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Who Wants to be an Asshole?

6,769 Views | 66 Replies
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Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 09:57:42

fuck them tom, fuck them in their lying asses. lying, you ask? what could you possibly be talking about? The music from "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" was ganked from a 1993 Spacetime Continuum release with Terence McKenna entitled "Alien Dreamtime" I believe it is from the last track "Timewave Zero" though I could be wrong. No one has busted them for it, and they dare point fingers at you... fuckers. Thought I'd let you know, even though you already made your decision it seems.
But in conclusion let me say once again; "fuck them, fuck them in their lying asses." thank you.

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 11:28:04

I hate all the quotes from the show!! Come to think of it i just plain hate that show!!! ARe you sure about that? 50/50, like to phone a friend!!!!!!! Makes me fucking sick!!!!!!!!!!

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 11:51:24

I have to agree,

The Original soundbits fit the mood much better!.
There are ways around this... You can ask Shok to emulate the beat using different tones and instruments, or take the original sample and skew it a bit, even maybe reverse it!.. Might have a cooler feel!

Who Wants to be an Asshole?

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 13:57:23

Tight mongs. Also Tom, this is worth reading for you. FHM are using Pico vs. Uberkids (calling it Russian Roulette) on their site, along with other Newgrounds games. What do you think of that?

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 14:54:10

i could be wrong about this but i am PRETTY sure... more than 80% sure that they could have done about jack and shit to you... see as long as you dont kick your product out for money they cant touch you. (i learned this thru designin and printing t-shirts) and since.. well if.. you dont charge anyone to play/view/blah blah the game then you are in the clear.

FUCK i hate corporate america.

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 15:52:15

At 5/28/02 02:54 PM, losinglife wrote: i could be wrong about this but i am PRETTY sure... more than 80% sure that they could have done about jack and shit to you... see as long as you dont kick your product out for money they cant touch you. (i learned this thru designin and printing t-shirts) and since.. well if.. you dont charge anyone to play/view/blah blah the game then you are in the clear.

FUCK i hate corporate america.

I think you're right. That's what i want to post, but i'm too slow :)

CyA, SirDregan

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 16:59:38

At 5/27/02 10:33 PM, MisterEd wrote: The truth is Americans do need to laugh more, desperately so, and corporate intellectual property just isn't funny. Neither is most television.
So we have a dilemma. Until now, most of the music groups, icons, logos, cynosures and what-have-you parodied on NG have been ignored by the parties characterized. Thing is, NG is growing, and about 1/2 of the animations on this site involve some representation of trademark, or some infringement of copyright. Most of the funny ones, at least.

Then there is a deeper problem. In case anyone is still in the dark, we do not live in a "nice" society. This is the look-over-your-shoulder culture. This is the nation of deadbolts, household firearms, car security devices, nuclear bombs and anthrax strains that - guess what, K-Mart shoppers - came from our own US military. This is the make-money-while-you-can culture. This is the era in which corporate, religious, state and educational leaders secretly agree on one adage: PEOPLE ARE NOT WORTH IT.

We live in a culture which peddles dreams of being Britney Spears to lower-class 12 and 13 year old girls - girls in trailer parks and ghettos who buy Britney's albums with the money their stauatory-rape age boyfriends give them. We live in a nation which peddles hope of becoming "just like Shaq" to lower-class 12 and 13 year old boys who buy his posters, his trading cards and even his brand of shoes with the money they're paid for trafficking illegal narcotics. The reason it continues is because people continue the process.

Are people worth it???

Each of us has to answer that for his own satisfaction. However, the resultant answer probably isn't going to make waves in any national or international sense. It might only be at a community level. Might only be with one other person. That's how it usually is.

I have not Idea what the fuck half of this means, but I still feel this a true and meaningful post.

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 17:32:02

What dickheads!

Well they say any publicity is good publicity but I guess not in this case.

Newgrounds is a website for 13 year olds who cannot understand the difference between "there", "their" and "they´re".

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-28 19:00:33

Dear Sirs

I note that you are using the music from the TV show 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" on your website - newgrounds.com/pico/uberkids.html

oh please... if they had taken time to see more than just one, they woulda seen people use more than just WWTBAM sounds... losers.

they're just jealous because you're hot, tom. ~_^

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-29 05:19:08

Hey Tom, what the hell is with that little button in the upper left? You have probably heard that question 4,000,000 times. Now 4,000,001.

Who Wants to be an Asshole?

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-29 05:27:14

ahhhhhhh FHM. i read that all the time but i get people muttering 'lesbo' at me in the pub. its a fucking good magazine dammit!

Who Wants to be an Asshole?

