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Why I Find Emos Offensive

2,540 Views | 42 Replies

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 22:16:04

At 8/25/05 10:01 PM, Professor_Rhythm wrote:
At 8/25/05 09:50 PM, VirginLungs wrote:
At 8/25/05 09:40 PM, ornery_scotsman wrote:
ive attempted (hmm lets see about 15 times or so)
As explained, Serotonin deficiency

But why does this deficiency make you feel the way you feel? Are you overcome with an unwillingness to live, to meet people etc? Or do you feel there is no point in living?

I'm actually quite interested now, so any details whould be welcomed.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 22:21:27

At 8/25/05 10:16 PM, VirginLungs wrote:
But why does this deficiency make you feel the way you feel? Are you overcome with an unwillingness to live, to meet people etc? Or do you feel there is no point in living?

I'm actually quite interested now, so any details whould be welcomed.

Something like that, IM me if you want the long drawn out explanation.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 22:23:12

At 8/25/05 10:16 PM, VirginLungs wrote: But why does this deficiency make you feel the way you feel? Are you overcome with an unwillingness to live, to meet people etc? Or do you feel there is no point in living?

I'm actually quite interested now, so any details whould be welcomed.

It's a feeling of dissatisfaction, right now, I want to live, but only because I can distract mysself from the constant feeling of wanting to die via real issues (my girlfriend, escapism through gaming ect), but if I leave my mind unoccupied for too long then I end up cutting myself because it overwhelms me so quickly. I live a very happy life, but unfortunately happiness and depression are not opposites. Sometimes I can be having a fun day and still be wanting to die. Making more sense?

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 22:25:29

Hey Professor_Rhythm, you know what you need?

A kitten.

Seriously, it'll cheer you up. Who isn't happy coming home to a baby kitten?


oh no I am choking on a million dicks

BBS Signature

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 22:26:45

old news, but well written.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 22:46:21

At 8/25/05 09:40 PM, ornery_scotsman wrote:
At 8/25/05 09:34 PM, WyldWeaverWyrm wrote:
At 8/25/05 09:14 PM, CTgod wrote: I'm Goth. And depressed. And attempted suicides 12 times. It DOES exist, I've had bad encounters with it.
well then.. you obviously are doing something wrong. Are you not pointing the gun at your head.. or is it you aren't taking enough pills?
Suicide is alot harder than you would expect, ive attempted (hmm lets see about 15 times or so) suicide and found that its quite difficult.

you guys seem to bragging about trying to commit suicide which basicaly contridicts what you are saying. im not saying what those type of people that you call emo are being stupid but you could of made your point with out braging about how many times you have atempted suicide. I'm not even going to get into how rediculous it is to even try and commit suicide even if you are depressed.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 22:55:17

At 8/25/05 10:05 PM, ornery_scotsman wrote:
At 8/25/05 10:03 PM, PowerRangerWHITE wrote:
At 8/25/05 10:00 PM, NotMeOk wrote: I want to die.
gun + head = dead
actually quite frequently gun+ head= brain dead for life, coma, physically extreme scars, eat through straw. But you only hear about the one who died

It depends on how many times they shoot themselves.

Ok. Not funny. Seriously, I dealt with major, and I mean major depression for a number of years, but with medication and time (and lots of porn), things get better... maybe not for everyone, but here's hoping. In all sincerity, I hope anyone with depression breaks it somehow. Don't go being a suicide statistic, but don't try to be noticed for your problems either.

That's just attention whoring, kids.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 22:58:34

At 8/25/05 10:03 PM, Professor_Rhythm wrote:
At 8/25/05 09:58 PM, RavenTheFallenX wrote: A load of complete bullshit
Stop using the word emotion. Depression is not an emotion, it's a medical illness

You know, I have a weird mind, even my psychologist says so, sometimes I have ligitamate depression, and somethimes I just lose it all the sudden, it's like I balace myself out before I go insane, I also have ADHD, and I'm paranoid, and I have time that I am truely insane. (also said by psych.)

I'm also going to sit in the corner here and watch you guys fight. (no I'm not emo, I am goth, but you wouldn't call me a attetion whore, I like to be the person in the back of the crowd, staying completely silent.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 23:03:00

At 8/25/05 10:58 PM, duomaxex wrote:
You know, I have a weird mind, even my psychologist says so, sometimes I have ligitamate depression, and somethimes I just lose it all the sudden, it's like I balace myself out before I go insane, I also have ADHD, and I'm paranoid, and I have time that I am truely insane. (also said by psych.)

I'm also going to sit in the corner here and watch you guys fight. (no I'm not emo, I am goth, but you wouldn't call me a attetion whore, I like to be the person in the back of the crowd, staying completely silent.

You sound bipolar. I'm surprised your psych hasn't suggested it, though some shrinks belong in an office as much as Paris Hilton belongs in a blockbuster movie.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 23:22:20

At least your more civil than the other anti-Emo threads.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 23:26:10

At 8/25/05 10:25 PM, Luxury_Yacht wrote: Hey Professor_Rhythm, you know what you need?

A kitten.

Seriously, it'll cheer you up. Who isn't happy coming home to a baby kitten?

He's right, you know. Kittens make everyday brighter, and leave a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-25 23:36:36

At 8/25/05 11:26 PM, Rystic wrote:
At 8/25/05 10:25 PM, Luxury_Yacht wrote: Hey Professor_Rhythm, you know what you need?

A kitten.

Seriously, it'll cheer you up. Who isn't happy coming home to a baby kitten?
He's right, you know. Kittens make everyday brighter, and leave a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

unless hes allergic to kittens. then he'll end up killin it.

anyways, 'depression' just came and went for me...
in grade 6, i never hated myself, actually i thought i was awesome, but hated everyone around me... i guess i could say i hid it pretty well.
grade 7 was a great year... no problems.
but last year, grade 8 was a compelte bitch for emotions/problems.
then i battled 'depression' even tho it only lasted a day or so at a time, and it got even worse when this chick i liked turned me down when i asked her out...
then it got even more horrible when she moved away.

i felt like it was my fault, for some fucked up reason.
so for right now, im ok, but whos knows when ill hate everyone around me and myself again...


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Why I Find Emos Offensive 2005-08-26 21:06:02

At 8/25/05 10:23 PM, Professor_Rhythm wrote:

:but if I leave my mind unoccupied for too long then I end up cutting myself because it overwhelms me so quickly. I live a very happy life, but unfortunately happiness and depression are not opposites. Sometimes I can be having a fun day and still be wanting to die. Making more sense?

I feel sorry for you. Its like no matter what you do you still doomed for an unhappy life because of your condition. I hope you can some how sort shit out because your life is destined for an unhappy ending if you continue the way your going. Y'know?