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Pico Hoody and Stuff!

5,973 Views | 67 Replies
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Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-27 22:48:41

I have been going to nnewgrounds for a long time but i never eally got that infolved. Thats cool that u can get sweat shirts and that wuts his name is comeing back

Pico Hoody and Stuff!

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 00:13:59

At 2/27/02 12:07 PM, PicoPlease12 wrote:
how about a pico 2 trailer!

Hey man - there's already a pico 2 gameplay demo!!!

What more could you want?

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 00:42:44

At 2/26/02 10:01 AM, TomFulp wrote:
Finally, some good news for Miss Dynamite fans! Sirkowski's wrist is getting better and he is ready to start drawing again, so progress on the Miss Dynamite game will soon continue! This one is gonna be hot!

Glad to hear that. A great talent there.

How about work on the Miss Dynamite series? You posting that link made me realise how I really like that series. It's kind of one of those things that I associate with NG, yaknow?

I mean, I found it here and well.. any series that has its own wee section must be pretty spesh.

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 00:44:12

At 2/28/02 12:42 AM, Bezman wrote:
At 2/26/02 10:01 AM, TomFulp wrote:
Finally, : Glad to

But more importantly, it's mildly enjoyable.


(I'm an over-judgemental bastard and you know it.)

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 00:51:46

At 2/27/02 10:21 PM, SupaReaper wrote:
Seig Heil Tom Fulp, Führer of Pop ups

Let me paste a quote.

" As for the pop-up ads, unfortunately most of them run through the regular ad code supplied by Troma. There is one set however that runs through separate code - that is what we run if a user views a movie without being logged in. Some day we might be able to refine this more. We still need to pay the bills
though. :( "

So there ee be. Any pop-ups you get when you are logged in are those paying Troma, not NG.

Last time I wrote this, I went on for a bit more, but I can't remember all the stuff that I typed when it inexplicably all buggered up.

You should be grateful that I can't remember that stuff.

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 01:07:10

At 2/28/02 12:51 AM, Bezman wrote: You should be grateful that I can't remember that stuff.

On a lighter note...
:(Remembered some stuff. Sorry.)

A man was killed today whilst he attempted to cross a busy motorway whilst dressed in a giant chicken suit.

Apparently, after laughing hysterically at a pathatic joke during childhood, he had been possessed by a craving to enact the joke.

He had spent months beforehand attempting to train chickens to walk in a straight line, but each time an object approached at high speed, they would run about like headless chickens.

Eventually, he decided that it was time to show the chickens that there was nothing to be afraid of.

It seems that the chickens had been right all along...

:I really am sorry about that. I mean, he had a wife and everything...

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 08:40:20

I really am sorry about that. I mean, he had a wife and everything...

I hear that! You post A LOT kiddo, and thanks on page one for the heads up on ww.fanfiction.nl or something, if you wanna see my work, just type in find: TESM!

Anyway though, I didn't bother to read 'Bez'up there for two things:
1) I'm too lazy
2) Read number 3
3) Three has been intentionaly left blank.

Also, have you ever noticed HOW FAST cartoons come here, I see a 2 second one and, bing, another one pops up! Must be hard to keep up with it, oh well, school...

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 10:20:23

At 2/27/02 10:21 PM, SupaReaper wrote: As for for Führer Fulp, he's too damn lazy, or busy adding pop-ups, to use a separate vote tracker from IP address cause I can't vote on movies that my buddy did. I'll laugh when he gets busted for soliciting minors to porn because of his website's porn ads, and the flow of minors through here. There used to be great flash here, but then the clocks came, and it became a contest to see who can make the crappiest animation stick around the longest. Obviously, the clocks will win because they have their own section of absolute shit!!!

Seig Heil Tom Fulp, Führer of Pop ups

If I was in control of the pop-ups, we would only serve one unique pop-up per user - because we are apparently only paid for one unique pop-up per user. Unfortunately, the pop-ups load through Troma's ad server, and I am under contract to run their ads. They don't seem to know how to change their system, and I am TRYING to get the pop-ups cut back.