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-29 07:57:23

At 5/27/02 07:39 PM, TomFulp wrote: FHM (the UK equivalent to MAXIM, now in the states) recently picked their 100 favorite on-line games. Among many other Newgrounds favorites was Pico vs. Uberkids. The publicity from FHM has had some negative side-effects, however...


Dear Sirs

I note that you are using the music from the TV show 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" on your website - newgrounds.com/pico/uberkids.html

As owners of the copyright and all other rights to the music we insist that you immediately remove the music from your site.

If I do not hear from you that the music has been removed from the site within 48 hours I will instruct our lawyers to initiate legal proceedings against you.

Yours sincerely

Matt Speller
Business & Legal Affairs
Celador International Ltd.


At least now we know what magazine this guy jerks off to while he's on the toilet. The loops were minimal and very short, but I decided to remove them for the heck of it. That show is dead anyway. Go check out Pico vs. Uberkids with the new sounds! I might refine it later...

My take on all this is that the poor guy just got bored. Needed to piss someone off to validate his existence.

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-29 11:14:24

Heh! I've had the millionaire loops in my "who wants to be a secret agent" game for 6 months, both here on NG and on my site. Loox like that is the benefit to being relatively insignificant and less exposure. When you at the top of the heap, people wanna take their shots at you.

BTW, under fair use and other portions of copyright law, it is unenforcable to claim copyright theft when someone cites, uses, or simulates small portions of a total work.

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-29 11:18:57

Hey Tom, I thought you might be interested to know that I contacted the Business & Legal Affairs department of Celador International Ltd., it seems they have never heard of a Matt Speller. In fact it turns out that I just so happen to come across a few "urban legend" emails from a few years ago making claims that the feds were going to start charging for email postage and another about an email that when forwarded to 100 people would cause Bill Gates to send 100,000 to a charity....wanna guess who signed them?

Besides, no one in thier right mind would try to sue a webmaster for site content that was minimaly offensive or mildly copywrited. The time and money involved in the court proceedings dont out weigh the verdict which 99% of the time would result in nothing more than the content in question being removed. My girlfriend is a lawyer, just go with me on this. Ive been listening to this crap for YEARS.

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-29 15:06:01

Unch Bagger FFFFfffFFFF zoarffff.

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-29 20:31:52

At 5/27/02 07:39 PM, TomFulp wrote: FHM (the UK equivalent to MAXIM, now in the states) recently picked their 100 favorite on-line games. Among many other Newgrounds favorites was Pico vs. Uberkids. The publicity from FHM has had some negative side-effects, however...


Dear Sirs

I note that you are using the music from the TV show 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" on your website - newgrounds.com/pico/uberkids.html

As owners of the copyright and all other rights to the music we insist that you immediately remove the music from your site.

If I do not hear from you that the music has been removed from the site within 48 hours I will instruct our lawyers to initiate legal proceedings against you.

Yours sincerely

Matt Speller
Business & Legal Affairs
Celador International Ltd.


At least now we know what magazine this guy jerks off to while he's on the toilet. The loops were minimal and very short, but I decided to remove them for the heck of it. That show is dead anyway. Go check out Pico vs. Uberkids with the new sounds! I might refine it later...

I tell you If I watched that Show and it was still around I wouldn't anymore another Corporate bastard with nothing better to do then Bitch bitch bitch. TOM FIGHT IT! LOOK INTO IT IF HE IS REAL THEN THERE'S GOT TO BE SOME SORT OF LAW! Since you don't make money off of the Song I dont see how he could do anything. I mean Christ Mr.Corporate guy


Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-05-30 08:01:09

Congrats Tom! It's about time the corporate whores start paying their dues and recognizing the real talent. Also lawyers are also corporate whores - just like cops are governemnt whores. Just wanted to draw that analogy.

ANYWAY - what's up with P vs U multiplayer? We talked about it alot. Let me know!


Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-01 14:57:28

FHM isn't the equivalent of MAXIM, we have MAXIM too!!!!

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-03 23:48:21

I hate Regis Philbin, I wanna kick him square in the nuts!

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-03 23:49:47

At 6/3/02 11:48 PM, Adam_Z wrote: I hate Regis Philbin, I wanna kick him square in the nuts!

Yah... Square in the nuts!

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-04 12:53:47

At 5/27/02 07:39 PM, TomFulp wrote: FHM (the UK equivalent to MAXIM, now in the states) recently picked their 100 favorite on-line games. Among many other Newgrounds favorites was Pico vs. Uberkids. The publicity from FHM has had some negative side-effects, however...


Dear Sirs

I note that you are using the music from the TV show 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" on your website - newgrounds.com/pico/uberkids.html

As owners of the copyright and all other rights to the music we insist that you immediately remove the music from your site.

If I do not hear from you that the music has been removed from the site within 48 hours I will instruct our lawyers to initiate legal proceedings against you.

