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tmol (the meaning of life)

2,028 Views | 51 Replies

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:29:08

A hidiously fat man explodiong, followed by sex education and talking fish.

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:32:19

The meaning of life is a test from god. He puts our living souls in a body that our parents created for us. God gives us simple rules to uphold and listen to. Sinning is natural but he wants us just to obey the man rules (ten commandments) And life is a test to see if you get into heaven or hell. You choose to either obey the rules or not, but your enternity is at risk.

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:34:44

At 7/23/05 04:26 PM, weasleman wrote:
At 7/23/05 07:37 AM, thegreatmorph wrote:
At 7/23/05 07:32 AM, Hypocrite wrote: 42.


Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:35:20

At 7/23/05 04:32 PM, Samuraikyo wrote: stuff about god

what if the secound you were born, you were shot in the head, heaven or hell?


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Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:35:43

newgrounds duh, what else would you spend hours doing?

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:37:17

At 7/23/05 04:35 PM, Mogly wrote:
At 7/23/05 04:32 PM, Samuraikyo wrote: stuff about god
what if the secound you were born, you were shot in the head, heaven or hell?

Who would shoot a baby?

But if that was to happen i would think that baby would go to heaven and be raised by god and other people in heaven or he might just send that soul into a new body. A soul isnt anything until it is put into a body and gets its look for all enternity. So i guerss the baby would kinda get older in heaven.

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:37:44

The meaning of life is a Monty Python movie. End on Discussion!

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:39:50


Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-23 16:42:58

yeah as Hypocrite wrote it's 42. Because according to the Hitch hikers Guide ti the Galaxy the ultimate question of life, existence and everything is "What do you get if you multiply six by nine?" The answer given by the super-computer at the begining was 42. On the last episode after hearing what the ultimate question was, Arthur dent replies " I always thought there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe".

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-28 22:56:16

never, ZW

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-28 22:58:57

42 is NOT the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything.

It's the Answer.

The question is 6 times 7.

Therefore, this thread is still open. :)

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-28 23:03:05

There probably isn't one and you're only torturing yourself
if you keep looking for one.
If there were a meaning to life then the world would be very different.


Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-28 23:04:22

buy The Meaning of Life by monty python

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-29 03:30:02

The meaning of life is to find Nirvana(Inner peace, not the band.). Until you find inner peace, your soul cannot rest, so reincarnation will take place to aid your journey of freedom from materialism. I'm not ready though, since I own an apartment and a computer along witha a tv, dvd player and some porn. Porn will help you find inner peace in a sense.

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-29 03:50:36

Life is a multi-faceted concept. Life may refer to the ongoing process of which living things are a part; the period between the birth (or a point at which the entity can be considered to be living) and death of an organism; the condition of an entity that has been born (or reached the point in its existence at which it can be established to be alive) and has yet to die; and that which makes a living thing alive.

you wanted the meaning of "life" here you go :)

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-29 04:07:21


Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-29 04:11:04

What is the meaning of life? this question was thought up by some person trying to be philosophical and all that person and any one else ever thought of this question, all they got was probably a massive headache. Its like the question why did the chicken cross the road? there are so many answers, you just have to choose the one that is the most meaningful to you.

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-07-29 04:12:48

Meaning of life is to live. Shut up. It's obvious.

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-08-12 03:44:30

ovibously to play counter strike.... just kidding its to kill them commie bastards

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-08-12 03:59:17

Its on the portal page of NG

tmol (the meaning of life)

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-08-12 04:01:33

Response to tmol (the meaning of life) 2005-08-12 04:42:54

To Live, Learn and to Love.

Live: Live your life to the fullest, Treat everyday as if it was your last, Be happy not emo.

Learn: So you will learn about things yourself, Helping you throughout your life and then you may teach your learnings to others so that they may find life easier.

Love: I think that god meant for us to have babies and continue the human race, or else he wouldnt have made it so we can and that we want to have sex.

There I believe that to be the true meaning of life. And no it is not 42. Mathematicly the meaning of life is 42 but the meaning of life in english is to Live, Lean and Love.