For a while I had some pop-up code that I started running in the Portal if users weren't logged in - but that company decided not to pay for the past two months so those ads are no longer running. The pop-ups that remain are from bottom-feeder ad companies that abuse our system with all sorts of pop-ups that aren't approved by the Internet Advertising Bureau (who sets standards, not laws).

We all lose on pop-ups. It ruins the experience for NG users, and we often don't get paid for them. All those pop-ups from the past two months that made NG suck earned us $0. The current pop-ups are running about 20 pop-ups per user but most likely only tracking as 1... Or not even that. We need to keep trying, though, because banner ads don't pay enough to do a load of laundry.

When we eventually can't afford to keep the site running anymore, I will try switching to a subscription system and fuck-face users like yourself will refuse to pay even though you've been mooching our bandwidth for all this time. Even though you probably subscribe to various useless magazines, you would never consider paying $5 a month for a website, and NG will shut down for good. Problem solved!

OH AND BY THE WAY - I know you think you are smarter than us and can build a better system, but I'm sure you are way lazier than I could ever be. Where is your Newgrounds? Oh wait! You are too busy watching sitcoms every night! I built Newgrounds while going to school and working a job to support myself. I still go to school part-time and I still do consulting work for additional income.

I'm lucky that I don't have to go into a job every day, but my job isn't all roses. At any hour of the day, I have to deal with Newgrounds as well as outside clients. It can be 2am when I go through my email and realize I have a potential lawsuit to deal with. The average joe goes to work from 9 to 5 and when he comes home he doesn't have any more responsibilities. He can pop open a beer and relax in front of the TV. Sometimes I long for that feeling. There are days that I consider just deleting NG and going back to a regular job - I'm a positive person and a hard worker, and I had fun working for the companies I worked for before I decided to focus on NG. My co-workers were definitely much more appreciative of my work, and I didn't have to deal with ethical issues such as adult banner ads.

FINALLY... For your voting w/ IP issue - You are a dumbass. You don't have a better solution. The best solution would be to enable each computer with a unique ID, which DID HAPPEN, FOR THAT EXACT PURPOSE! But as soon as it happened, privacy activists started crying and the feature was disabled. I personally don't load my computer with kiddy porn, so I don't give a shit if people can track down my unique computer ID. I am sick of people thinking they are too important to have a feature like this. If each computer had a unique ID, the whole internet could run much smoother and statistics could be tracked perfectly. But NOPE, that would impeed on people's valuable privacy. God forbid someone finds out I go to GOOGLE!

So anyway, we use IPs to track votes. We give each unique IP 1 vote, and each IP "range" 4 votes. We do that because if a user doesn't have a static IP, he can disconnect and re-connect to his ISP and keep voting. By limiting each range to 4 votes, that user can only get as many as 4 votes by cheating.

NOW - you probably think that user registration is enough for tracking unique votes. NO WAY. We have caught users with upwards of 2000 fake accounts (they do this to get referrer points). We delete these users when we find them - but it shows what extremes people will go to in order to cheat Newgrounds. IP addresses are the best way to track unique votes. Stop acting like you know a better way, because you don't know jack shit.

Yes, I'm in a bad mood.

Finally... There is still plenty of great Flash on Newgrounds, and we showcase it on the front page. I am sure the Clock Crew makes better Flash than you can make, and some of their stuff is actually quite good. They are very active and supportive NG users, and I like them a lot more than snotty/elitist Flash artists who think they are too good for the NG crowd. NG lets anyone submit their stuff. That's what makes it good and thats what makes it bad. I'm sure if I removed the Portal completely, not many people would come to the site every day to check on the progress of PICO 2.


