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Gays should NOT be able to marry.

33,233 Views | 777 Replies

Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 16:55:20

Because they're gay and marriage is for a man and woman.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 17:09:47

Is that it? Why is marriage between a man and a woman. Is that a universal truth, or did you just pull it out of your ass? Maybe it was from church, or school, or one of your buddies.

I'll tell you this, I don't know your friends, I don't go to your church, and I don't know shit about your ass.

Give some explanation for your statement.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 17:24:00

I do not go to church either, but the concept of marriage comes from church and it's supposed to be between a female and male.

Marriage in legal sense implies sharing of property. That's because most people want to have kids so that kids have some property and stuff so it's like a family.

Gays can't have kids. They can adopt them, but that's screwed up too because then the kids will grow up screwed up in an unhealthy environment.

That's why gay marriage should nto be allowed.

They also should not be allowed to adopt kids.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 17:37:53

It will be horrbiel for any kid to grow up with 2 gay men as parents

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 17:56:12

I wonder why you would say that it would be horrible for a child to grow up with gay parents.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:17:25

Simply by being gay you violate the very mandate of life, which is to live, populate, expand, and repopulate. That is nature, thus adversly, gay is not natural.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:21:19

Simply by being gay you violate the very mandate of life, which is to live, populate, expand, and repopulate. That is nature, thus adversly, gay is not natural.

Really, I disagree, I think that man's nature is to be rational (not procreative), and as a consequence the good is for man to use his mind to survive. This means that the mandate of life for humans is to do productive work, and enjoy the benefits. I don't see any problem with being gay in that respect.

It seems that we disagree on a fundamental level. Would you care to back up your beliefs on "the mandate of life?" I'm more than happy to elaborate on my ethical code.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:32:24

natural is to eat, sleep, and reproduce. everything else is just stuff. thus it's not natural to be gay.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:36:16

Certainly one cannot answer the question of, "What is the meaning or purpose of life?" so I won't even embark on that trail.

When I speak of the mandate of life, I refer to the behavioral patterns that exist in ALL LIVING FORMS. From the most basic prokaryotic life to the most intellectually advanced spiecies known to man, one can see they all carry out one similar function. It is a wonder that even life without consciousness could spark life on Earth by following its directive: to populate and grow beyond itself.

There is no flaw in my argument, it is simply a matter of opinion, and I completely accept yours. However, think of it this way, if everyone were homosexual, then what would be the outcome? Death. Is that not the opposite of life?

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:41:42

even if "gayness" was natural, if homosexuals do not reproduce, why are there so many of them?

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:47:03

i dont think so ether.

Yep thats it.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:48:52

For the same reason people kill each other.
For the same reason people have abortions.
For the exact same reason people do not help out other people who have desperate needs.

Catch my drift?

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:50:27

"Certainly one cannot answer the question of, "What is the meaning or purpose of life?" so I won't even embark on that trail."

Speak for yourself. I'm not afraid to try.

I think theres more to life than fucking and having babies, that might be how you see the world but I don't.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 19:59:56

In no way did I say that or even "indirectly imply" that. All I said it is lifes mission to prolong itself, otherwise you wouldn't be alive today. Think of it that way.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 20:03:02

At 1/6/03 07:17 PM, Jazz_Mazter wrote: Simply by being gay you violate the very mandate of life, which is to live, populate, expand, and repopulate. That is nature, thus adversly, gay is not natural.

I'm a straight adult male, I consider myself pretty "natural". By your definition my goal in life should be to find a wife and have a kid. Well I don't know about getting married or not, but I'm NEVER having children. I can't stand the little shits, fuck biological needs to reproduce, I want to further MY life. Everyone says that it fades with age, but it's only grown stronger since I was 15 that I don't want kids. Well...guess what, that's not populating, expanding, or reproducing. Does that make me unnatural?

Get a life, this "mandate of life" thing is for fucking chimpanzees. Humans are more rational than that. India is having enough kids to keep the popuplation going that we can afford to have a few childless men and women running around.

Besides, remember the old phrase, "there's other fish in the sea"?

