macs just shut down the programs and you have to redo all the work

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 13:55:10

My dad uses Mac all the time and i think they are pretty cool. In fact, i even got a Mac theme on my windows XP.

The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing The World He Didn't Exist. - The Usual Suspects

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 13:55:45

*right click*

One day back seems the mod's are living up to their image. Heh.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 13:57:22

3 words...no right click. and the desktop is annoying as hell

"One time I drew a picture of Flanders giving birth to Mikey, the lovable fat kid from Disney's Recess.

The amounts of semen I sprayed, was simply put, a miracle."

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:05:14

At 7/31/06 08:49 PM, Real-punk1337 wrote: Macs are so much easier to use and can now use windows software now.... soooo whats the problem? none thats how many?

Part of the problem is that some people don't like buying a machine that they cannot easily enhance, that is kind of expensive, while still buying a copy of Windows.*

I don't mind Macs. I just prefer PCs, that is all. I've had many bad experiences with Macs, such as typing up large essays, papers, and articles, only to lose them for no reason due to some stupid error that sometimes leads to being forced to restart. To tell you the truth, that's never happened on a PC for me.

That was a school iMac, though. Hmm.

I'd have my eyes set on a Mac Laptop, easily, though I'd still have eyes set on laptops made by other companies. Mac laptops are awesome, looknice, and are very powerful from what I've seen (and used) and are thus worth the money. My cousin's laptop has been very reliable for him.

*for those that bought a pre-made PC in the first place


Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:24:31

Oh man... The list goes on.

1. Shitty Processor


3. Not easy to access files and folders.

4. Took me an hour to learn how to open the disk drive. FFS, put a button near the drive, would you!?

5. Poor compatibility

And come on, Viruses, dude? STOP DOWNLOADING FETISH PORN!


Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:27:07

Why would you press the power button if you want to save your work? Looks like you need some computer training.

Because when the system locks up and you cant save normally, usally pressing the power button without holding it down forces the program to shut down but it has to ask you to save before it can do it...so that way you can save your files....

:: Dont question me =)

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:28:15

At 8/1/06 01:57 PM, ncnhb wrote: 3 words...no right click. and the desktop is annoying as hell

ctrl+click=right click

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:29:42

At 8/1/06 10:07 AM, UKer wrote:
Good luck upgrading a mac...
We don't need to upgrade it.

*Gasp* WHAT!? EVERYONE NEEDS UPGRADES. Fucker. Even BBR upgrades his mac occasionally.


Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:32:31

Cause it's better and we're all afraid!
IDK, But I hated using them, I don't like the feel, we had to use em at school and they sucked for me.

I dont have a signature, stop bugging me.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:33:10

Mac is really hated because people who are raised on PC's can't use them well and a lot of mac users will never shut the hell up about how superior they think macs are.

And to make all of that worse, mac released those commercials which are more reminicent of WWII propaganda than clever advertising.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:36:44

At 8/1/06 02:29 PM, sean5892jay wrote:
At 8/1/06 10:07 AM, UKer wrote:
Good luck upgrading a mac...
We don't need to upgrade it.
*Gasp* WHAT!? EVERYONE NEEDS UPGRADES. Fucker. Even BBR upgrades his mac occasionally.

I haven't upgraded mine since I got it two years ago.

I like Mac because my 256 RAM + 1.07GHz Processor owns any Windows 2 GB RAM. Yes there are problems such as lag every now and then, but they're fast and safe. The main problem I have with Macs is the lack of Third Party Companies. Yeah there are a lot of good Applications out there for Mac, but there are some things on Windows I wouldn't mind seeing available for Mac.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:40:07

At 8/1/06 02:36 PM, DSMagnum wrote:
At 8/1/06 02:29 PM, sean5892jay wrote:
At 8/1/06 10:07 AM, UKer wrote:
I haven't upgraded mine since I got it two years ago.

I like Mac because my 256 RAM + 1.07GHz Processor owns any Windows 2 GB RAM. Yes there are problems such as lag every now and then, but they're fast and safe.

You are talking out of your ass. Cheers.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:51:27

At 8/1/06 02:40 PM, evilXbanana wrote:
At 8/1/06 02:36 PM, DSMagnum wrote:
At 8/1/06 02:29 PM, sean5892jay wrote:
At 8/1/06 10:07 AM, UKer wrote:
I haven't upgraded mine since I got it two years ago.

I like Mac because my 256 RAM + 1.07GHz Processor owns any Windows 2 GB RAM. Yes there are problems such as lag every now and then, but they're fast and safe.
You are talking out of your ass. Cheers.


Eh, so maybe I overexagerrated, but I find my Mac to be more powerful than most other computers I've used. I have nothing against Window, and if I had a Windows computer I would probably use it over the Mac because of the things I want to get. It really all depends on what you are using the computer for. That decides the OS.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 14:58:51

At 8/1/06 02:51 PM, DSMagnum wrote:
At 8/1/06 02:40 PM, evilXbanana wrote:
At 8/1/06 02:36 PM, DSMagnum wrote:
At 8/1/06 02:29 PM, sean5892jay wrote:
At 8/1/06 10:07 AM, UKer wrote:
Eh, so maybe I overexagerrated, but I find my Mac to be more powerful than most other computers I've used. I have nothing against Window, and if I had a Windows computer I would probably use it over the Mac because of the things I want to get. It really all depends on what you are using the computer for. That decides the OS.

Now you're talkin'. Macs seem to be more stable and fast with multi-tasking for a given amount of RAM as compared to Windows. Thus why you will find that media agencies prefer macs since they will be using running photoshop, Image Ready, Flash, ect at the same time. But Windows pulls ahead with reasource heavy tasks like games, hence the why gamers spit on macs.

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 16:56:26

Well, mac commercials are evil and i hate them buti love my mac far more than my PC and i was raised on a pc, after i actually looked at specs and info i liked mac better, maybe thats something damn near all of you should instead of just listening to what others think.
Seriously, Macs DO perform better, and i doubt your schools have the best models because theyre kinda expensive, another thing.... macs are kinda expensive but a mac pro book costs 1099$.... Im positive if you bought a normal notebook from any diffrent company it would be 300 $ over....


BBS Signature

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-01 17:12:45

So... some one pm me or my aim is Halonerd34, message me as to 3 or more reasons a mac sucks.


BBS Signature

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-02 06:22:04

At 8/1/06 05:12 PM, Real-punk1337 wrote: So... some one pm me or my aim is Halonerd34, message me as to 3 or more reasons a mac sucks.

you're inbox must be crammed full by now. that wasn't the smartest thing you could do. and will you people quit fucking complaining about right click?! the new ones have it! and, by the way, i use a PC, not a mac, and i hardly ever use macs, if i have te choice. not because i hayte macs or anything, i'm just more familliar with the PC layout.

Jylmu Raouls

BBS Signature

Response to Mac haters... 2006-08-02 06:58:19

At 7/31/06 02:09 PM, Real-punk1337 wrote: Why... tha... fuck does every one hate macs? I own a PC but i hate fucking ERRORS!!! The infamous blue n... *Shudders* Now anyways name one bad thing about mac, the only downside that i see is that you cant fix it yourself! But other than that theres nothing wrong with macs.
Macs dont get errors, macs dont get viruses, macs dont get respect... so WHY!!??!??!

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