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 14:57:06

Hey this is Blowdryer, I have been a fan for a long time and I am not very good at flash and was wondering if anybody in here could make a music video for either

The Return of Elmo by Pimp Daddy Welfare
Crookie Monster by Agallah (yes its called crookie)

please anyone with any Flash skill download these songs on napster or something and see what you can do.


Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 16:13:21

Yes, I'm in a bad mood.

Finally... There is still plenty of great Flash on Newgrounds, and we showcase it on the front page. I am sure the Clock Crew makes better Flash than you can make, and some of their stuff is actually quite good. They are very active and supportive NG users, and I like them a lot more than snotty/elitist Flash artists who think they are too good for the NG crowd. NG lets anyone submit their stuff. That's what makes it good and thats what makes it bad. I'm sure if I removed the Portal completely, not many people would come to the site every day to check on the progress of PICO 2.


Wow, I never knew how hard it is to run a site, you have no time on your hands, which probably isn't that cool, and, unfortunately, there are jerk offs who make fake accounts and, make senseless, crappy flash animations...
But that's the freedom of NG!
As for the Clock Crew, the more I watch their shows, and they seem to be pretty good now; I mean 'sure' some of them DO suck, but the've come up with awsome ones too.
As well, as money is low, but, once again, laziness is on the rise, and people won't care until its gone, and then they'll be sorry.
I, myself, would be sad, if NG left the web completly. I would like to submit at least ONE flash movie of mine when I finish it. An I don't know who's cocky of their things, but it'd be pretty humbling if one of MY movies were a daily choice, but maybe I'm just too young to understand.

Well Tom Fulp, this is quite a pickle, and I hope SOME miracle will happen. I'm behind NG, and this is where 'dreams'(even wet ones (ha ha!)) happen.
Then this is mainly on the owners shoulders, but you've put more energy, time, and brain cells into writing and making this site as with your friends/partners, than I probably ever will with my "bad" humor articles.

Well, this probably put you in an even worse mood, and I'm gonna get another 'FUCK OFF!' sometime after this, *sigh*, oh well, I wish NG the best, but this will be a hard tring time...

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 16:15:41

Side point:

I've never seen Tom actually get mad before. I think that I won't bug him for a little while, then :)

Side side point:

While I don't like how people either vote Clock Crew movies up or down, which kind of cheapens the whole voting process, I don't mind them - their movies aren't any worse than the average movie submitted here.

Side side side point:

In defense of Tom, a site like this has to be hell to run. He does a pretty good job keeping up with everything and keeping his interest level of the site high.

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 18:00:05

those hoody's are phat! make some in black though...OH and make some Pico 2 beanies! i would buy them both sooo fast...

Pico Hoody and Stuff!

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 18:30:52

At 2/26/02 10:01 AM, TomFulp wrote: Cafepress is offering hooded sweatshirts for a limited time, so if you want a Newgrounds or Pico 2 hoody, you better order one soon! I got the NG hoody and it rocks! Perfect for the spring when it's still a little chilly out at night!

Newgrounds Store
Pico 2 Store

There are some exciting things going on! For the last seven months a group called TWS has been working with Macromedia Flash 5 and Electric Rain Swift 3D to redesign the classic game Monopoly, but with a twist. Advanced Edition Monopoly has a whole new layout with new concepts that will have you addicted in seconds! AEM is not a game of luck since it has been proven to be 70-90 percent strategy.

Check out the game trailer! Also, If you are interested in play testing AEM before it is released in April, contact TWS at twsgametesters@hotmail.com or on AIM: TWS2031.

Lately people have been asking me about internet service providers and moreso website hosting. If you are looking for either of these, check out EGAK.COM! They are of my college buddies, and have good prices!

Sorry about all the pop-ups, BTW... There should only be one loading per page at the most, and I am trying to get this fixed asap.

Finally, some good news for Miss Dynamite fans! Sirkowski's wrist is getting better and he is ready to start drawing again, so progress on the Miss Dynamite game will soon continue! This one is gonna be hot!

