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Russian Roulette

1,034 Views | 13 Replies

Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:29:44

Its a game where 2 people sit on opposite ends of a table, with one gun loaded with ONE bullet.

Each player takes turns shooting themself in the head til there is one winner, and one dead guy with a hole in his head.

I just finished watching The Deer Hunter with robert di nero today. It was pretty g00d. It had some pretty intense scenes with russian roulette in it.

I just found a very fucked up article about CELEBRITY RUSSIAN ROULETTE



damn google links are so long.

What do u make of this? Daniel Baldwin and 2 other baldwins died in the show, but on imdb.com it says he hasnt died yet, they COULD be different people cuz the other 2 brothers arent related to Alec Baldwin.

ANd Paris Hilton's sister, NIKKY HILTON was on the show. She was the winner.
I;m shocked about the article...it was just a PILOT too, wasnt aired i don't think..

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:31:41

It's also a funny game show.

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:32:08

i gotta fix up the link in a sec, sorry.

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:32:30

We could make this into a forum game. Find six noobs, and they each post once. I think of a number, and whoever makes that post number gets banned.

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:33:52

At 7/9/05 04:32 PM, ZeroAsALimit wrote: Damn, I thought this was about The Lords Of The New Church and Tony James.

No such luck apparently.

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:34:25



"Bravo’s new show will feature six C-list celebrities sharing several bottles of vodka before loading a single bullet into the holster of a six-shot pistol and firing into their heads. Gameplay continues in five rounds until only one celebrity is left alive.In major product placement deals, Stoli Vodka and Smith & Wesson are both paying $5 million to be featured in the show."

LISTEN TO THIS >>>>>>>The Baldwin brothers died in the first three rounds, with producers having to step in to finish Billy off after a shot didn’t make it through his frontal lobe.

WOW wtf!??

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:35:13

sounds fun!!!

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:38:47

wait.. is that real????
it looks to me 98% fake..

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Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:41:36

Do u guys know DARREN BROWN? hes an illusionist and magician.

He went on LIVE national tv, and had to shoot himself 5 times till he got the loaded chamber.

it was creepy watching it. I wont spoil what happens at the end.

well until i can find a link for THAT.

I found something else. fuNNyt


Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 16:45:00


That's the whole URL btw.

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Response to Russian Roulette 2005-07-09 17:06:42

I already beat Tom and Wade easily.

Its ip to G-cat and Bedn now.

I hope i go against Bedn, that guy WANTS to fukin die.

Russian Roulette

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-08-11 22:59:17

anyone that believes that must be the most gullible person of all time...it is definitely a spoof....why would any celebrity sign up for it, with a prize of 10k? wouldn't even be worth the time

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-08-11 23:08:30

well...just anotehr fact that people are messed up in teh head.

Response to Russian Roulette 2005-08-11 23:13:26

C'mon guys. This topic is over a month old. Look at the post dates.

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