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Where are the chickens?!

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Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 00:28:24

For the heck of it, I decided to ditch the animated / interactive chicken banner that has been on the front page for an eternity now. It might come back... Or maybe I'll stick it somewhere else... For now I thought it would make the front page look a little less crowded.

The big thing on my mind has been the BBS and the movie review system. Here is what I am thinking for the current review system... Rather than strictly calling it "reviews", it would instead be "comments". Each Portal submission would have a pseudo-BBS thread attached to it, so you could post as many comments as you want and chat with other users (maybe even upload pics like on the BBS), but in addition you would also have the option to make your comment a review (one review per user per submission). In order to make it a review, all you would do is fill in the scoring checkboxes and also a one sentence summary (like we do with the current reviews).

When users view a Portal movie, rather than see the most recent review on the page, they would see the past 5 review summaries (each being one line). Each may also have a thumbs up or down, based on the score the user gave the submission. From there users could check out the discussion on the comments thread - which would include both the reviews and general comments and conversation.

Any of this making sense? Basically, I want users to have more conversation and fun with the Portal submissions - beyond just writing a review. I got some other crazy ideas for where we could go with this, as well. What does everyone think?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 00:41:29

As an artist, feedback is my #1 concern with NG. I believe your proposals would be great. Keep up the great work Tom, you really got a gem here.

See my comics, updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!


Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 00:51:33


Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 00:59:17


Those chickens were like a welcoming party for me.


BBS Signature

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 00:59:45

At 4/26/02 12:28 AM, TomFulp wrote:
The big thing on my mind has been the BBS and the movie review system. Here is what I am thinking for the current review system... Rather than strictly calling it "reviews", it would instead be "comments". Each Portal submission would have a pseudo-BBS thread attached to it, so you could post as many comments as you want and chat with other users (maybe even upload pics like on the BBS), but in addition you would also have the option to make your comment a review (one review per user per submission). In order to make it a review, all you would do is fill in the scoring checkboxes and also a one sentence summary (like we do with the current reviews).

When users view a Portal movie, rather than see the most recent review on the page, they would see the past 5 review summaries (each being one line). Each may also have a thumbs up or down, based on the score the user gave the submission. From there users could check out the discussion on the comments thread - which would include both the reviews and general comments and conversation.

Any of this making sense? Basically, I want users to have more conversation and fun with the Portal submissions - beyond just writing a review. I got some other crazy ideas for where we could go with this, as well. What does everyone think?

Great idea Tom! One thing that gets me angery about the current review system is that it's very limited. You have to post your say and then leave. It's hard to say everything that you can say in one post and even harder when changes are made or a reply is giving.

Something like www.deviantart.com 's comment system would be great as long as the current voting system is kept in place.

I know many will disagree with me, but if this new system ever gets put up, can you please remove the current needs to vote on "violence, humor, interactivty . . ." because those are never used or voted correctly.

(insert BC ad there/)

Where are the chickens?!

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 01:05:37

By the way, Can the NG front-page theme/song come back?

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 01:30:14


Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 03:47:03


I think It was a good Idea to get the chickens down becase it just was'nt funny anymore. But,mabey Tom should put a new funny thing up that's kind of like the chickens,but different. As for this review thing I don't want it to be any harder then it is now. It was hard enough reveiwing every "Megaman" flash movie with the current review system. I hope this all turns out ok.


Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 04:20:02

Nooooooooooo! Not the chickens!

Will these 'conversational reviews' count under your post or review count?

I like the idea of being able to the authors response but it would be a bit hard to keep track of all these conversations.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 04:24:29

Sorry I meant:
I like the idea of being able to reply to the authors response but it would be a bit hard to keep track of all these conversations.

Couldn't you introduce a '5-min, go back and edit your previous post' thingamijigger?

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 05:14:43

I'll miss the chickens! I don't think they did any harm to the front page. However, I think you could consider removing the big "welcome to newgrounds" banner on the Portal page. It's not too beautiful and that music is driving me nuts.

The comments/reviews thingy was a great idea. It's a little boring now when you can post a review and then not be able to reply when the author has answered.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 05:21:29

More chickens, less pop-ups, don't change the review system; my grammar blows goats, fun!

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 06:35:19

Tom, While your on the topic of change...

I thought it would be nice if Newgrounds rewarded exp points for submitting high rating flash movies.

this system would have two advantages:
1. In NG's experience mad community, it would encourage better submissions, which is a good thing.


2. People who actually make good movies deserve to have a larger impact on the NG content. Because it's the good movies that keep us comming back right...

Just a thought...

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 07:13:05

the chickens were cool ... they were a nice touch, but no big deal. i hope they make a comeback in some form someday, but it's nice to have the front page a little less crowded.

your ideas for a revised comment/review system sound really good. not a radical departure, but an augmentation of what we already have. it'll definitely be nice to have more of a dialogue (especially b/c so many reviews comment on the guy that posted before like a "you suck ass my score is way better than that!" or whatever). also, being able to view 5 one-liners at once will give us a more diverse opinion on the entires.

btw, ever think about making the portal front page music off by default instead of on like with the ng front page? no big deal either; just a thought.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 07:22:56

At 4/26/02 06:35 AM, NoQuarterLife wrote: Tom, While your on the topic of change...

I thought it would be nice if Newgrounds rewarded exp points for submitting high rating flash movies.

this system would have two advantages:
1. In NG's experience mad community, it would encourage better submissions, which is a good thing.


2. People who actually make good movies deserve to have a larger impact on the NG content. Because it's the good movies that keep us comming back right...

Just a thought...

This is a good idea but unfortunately since it's been brought up many times before and it still doesn't exist it is unlikely to be implemented.