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 18:33:48

You can download refresher and on the top you can click on it to make no pop-ups. I used it to cheat on neopets.com! The only reason I went there is to make my friend jelous because I would have more points. Search refresher at download.com and get the one on the top if you have windows and the bottom for mac I think.

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 22:22:31

At 2/28/02 06:33 PM, Poopy_Trooper wrote: You can download refresher and on the top you can click on it to make no pop-ups. I used it to cheat on neopets.com! The only reason I went there is to make my friend jelous because I would have more points. Search refresher at download.com and get the one on the top if you have windows and the bottom for mac I think.

That's pretty cool yo. (?)
Anyway, the pop-ups for me now are less POP-UPS! Yea, I came here, I've only had 1! I've ben here for 10 min!
IS something happening?
Anyone notice less?
It's weird...

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 22:37:22

At 2/28/02 10:22 PM, TESM wrote:
Anyway, the pop-ups for me now are less POP-UPS! Yea, I came here, I've only had 1! I've ben here for 10 min!
IS something happening?
Anyone notice less?
It's weird...

Fuckin' hell... yeah!

I think it might be sorted out or something!

It's funny how people never notice things when they go right.

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 22:58:33

At 2/28/02 10:20 AM, TomFulp wrote:
If I was in control of the pop-ups, we would only serve one unique pop-up per user - because we are apparently only paid for one unique pop-up per user. Unfortunately, the pop-ups load through Troma's ad server, and I am under contract to run their ads. They don't seem to know how to change their system, and I am TRYING to get the pop-ups cut back.

For a while I had some pop-up code that I started running in the Portal if users weren't logged in - but that company decided not to pay for the past two months so those ads are no longer running. The pop-ups that remain are from bottom-feeder ad companies that abuse our system with all sorts of pop-ups that aren't approved by the Internet Advertising Bureau (who sets standards, not laws).

We all lose on pop-ups. It ruins the experience for NG users, and we often don't get paid for them. All those pop-ups from the past two months that made NG suck earned us $0. The current pop-ups are running about 20 pop-ups per user but most likely only tracking as 1... Or not even that. We need to keep trying, though, because banner ads don't pay enough to do a load of laundry.

Wow, that was the first time I've heard that an explaination for all the pop ups that makes sense. It really sucks that Troma makes you run their ads, and doesn't even pay you for them.

When we eventually can't afford to keep the site running anymore, I will try switching to a subscription system and fuck-face users like yourself will refuse to pay even though you've been mooching our bandwidth for all this time. Even though you probably subscribe to various useless magazines, you would never consider paying $5 a month for a website, and NG will shut down for good. Problem solved!

I don't subscribe to anything besides your site dude, no magazines, Email lists nada. If you did have the pay system, I might pay as long as I don't see ads, and can vote on more than 5 a day. This would also eliminate you "fake account problem." I view advertising as a great evil, ant that is why I get on people who promote it.

OH AND BY THE WAY - I know you think you are smarter than us and can build a better system, but I'm sure you are way lazier than I could ever be. Where is your Newgrounds? Oh wait! You are too busy watching sitcoms every night! I built Newgrounds while going to school and working a job to support myself. I still go to school part-time and I still do consulting work for additional income.

I'm lucky that I don't have to go into a job every day, but my job isn't all roses. At any hour of the day, I have to deal with Newgrounds as well as outside clients. It can be 2am when I go through my email and realize I have a potential lawsuit to deal with. The average joe goes to work from 9 to 5 and when he comes home he doesn't have any more responsibilities. He can pop open a beer and relax in front of the TV. Sometimes I long for that feeling. There are days that I consider just deleting NG and going back to a regular job - I'm a positive person and a hard worker, and I had fun working for the companies I worked for before I decided to focus on NG. My co-workers were definitely much more appreciative of my work, and I didn't have to deal with ethical issues such as adult banner ads.

