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School shootings

1,187 Views | 7 Replies

School shootings 2001-04-12 01:11:14

Is it not a coincidence why all the major shootings with the most casualties take place in the U.S....
I find it pretty obvious why
Now some argue that the violence in the US is from the cultural diversity.
I find that bullshit.
The US doesn't have very much. Black and white. Thats about it. Canada has Black, White, Asian, Arab, spanish. You name it Canada has it.
THen why are there virtually no such shootings in Canada at least not on this high a scale.
I know it is a novel concept for some of you but the second ammendment was never meant to last. It was kind of a temporary thing until the government could defend its people from the british. Now since the US has no fear of being taken over by the british or anyone else, Why has the second ammendment stuck???
Well thats just my two cents

Response to School shootings 2001-04-12 17:54:36

At 4/12/01 01:11 AM, fuck-fu wrote: Is it not a coincidence why all the major shootings with the most casualties take place in the U.S....
I find it pretty obvious why
Now some argue that the violence in the US is from the cultural diversity.
I find that bullshit.
The US doesn't have very much. Black and white. Thats about it. Canada has Black, White, Asian, Arab, spanish. You name it Canada has it.
THen why are there virtually no such shootings in Canada at least not on this high a scale.
I know it is a novel concept for some of you but the second ammendment was never meant to last. It was kind of a temporary thing until the government could defend its people from the british. Now since the US has no fear of being taken over by the british or anyone else, Why has the second ammendment stuck???
Well thats just my two cents

Interesting that you quote Hitler, considering that there is a possibility that if the Germans had had the right to bear arms, they Jews might not have been stuck in concentration camps.

Are you really so sure that the United States has no fear of being invaded? Our military forces are not able to respond to an invasion, the main thing protecting us from such a thing is the fact that we are so far removed from any country with adequate money/manpower to attempt it.

You should also consider the peoples right to protect themselves. If there was a gun ban in the United States, then the only people who would have guns (besides law enforcement) would be the people who are the most dangerous.

Remember, there is a difference between the cases of school shootings and the reporting of school shootings. Also, guns aren't the only source of violence, the most destructive being bombs.

Banning guns also does not face the real issue. The cause of such violence comes not from the availability of guns, but a society that does not teach personal responsibility and respect for others. Banning guns to prevent violence is equivalent to "curing" a broken arm with aspirin.

I am not so willing to give up my rights for the illusion of safety as you are.

Response to School shootings 2001-04-13 00:50:00

I have to agree on you on some of those points. It is impossible to ban guns. However i still think people need to learn that violence is not acceptable. It seems that if a parent of a child has a gun it says to the kid "hey violence is okay". Although the parent is most likely not a murderous pig it just sends a message to a kid.
Not to mention all of the gun accidents involving children

Response to School shootings 2001-04-13 01:50:34

I'm going to say this for the last time:

16 children total killed in school shootings this year
16 children killed every day by their parents.

That's a child murdered by his/her parents every 90 minutes. You are a brainwashed media whore for believing what you believe.

Response to School shootings 2001-04-13 08:22:35

How many people are shot everyday by people who own guns?

Response to School shootings 2001-04-13 13:44:52

At 4/13/01 08:22 AM, Bugger_all_99 wrote: How many people are shot everyday by people who own guns?

I don't know, but it's a huge number. It doesn't matter though. In Japan, guns are strictly illegal, but the number of homocides is about the same as here. They use knives instead. People will always kill other people, regardless of the tool.

I'm still for gun control. Too many children have died because dumbass hicks can't lock their guns up.

I'm assuming you're from Britain since you spell "realize" with an 's'. I don't know how this affects your view on guns. I'm an American.

Response to School shootings 2001-04-13 13:51:27

I think I should also reply to the first post. There is so much more violence in the Middle East than in the US, and yet more people are concerned about the US because the media makes a bigger deal out of it.

65 killed in fruit market bombing? On the news for a day, then forgotten.

2 killed at school? All over the news for 3 weeks, then remembered for years.

It's media brainwashing you. Learn to think for yourself, fuck-fu.

Response to School shootings 2001-04-13 15:18:38

I don't know, but it's a huge number. It doesn't matter though. In Japan, guns are strictly illegal, but the number of homocides is about the same as here. They use knives instead. People will always kill other people, regardless of the tool.

Ok since I'm not even gonna pretend I have any facts to back one arguement up, I'll use another. Now what is more likely to kill you a man with a gun, who is 10 meters away, or a man with a knife that is 5 meters away?

I'm assuming you're from Britain since you spell "realize" with an 's'. I don't know how this affects your view on guns. I'm an American.

Very good! I would also like to point out not many Americans use the word "Bugger". Anyway nationality has nothing to do with it, unless of course your media-washed.(Actually that would even be nationality, it would be where you live)