The new review system sounds interesting but would that mean that the creator no longer has the last word?

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 07:34:18

well..... it sounds like a good idea but it might get a bit complicated

as for the chickens, i agree that they were getting old. you should make something like....... ummmmm....... CLOCK CREW BANNER!!! that would roxor

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 10:15:31

You're a f*cking genius, Tom. Always finding ways to improve the quality of life here at NG.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 10:56:54

i wonder what the effect will be on the server load? i cant see it helping any.... and yes turn that damn portal music off! i tend to avoid going in there because of it. i didnt even notice the chickens were gone. i was like.. hm seems different, kina empty.. i do miss em a lil tho.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 11:04:05

Yay for newgrounds.. This Is gonna be really cool and I cant wait for this to come into play! :) Everything sounds really super dooper :)
Now about those chickens.... Im gonna miss those little guys they were kinda a maskcot for newgrounds but heyhey the other news makes up for it :)

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 11:08:04

At 4/26/02 07:22 AM, REZIN wrote:
At 4/26/02 06:35 AM, NoQuarterLife wrote: Tom, While your on the topic of change...

I thought it would be nice if Newgrounds rewarded exp points for submitting high rating flash movies.

this system would have two advantages:
1. In NG's experience mad community, it would encourage better submissions, which is a good thing.


2. People who actually make good movies deserve to have a larger impact on the NG content. Because it's the good movies that keep us comming back right...

Just a thought...
This is a good idea but unfortunately since it's been brought up many times before and it still doesn't exist it is unlikely to be implemented.

The new review system sounds interesting but would that mean that the creator no longer has the last word?

There is also the pesky problem that instead of making better submissions, many people would just steal better flash. Experience should be for the dedicated- no short cuts. Those of us in the top 50 got there by being loyal NG fans every day.

But anyway, about the pseudo-BBS for movie reviews, it would be nice to have more conversation in the review process, especially if people could change your review scores over time. (Only count the newest score, or take the average of one reviewer's scores.) But then again, it will most likely degrade into a flame-fest within a week. New modes of communication often turn into new modes of abuse. Maybe I'm just being a pessimist today. :) (It's still a good idea)


PS. We love the chickens. If the chickens must be removed, there has to be something new on the front page. Maybe a little swf of Pico riding around in the NG tank crushing cars for us to play with.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 13:19:08

Hey, Ive got an idea. How about we get rid of the 9000 pop-up windows that come up for all these crappy sponsors? I doubt anybody ever clicks em and they slow the download time of this site greatly.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 14:12:57

At 4/26/02 10:15 AM, emperor2k wrote: You're a f*cking genius, Tom. Always finding ways to improve the quality of life here at NG.

I think those are all splendid ideas :)

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 14:27:25

I like it the way it is:)

Where are the chickens?!

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 14:53:59


Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 15:46:36

At 4/26/02 12:28 AM, TomFulp wrote: For the heck of it, I decided to ditch the animated / interactive chicken banner that has been on the front page for an eternity now. It might come back... Or maybe I'll stick it somewhere else... For now I thought it would make the front page look a little less crowded.

The big thing on my mind has been the BBS and the movie review system. Here is what I am thinking for the current review system... Rather than strictly calling it "reviews", it would instead be "comments". Each Portal submission would have a pseudo-BBS thread attached to it, so you could post as many comments as you want and chat with other users (maybe even upload pics like on the BBS), but in addition you would also have the option to make your comment a review (one review per user per submission). In order to make it a review, all you would do is fill in the scoring checkboxes and also a one sentence summary (like we do with the current reviews).

When users view a Portal movie, rather than see the most recent review on the page, they would see the past 5 review summaries (each being one line). Each may also have a thumbs up or down, based on the score the user gave the submission. From there users could check out the discussion on the comments thread - which would include both the reviews and general comments and conversation.

Any of this making sense? Basically, I want users to have more conversation and fun with the Portal submissions - beyond just writing a review. I got some other crazy ideas for where we could go with this, as well. What does everyone think?

Hi Tom I'm look forward to the new stuff sounds very cool chat idea can't wait til It's up and running tom

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 16:12:19

This is kinda unrelated to the topic, but since things are being upgraded and made better on NG, I'll say it anyway.

I think it would be nice if in our profiles for our grounds gold accounts there was a special place for us to put in our favorite flash artists. Everyone can see what artist we like best, and it might even help lesser known artists get some publicity.

Oh, and BTW, changing the review system sounds like a pretty good idea.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 17:27:05

Personally, I like the idea. This way, when someone gets a bad review/comment, and the author replies, whether or not the comment was deserved, now the two parties can keep griping at each other >:)

The thumbs up/thumbs down is also a good idea. Both ifilm and atomfilms do this already, and quite successfully in both cases.

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 18:21:22

I greatly enjoyed the chickens and was waiting for a NG mascot banner or something...oh well. Now the new review thing, I am sure it will most likely cause more of NG's down time or conflict between Clock Crew and the all mighty Anti-Clock Crew of which I am the leader of!

BBS Signature

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 19:13:49

aahhhw but the chickens rocked! mind you i probably wouldnt have noticed if you hadnt said anything.

Where are the chickens?!

Response to Where are the chickens?! 2002-04-26 20:52:22

At 4/26/02 12:28 AM, TomFulp wrote:

What does everyone think?

I've been given your proposal some thought and came up with this quick example based on your suggestions. I also based it on 100% instead of 5. I prefer 100 since I've been graded on this scale all my life. Besides, to me a 95 looks better than 4.75. It implements both the Thumbs Up/Down and the advance review system, yeah! Your new idea rules!

Where are the chickens?!