Yours sincerely

Matt Speller
Business & Legal Affairs
Celador International Ltd.


At least now we know what magazine this guy jerks off to while he's on the toilet. The loops were minimal and very short, but I decided to remove them for the heck of it. That show is dead anyway. Go check out Pico vs. Uberkids with the new sounds! I might refine it later...

Who Wants to be an Asshole?

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-05 12:24:12


Why the hell did you change the music? You didn't have to.

As owners of the copyright and all other rights to the music we insist that you immediately remove the music from your site.

So what the Who Wants to Be A Millionaire game is copyrighted. He cannot take you to a US court due to the fact that you didn't make any profit from the Pico -vs- Uberkids game. If you made the game, then you sell it to another web site and made even a dollar, then I could see the problem.

If you want to get technical about it and you have a lot of time to kill, read the US Constitution, Article I, Section 8. Read it carefully! Under the Constitution you have done nothing wrong.

Isn't the Who Wants to Be A Millionaire game based in another country anyways? I'm not sure what their Copyright Law is, but I'm pretty sure its that same as ours. All they really can do is threaten you and waste your time.

There is a big argument in the EU (European Union) today about the definition of copyright infringement, which is a bigger issue there than over here (hard to believe but true). Maybe in the future the laws may change, but not anytime soon. If you were taken to court, chances are you would win and if they try to take you to court again, it wouldn't go to court due to a law called Double Jeopardy (prohibited by the 5th Amendment of the US Constitution).

Although I may be wrong, but I'm about 85% sure all the shit I just said is true!

Fight The Power,

PS: Hey Matt Speller, kiss the dancing bady's ass!

Who Wants to be an Asshole?

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-06 13:57:15

At 5/27/02 07:39 PM, TomFulp wrote: FHM (the UK equivalent to MAXIM, now in the states) recently picked their 100 favorite on-line games. Among many other Newgrounds favorites was Pico vs. Uberkids. The publicity from FHM has had some negative side-effects, however...


Dear Sirs

I note that you are using the music from the TV show 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" on your website - newgrounds.com/pico/uberkids.html

As owners of the copyright and all other rights to the music we insist that you immediately remove the music from your site.

If I do not hear from you that the music has been removed from the site within 48 hours I will instruct our lawyers to initiate legal proceedings against you.

Yours sincerely

Matt Speller
Business & Legal Affairs
Celador International Ltd.


At least now we know what magazine this guy jerks off to while he's on the toilet. The loops were minimal and very short, but I decided to remove them for the heck of it. That show is dead anyway. Go check out Pico vs. Uberkids with the new sounds! I might refine it later...

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-06 14:00:53

Don't give in! Fight for the music! The show is dead, but the game isn't!!!!!Dont let anyone else bully ng around just cuz they have lawyers!!! I'm sure regis didn't write the song. Fight tom, Fight!!!!

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-18 02:43:42

At 6/6/02 02:00 PM, sPaWnOfSaTaN666 wrote: Don't give in! Fight for the music! The show is dead, but the game isn't!!!!!Dont let anyone else bully ng around just cuz they have lawyers!!! I'm sure regis didn't write the song. Fight tom, Fight!!!!

Fuck yea! Don't let them piss all over you... put the music back like it was. The show went to shit after the first few episodes. It got real old, real fast. See? Even spawns of Satan can make a good point once in a while...

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-22 03:02:11

At 5/27/02 07:39 PM, TomFulp wrote: FHM (the UK equivalent to MAXIM, now in the states) recently picked their 100 favorite on-line games. Among many other Newgrounds favorites was Pico vs. Uberkids. The publicity from FHM has had some negative side-effects, however...

y do big coproate bitches gotta be big coporate assholes......i mean really.....it aint like were gonna sell the damn thing.....u stupid fucks.......good what the fuck is rong with da world.....can some one feel me in??!!

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-06-28 05:21:55

can i join the blam club?

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2002-07-09 09:51:12

Damn it Tom! Don't listen to those corporate bastards, I have a game called "Who Wants To Beat Up A Millionare" and it has the same music from that show to but nothing has happened to them and there making money off of it! You have the music on the Pico game and you getting no profit off of it so it does not matter, its obvious that they are trying to piss you off so don't give in. I say keep the music and on top of that make a game that makes fun of "Who Wants To Beat Up A Millionare". I sure you have got plenty of other bullshit like this from other movies and games but now is the time to fight back, to take a stand, and to beat these stuck up selfish corporate copyright bastards. Im sure there going to try and stop cd burning too we can't just sit around and take their crap, we have to fight back!

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2004-06-22 20:33:58

Articles like that entertain my ass off. If there will be more pisky bitches like that, then post it right a way.

Response to Who Wants to be an Asshole? 2004-06-25 17:58:25

That kinda sucks. Oh well.