Well guess what, for every gay man, that's one less fisherman to compete with.
(I'm not even going to say an analogy for gay women, cause most people are so shallow and have such a doublestandard for sexuality they don't need one to explain it, cause they find it "cool")

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 20:08:35

You have a point Scaletail, but I find it sort of moot when I didn't say anything about you and your sexual habbits or desires. Personally, I too, can't stand small children. But what I have outlined for you sort of points to one thing "life exists to LIVE." Nothing more, and unless life is procreating, then it's not going to live for very long. :)

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 20:09:50

My point was your definition of WHY being gay was wrong loops people who aren't gay into your little philosophy. I was the first example that naturally came to mind.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 20:21:22

"Because they're gay and marriage is for a man and woman."

is that the best u can come up with?

i think gays should be able to marry and adopt, but only adopt a child thats old enough to chose rather he wants a gay mom/dad

Gays should NOT be able to marry.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 21:44:25

Gays can't have kids. They can adopt them, but that's screwed up too because then the kids will grow up screwed up in an unhealthy environment.

That's why gay marriage should nto be allowed.

They also should not be allowed to adopt kids.

That's just using your personal definition of "unhealthy enviroment." The universe does not revolve around you.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 21:51:31

At 1/6/03 07:17 PM, Jazz_Mazter wrote: Simply by being gay you violate the very mandate of life, which is to live, populate, expand, and repopulate. That is nature, thus adversly, gay is not natural.

Who says everything has to be "natural"? Democracy isn't natural. Niether is money. Niether are clothes. A great many things are unnatural, but that doesn't make necsasarily them wrong, does it? Also: if everybody reproduces and populates the Earth, which is already pretty populated, won't a many of them just starve anyway? There's only so much food.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 21:56:45

At 1/6/03 08:08 PM, Jazz_Mazter wrote: You have a point Scaletail, but I find it sort of moot when I didn't say anything about you and your sexual habbits or desires. Personally, I too, can't stand small children. But what I have outlined for you sort of points to one thing "life exists to LIVE." Nothing more, and unless life is procreating, then it's not going to live for very long. :)

Yes, but that doesn't mean EVERYONE has to procreate. Homosexuality isn't very common, you know. And the world population is growing exponentionally all the time as it is.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 23:28:32

who the fuck are YOU to to say someone cant be happy with someone else forever

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-06 23:39:15

At 1/6/03 04:55 PM, calmius wrote: Because they're gay and marriage is for a man and woman.

u r the most conservative dumbass sack of fuck i have seen in my life.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-07 01:02:25

If you're saying that fucking and reproducing is not the point of life then why do gays fucking fuck each other in the ass?

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-07 01:23:36

and it would be worse for a child to grow up with a parent like you that's so close minded and ignorant

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-07 01:30:35

No I am not close minded nor ignorant. Could you explain how my not accepting the gays as OK, makes me ignorant?

Analyze yourself first, maybe you're gay.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-07 02:24:53

who the fuck cares if they get married? All marriage is is a ring and a piece of paper saying you lovesome to the church and the state. As an agnostic and an anarchist, who gives a shit. I think you want to try some high protein cumshake yourself to even care enough to make it a question.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-07 02:49:34

You're wrong.
Marriage is a legal contract that makes your and your spouses property as property owned by you two and your kids if you have any.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-07 03:17:26

At 1/7/03 02:49 AM, calmius wrote: You're wrong.
Marriage is a legal contract that makes your and your spouses property as property owned by you two and your kids if you have any.

Ok then why do you care so much what happens to gay people's property? Oh, I get it. You must be worried about their kids, right? You dumb fuck! They won't HAVE any. Unless... you have a rich boyfriend tappin your dumbass and you want his computer and his property.

Good night you ignorant bitch. Sad to see anyone so hompohobic and racist.

Response to Gays should NOT be able to marry. 2003-01-07 09:28:36

Wow! I'm unnatural! I've never heard that one before. *rolls eyes*

I mentioned this in the other post, but I'll say it here again:

If any religious organization wants to deny gays the right to marry, that is their decision. No one can force them to change their rules.

Marriage as a legal and political institution should allow gays to marry. Someone else said that the US Constitution reads that all people are equal. Well, it took a long time for people to include women and non-white citizens, so it may be a while before gay marriage is legalize country-wide.

Quote of the day: @Nysssa "What is the word I want to use here?" @freakapotimus "Taint".