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Need to get in shape in 5 months

3,583 Views | 27 Replies

Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:26:44

Alright, well im a pretty out of shape guy. Im a smoker which doesnt help. I can do about 200 sit ups but thats the only impressive thing i can do. My arms are weak, legs are weak, my endurance is shit, and i cant even run a half mile without blacking out.

I have to military school in January. Mabye some of you NG users have some good running/work out routines that could get me in shape enough for running every day for 6 months straight.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:31:06

I run on a trendmil 45 mins a day. and I lift the dumbells (50 each arm)

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:33:51

Get off the computer and go to the gym?

Run around the block some (or use a treadmill), eat right, etc. etc. It really isn't as hard as it sounds and it's all stuff you've been taught you were supposed to do since childhood. Heck, jogging in place is better than nothing.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:33:51

There isnt really any secret to losing weight and getting in shape...all I can really say is to pushyourself. First off, start eating less, and more healthily. If you still feel hungry after an 800 calorie meal then you got problems and need to force yourself not to eat more. Second, start running. Running is the quickest way to just start losing the extra pounds. It doesnt matter how far you can run, just run as far as you can. Really try hard though. Everyday you'll find you can run faster, longer, and more confidently. In addition do the sit ups you spoke of and also try push-ups. Again, you really need to learn to pass on the extra unhealthy food though. (I assume you eat too much and too unhealthily if you're that out of shape). Just try and go for about 2500 calories a day.

good luck

BBS Signature

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:36:55

At 8/31/05 11:26 PM, Think_Tank15 wrote: I have to military school in January. Mabye some of you NG users have some good running/work out routines that could get me in shape enough for running every day for 6 months straight.

start little by little. run a lap for a week daily. then 2 laps, the 3...

getting in shape is gradual. muscle wise, i suggest not working the same muscles everyday because they need time to repair. Maybe do a 3 day routine of weight-training, one day per muscle group.

or even a week routine.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:43:30

The smoking? Needs to stop. Cold-Turkey, buddy, Just do it.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:44:42

Get on a treadmill. Run alot. Stop smoking. Don't eat alot. Chew Sugar free gum when you feel like eating and not really hungry.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:50:50

Stop smoking and don't eat so much.


BBS Signature

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-08-31 23:52:17

Quit the smoking, buy yourself 20 pound weights and do alot of Push ups, Sit ups.


Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 00:24:19

I suggest reading this.

And just just eat 5 small meals a day, work out every day, eat right, and that's basically the way to go. Also, if you don't crave sugar for 3 days you won't crave it any more. A handy little tip I learned.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 00:32:58

Screw those plans man. Those are for wussies. YOURE GOING TO MILITARY SCHOOL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Here in Mexico we start out hard. Run until the pain hurts so much you cannot keep running. Then go home, take a shower, drink a beer, rest for 2 complete days. Trust me, if you do it right your legs will be sore and you will need the rest. You can do it the wussy way without pain by starting slow, but thats SLOW!. Once you feel ok again, run again until you literally get dizzy, and then run one more lap. I suggest run around a block. Nothing too long, nothing too short.

Since I live in Mexico, I do all my exercise on uneven terrain. It helps out with your balance and grip, but most likely you will develop blisters on your feet.

Keep repeating until you can run for an hour straight. After that stop running and switch exercise. I suggest to leave crunches last though. Once you get to your limit point, you STOP FEELING PAIN. I SWEAR. Its all about strong determination. Trust me, it works.

I hope you found this useful.

Sorry. No EDIT button. :(


Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 00:36:50

1. Stop drinking Soda... I lost like 6 pounds just not drinking Soda... instead drink Water, Juice, seltzer... etc.
2. It's Quanity over Quality. Why eat an 400 calorie meal that's very tiny... when you can have 8 apples for the same calorie count *each Apple= 50 cal. according to Stop n Shop* And Apples fill you up more and has more vitamins!
3. Substitute many things. For example... if it's a hot day out and you want to buy some ice cream... Instead of going for the 250 calorie Ice cream cone... go for the 100 calorie ICEY. It's mostly water and sugar and colering but at least you feel cooler without the added chocolate or Calories.
4. DO NOT EAT FAST FAST FOOD! When I say FAST FAST FOOD I mean like McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, etc. Start with just having *Fast food* such as Chinese Food, Pizza, Popeyes... Those places uses real and fresh preparation.. but still having the fastness. LIMIT YOURSELF ALSO OF THESE FOODS. This is just a subsitute! Instead of Mcdonalds, go for Chinese... under you cut-down...
5. Avoid Caffiene, Added sugars that end with "ose" such as Maltose and things like "corn Syrup". These are added addictive chemicals that are placed within the food. You want GLucose... Natural Sugars in your body used to make energy for the body.
6. Either eat a sandwich or Cook at home. Instead of frying or bar-b-queing, Broil your meats, and bake your food... Use as little dressing as possible for the Salads... or dump the dressing *oil, Vinegar* After mixing it in...