Cry me a river. Welcome to the world of self-employment. It really sucks to try to make a small business today without funding. You do know there are government programs to help you run your business. When you run a business, everything you do, becomes cause for lawsuits. Many lawsuits are just frivolous, as with many laws, but some do have merit. Most of the time suits are filed to harass so that the ones being sued will stop doing what the crybaby plantiff is upset with, even though the actions of the ones sued are perfectly legal and without cause for lawsuit. And at least they can't have you thrown in jail, yet.

FINALLY... For your voting w/ IP issue - You are a dumbass. You don't have a better solution. The best solution would be to enable each computer with a unique ID, which DID HAPPEN, FOR THAT EXACT PURPOSE! But as soon as it happened, privacy activists started crying and the feature was disabled. I personally don't load my computer with kiddy porn, so I don't give a shit if people can track down my unique computer ID. I am sick of people thinking they are too important to have a feature like this. If each computer had a unique ID, the whole internet could run much smoother and statistics could be tracked perfectly. But NOPE, that would impeed on people's valuable privacy. God forbid someone finds out I go to GOOGLE!

So anyway, we use IPs to track votes. We give each unique IP 1 vote, and each IP "range" 4 votes. We do that because if a user doesn't have a static IP, he can disconnect and re-connect to his ISP and keep voting. By limiting each range to 4 votes, that user can only get as many as 4 votes by cheating.

NOW - you probably think that user registration is enough for tracking unique votes. NO WAY. We have caught users with upwards of 2000 fake accounts (they do this to get referrer points). We delete these users when we find them - but it shows what extremes people will go to in order to cheat Newgrounds. IP addresses are the best way to track unique votes. Stop acting like you know a better way, because you don't know jack shit.

Privacy is an important issue to many Americans, including me. Many would give it up to be "safe" or for the sake of convenience, but those are the real stupid people. Bush will break it down for you, trust me, you'll have a computer chip in you body sometime in the near future thanks to "The War on Terrorism" and the Texas Tyrant. Funny how he'll piss on our privacy, but protects himself and the VP Dick Cheney and his Energy documents from Enron investigation.

Yes, I'm in a bad mood.


Dude, you need to chill out and learn to take constructive critcism. I was mainly sugesting new ideas for the site. I'm not one of the 15 year olds that kneel before you with mouths open wide, I am a man who sees a way to improve NG, and was seeing if it was possible. Your right, I don't know much about the way NG operates, except for the fact that you were using IP's to track voting. But I'm not running the site, YOU ARE!

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 23:16:38

:At 2/28/02 10:20 AM, TomFulp wrote:

Go Tom
Go Tom
Go Tom

Pico Hoody and Stuff!

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-02-28 23:26:54

If ng went to a pay service, I would most defidently pay a minimum of 5 bucks. NG staff would get money, stupid users would vanish, we get sweet site upgrade things, etc. I support it.

Pico Hoody and Stuff!

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 00:51:10

First of all, cafepress doesn't offer black shirts/hoodies, so stop asking Tom for them, people.

Now, Tom, this goes directly towards you. You mentioned "elitists" in your rant. Now, I don't know if you were referring to people who think that their movies are too good for NG, or people who think that the NG crowd in general suck.

I actually belong to the second category and can sympathize with that group as a whole. The majority of NG users are kids that don't have the maturity and wisdom to even understand what makes "good flash."

I'm not saying that I don't appreciate the direction and timing in Xiao Xiao or even understand the work and effort that went into something like that Vampire Hunter chick movie. However, I also have the "wisdom" from my usage of flash and the "maturity" from my age and the amount of movies I've seen, games I'vep layed, etc. to realize the flaws and the amateurisness in something like Vampire Chick whatever or Max Payne 3D. Are they bad movies? No. But it's bad when they overshadow much more deserving movies just because they are chock full of action, gore, and easy-to-do 3D vectors.

At times, this site often encourages this type of thing by nature. It's not even your fault (besides the vote power thing...more voting power goes to the kiddies by default), that's just the way the system works.

