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American Elitism.

620 Views | 4 Replies

American Elitism. 2002-11-12 02:31:07

[Insert 'General Observations Concerning The 'New World Order', I. Based on an article by Stephen Marshall, Guerilla News, August 2002]
By ChairmanMaoClock
It is generally commonplace for so-called "conspiracy theorists" to associate the evils of elitism, as well as those encouraging the perpetuation of it, with a single buzzword: 'The New World Order'. Through this Order, a one-world government, though one might care to add that it would cultivate through fascist principles, will have been implemented at the hands of the 'global elite'.
"Out of these troubled times...A New World Order can emerge, in which the Nations of the World, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony...A New World is struggling to be born." President George Bush, Senior, Toward A New World Order (September 11th, 1990.)
It must truly be the oldest conspiracy more familiar to the masses: Unprovoked, pre-emptive "tactical" strike on United States soil. A widely-popular public encouragement of a concentrated attack on the terrorist outfit responsible takes place, as well as the persecution of those individuals who are suspected of supporting them by other means, such as funding for example. The alotted budgets of U.S. military contactors increase greatly, as well as the budgets of all federal intelligence agencies. Fear and strong feelings of paranoia arise in the American citizenry. Hastily, enactments if legislation are made which supposedly ensures the protection of the people, but ultimately limits civil liberties in the "World's freest society". A prolonged global conflict ensues.
Then comes the ushering in of a New World Order.
When former-President George Bush, Senior, spoke those words above before Congress, twelve years prior to the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings, he seemed to present a firm, revolutionary vision, strongly supported by a potent United Nations and the values set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But no matter how this undeniably threatening terminology, this New World Order, is interpreted and appropriated, the fact still remains that we currently stand closer than ever to "acheiving" a lateral alignment of a global coalition of nations.
Alas, it has been acheived through the utter terror and tragic loss that the United States of America experienced on that fateful day of September 11th, 2001.
When Bush Sr. went to the mainstream public with the idea of a New World Order, he did not relent in persisting to engrave the term into the collective unconscious of the American people. In January 1991, he proclaimed in his State of Union address: "...it is a big idea- a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause to acheive the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a World worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our childrens' futures."
(Will Continue In Next Post)

American Elitism.

