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i'll make you your own game..

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i'll make you your own game.. 2006-07-27 16:12:28

if you test my site and pay a pound lol...you alos get a free load of animations i just want to test if my ite works.. (you need paypal)

Response to i'll make you your own game.. 2006-07-27 16:15:33

OKay? your going to help for money? isnt this site just to help people out for free? well anyway I need a mini-game mario based andI have the graphics if you want to help that will be good!Hey you have a good site now help a DarKDragon in need!

I'm the only pretty boy on NewGrounds!

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Response to i'll make you your own game.. 2006-07-27 16:18:48

lol ill help you out..its not the fact i want a little bit of cash i just need to test if my site works by someone buying something..

Response to i'll make you your own game.. 2006-07-27 16:22:11

Show us an example of your works or we won't waste money on your stuff and services.


Response to i'll make you your own game.. 2006-07-27 16:25:19

www.abtoons.com Registration is free if you fancy helping out just buy a .fla file and then post your name in here with the description of the game or movie you want...

but try not to make it to complicated lol.

Response to i'll make you your own game.. 2006-07-27 16:40:57


Response to i'll make you your own game.. 2006-07-27 20:22:40

well I want a mario based game but with a paladin riding a horse I can send you graphics and you can do the AS and I will help with AS! so you in or you accept?

I'm the only pretty boy on NewGrounds!

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