There is no Miracle way of getting in shape... but changing your food habits is a great start...

Note: If you quit smoking... then there's a chance of you Gaining weight... AND THIS IS NORMAL! DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THIS! I'll explain why this happends *in my opinion * in another post if you're interested.

Note: All of the methods I've just explained are just my ideas... Do not live by my teachings...

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 00:39:08

Try eatin protein stuff yknow like meat and stuff...it'll strengthen ur body and make it more muscular...and if u cannot run do wat i do...just go to the gym and pump iron...plus it is a great way to meet chicks

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 00:45:12

BBS Signature

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 01:04:09

Well, I'm joining the Air Force in November, so I know how you feel. I'm also not very athletic, so getting in shape is really difficult, but I've created a plan. Hopefully it'll work for me, and maybe it'll work for you.

1. We're out of shape. Don't run every day, run every other day, because when you're building new muscle in the legs or arms or whatever, you need a day of rest after the excersize time to allow the muscles to repair themselves.

2. Do what everyone else said, eat right.

3. Vary your workout, and try to get as much stretching and low-impact aerobics in as you can, because that's the kind of excersize you can do every day. The flexibility will come in handy later in life as well.

4. Stay on your schedule. Don't let yourself slip. It's all too easy, and believe me, more difficult to stick with a plan then to stop after a week because of the progress you've made and undo all that you've done.

5. Try to make it as fun as possible. Make fun of the video aerobics instructors. Play music while you're jogging/running. Have your cat/dog in the room while you do pull-ups or lift dumbells.

That's all I can do for you. Good luck to you in Military school. Good luck to us both. ^_^

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 02:28:18

Man i just started working out again 2 weeks ago after a long hiatus.Everyone around kept ranting about feeling great and feeling so much energy and feel good attitude...that i was motivated to start lifting weights again...God Damn the pain im so out of shape every muscle in my body has been aching for the last 2 weeks...Sure you feel great but its only once your body gets used to it...at the begining its a bitch.I cant wait to have my body the way i had it...on that day i will forever outlaw shirts in my world.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 02:29:58

Dont drink pop, or atleast drink diet.
Trust me, it helps a lot.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 02:33:52

At 8/31/05 11:26 PM, Think_Tank15 wrote: Alright, well im a pretty out of shape guy.


Im a smoker which doesnt help.


I can do about 200 sit ups but thats the only impressive thing i can do.

Sit ups are for fat fucks that can't do push ups.

My arms are weak, legs are weak, my endurance is shit, and i cant even run a half mile without blacking out.

You'll have a fu-u-u-u-u-n time getting into shape to impress the girl next door.

I have to military school in January. Mabye some of you NG users have some good running/work out routines that could get me in shape enough for running every day for 6 months straight.

You have to run every day for six months straight..hmm, how to get in shape for that? How about start by RUNNING FOR SIX MONTHS STRAIGHT.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-01 02:35:39

Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

BBS Signature

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:18:02

just start running NOW and dont stop until u drop, literally, if u have friends (hopefully) get them to follow u in their car and give u a ride when u pass out. or if ur uber sweet tie urself to their back bumber and have them go like 4 mph so that u cant stop or else you will fall

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:25:37

I would say run on the treadmill or run laps and lift some weights.Seems to be working for me.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:26:11


The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:41:27

Smokin' cigs will devour your stamina. Just lead a healthy life style.

BBS Signature

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:43:12

stop smoking?

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:44:51

Quit smoking, start running.

I have to do the same, except I've got until February, and because I'm going into the Navy.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:45:40

just get tough and stop being a bitch

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:48:00

well... always stretch thoroughly before you run. Running is more important than weight lifting, because combined with proper situps and crunches it create incredible core streght that is much more useful than arms. Don run and lift weights at the same time, it uses to much energy and it's called overtraining. take a whey protein supplement. Remember, you may not get six pack abs or look better that's not the point. However you feel is prolly how you are.

Response to Need to get in shape in 5 months 2005-09-02 23:49:22

Just don't eat. After a while, you lose your appetite, and you're almost never hungry. Kind of dangerous, I know.

At least, that's what happened to me. I've never been the same since then.

BBS Signature