Response to American Elitism. 2002-11-12 02:32:52


People may have been convinced that Bush was the fabricator of this New, globo-political paradigm. But truthfully, the core stratagem of Bush's vision was delved into by H.G. Wells in what he called to be the "Open Conspiracy", meaning that Bush was only the most modern, public advocate of the 'New World Order'. In his classic book "The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution" (1928), Wells, a known socialist and one of the most-famed futurists of his era, seemed confident enough in the historical validity of the conspiracy to investigate and describe what it involved.
"The political World of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate, supersede existing governments."
Although inaccuracies in his predictions were later to be found, of course, Wells was distinctly aware of certain very influential and powerful groups congregating around the fundamental vision of what would later become the 'New World Order'. Those organizations which are the most significant in futher suggesting that there is truth to a one-world conspiracy are the Coucil of Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC), two very influential organizations consisting of representatives from the European Union, the United States and Japan, which share similar goals.
"[The CFR goal is] the submergence of United States sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government...this lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership." Admiral Chester Ward, USN, 20-year veteran of the CFR (1975).
"Today, the CFR remains active in working toward its final goal of a government all over the world- a government which the insders (elites) and their allies will control. The goal of the CFR is simply to abolish the United States with its Constitutional guarantees of liberty. And they don't even try to hide it. Study Number Seven published by the CFR on November 25th, 1959 openly advocates "building a new international order". Gary Allen (1971).
We need look only to one of the earlier issues of the CFR's magazine, "Foreign Affairs" to discover some visible tendrils of this plan, to which some ascribe the fault to the most recent attacks on the United States. "Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for as long as [the earth] remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states until some kind of international system is created...The real problem of today is that of the World government." But one still asks how that Black Tuesday could possibly aid in the eventual creation of a one-world government. A closer examination of the Council of Foreign Relations will assist them.
"All countries are basically social arrangements...No matter how permanent or even sacred they may see at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary...Perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a good idea after all...But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the cause for World government." Strobe Talbott, a CFR member, The Birth of the Global Nation, Time Magazine (July 20th, 1992.) Since its founding, the Council of Foreign Relations has only chosen the most "influential" individuals for membership with the organization. The most current members include a great number of World business and political leaders, from Tom Brokaw to Vice-President Dick Cheney. Preident George Bush, Senior was himself a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, as well. But again, the American public has been conditioned to think only in terms of the present. Everything moves along much too quickly, is unwieldy, and is utterly unpredictable these days. Considering the world conditions today, one would find themselves nearly incapable of projecting more than half of a decade into the future.
This is one of the more basic tenets of the 'New World Order' conspiracy theory.
"What 'history teaches us'- to use a phrase favored by Trilateralists- is that the ruling elites are deadly serious about the seeing that any renovation of the international system is in their interest. They will use a variety of carrot and stick tactics to maintain political and economic control- domestically or internationally. Control techniques will be more vicious or less, depending on a combination of factors involving the state of the economy and, more importantly, the state of popular opposition. The more threatening and persistent the moves to counter their plans and build alternative models, the more violent will be their tactics of repression." Holly Sklar (1980)
As I have mentioned, the Trilateral Commission's aims run parallel to that of the Council of Foreign Relations, including implementing a world monetary system, however the TC is a world panel which is a step up on the hierarchy of elitists. Members include top-names in the corporate and economic worlds, such as Paul Volcker, former head of the Federal Reserve System, Akio Morita, chairman and chief executive officer of the Sony Corporation, Count Otto Lambsdorff, leader of Germany's Free Democratic Party, former foreign policy ultracrats such as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzeninski, former-President Jimmy Carter's national security adviser, and George Shultz. Add a pinch of top executives from Mobil, Exxon, the Chase Manhattan Bank, Toshiba, and Manhattan Bank; toss some U.S. senators in there, like John D. Rockefeller IV, of course, and the TC sums up to be full of lots and lots of gray-haired, white males.
"[The Trilateral Commission is] a vehicle for multinational consolidation of commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States." Barry Goldwater
According to groups such as these, people are rendered unable of realizing their own life goals, so they thusly accept what is created for them, as they simply cannot tangibly envision a realistic and favorable future for themselves. This confusion, as the story so dreadfully goes, is then engineered into an unavoidable fear of impending attacks from an unprovoked, unseeable enemy. Contained by civil paralysis, the people plea for protection, facilitating New laws which deminish civil liberties on the interior, while creating a lateral force of unprecendented, international miltary power when concerning a look outside unto the rest of the world.
(Will Continue In Next Post)

Response to American Elitism. 2002-11-12 02:34:06

The theory contends that these events signify the beginning of the end times. Swiftly thereafter will be the final struggle to position the globe under the thumbnail of the "elites", whomever one may call them. One has to only look to the Department of Homeland Security to see how quickly the bureaucracy is being shaped into a single, gargantuan monolith. If one requires further potential evidence as to the current undergoings of the general theses of the theory, he is advised to take a good, serious look at the United States Patriot Act sometime.
"Pivate organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberg Group serve to disseminate and co-ordinate the plans for this so-called 'New World Order' in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles." Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), Speech to the Senate (1987.)

American Elitism.

Response to American Elitism. 2002-11-12 02:49:24

A single world governement can not be achieved without force and when ever force is used, someone is going to be greatly pissed off. Complete extermination is the only sure fire way of winning a war these days. Dictatorship can get past this easily, because when your not a democracy the people have no defence against you. This still doesnt keep the people from wanting to be an independant state, take Poland for example during the cold war.

I would propose another cold war to keep the world on its toes. No one wants to mess when theres the whole world at stake. M.A.D.

Response to American Elitism. 2002-11-12 02:52:12

At 11/12/02 02:49 AM, IZAX wrote: A single world governement can not be achieved without force and when ever force is used, someone is going to be greatly pissed off. Complete extermination is the only sure fire way of winning a war these days. Dictatorship can get past this easily, because when your not a democracy the people have no defence against you. This still doesnt keep the people from wanting to be an independant state, take Poland for example during the cold war.

I would propose another cold war to keep the world on its toes. No one wants to mess when theres the whole world at stake. M.A.D.

One word about the military question: NATO

American Elitism.