However, you must understand why people like myself get irritated. We work hard on things and then get comments like this:

"Boring Anime Crap March 1, 2002
Reviewed by: hthedinga Overall rating: 4
The title sums it up. Why not make something INTERESTING. I couldn't bare to watch the whole thing. Everything was moving so slowly. The file size is huge as well. Swift 3D kicks ass, I don't know why the hell you don't think so. Having blood makes action flashes better. The only thing you seem to take time on is the characters and backrounds. That's not the important part! This is just like anime, don't make it that way."

...And knowing that a big percentage of users thinks this way can really get under my skin at times. Thus, I can be seen at times with an air of superiority and such.

The portal is ruled by people that give 5's to what they already want to see and give zeros to anything that does not match it/gets a higher score than what they like/is made by a user that made stuff they don't like. The lack of fairness is what irritates me, and that is where my personal angst comes from.

I'm sure that many other "elitists" feel the same way. Thus, I ask you to understand us, just as you ask us to understand what you go through running the site (which I do to a degree).

If this is not directed to you, ignore it.

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 02:06:06

At 2/27/02 10:21 PM, SupaReaper wrote:
At 2/26/02 02:51 PM, GXFlip wrote:
At 2/26/02 02:30 PM, itieslipknots wrote: Oh and as for the pop ups, you can get a program called Pop up stopper which closes them for you as soon as they pop up. It helps a lot :0)
Fuck virginia dare. Fulp rules!

where is this program? i neeeed it now.
Dude, you are a genuine piece of excrement. You rip on someone that is ripping on the hated pop ups, and then ask, "where is this program? i neeeed it now." How old are you, and is your dad's name Woody, or do you only call him that when you want to play with it. Does he snowball you?

As for for Führer Fulp, he's too damn lazy, or busy adding pop-ups, to use a separate vote tracker from IP address cause I can't vote on movies that my buddy did. I'll laugh when he gets busted for soliciting minors to porn because of his website's porn ads, and the flow of minors through here. There used to be great flash here, but then the clocks came, and it became a contest to see who can make the crappiest animation stick around the longest. Obviously, the clocks will win because they have their own section of absolute shit!!!

Seig Heil Tom Fulp, Führer of Pop ups

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 02:12:30

At 2/26/02 10:44 AM, Shadi wrote: I can't wait for Miss Dynamite's new game. Miss Dynamite kicks bigtime ass. So if your reading this Sirkowski, HURRY UP!!!! *please*

Can't go too fast. I don't want to fuck my hand up more than it already is. =)

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 06:11:05

At 3/1/02 02:12 AM, Sirkowski wrote:
At 2/26/02 10:44 AM, Shadi wrote: I can't wait for Miss Dynamite's new game. Miss Dynamite kicks bigtime ass. So if your reading this Sirkowski, HURRY UP!!!! *please*
Can't go too fast. I don't want to fuck my hand up more than it already is. =)

Dude can't wait for your new stuff. It'll be a relief from the Clockcrews bullshit.

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 09:15:39

At 2/28/02 04:15 PM, arrogancy wrote: I've never seen Tom actually get mad before.

No kidding.
It's actually kind of nice to see b/c people give these guys a lot of shit they don't deserve.

Tom, Ross, & Wade have created a place online for everyone. They restrict no one and they offer anyone an opportunity to share their work with 1000's. They are doing all you fuckers a service. It's time people realize this. I've been visiting this site for a few years now and it has grown a ridiculous amount in a short time. The NG folk have stood by it and all its users even when these said users certainly didn't deserve it. I have NEVER seen anything to give me any reason to believe they want to cash in or take advantage of users. I'm sick of seeing asses bitching about things they have no knowledge of. If you don't like the way NG is run, leave. I sure as hell won't miss you and neither will Ross & the Fulps.

A good many people know my name and work now. This is due not entirely, but largely because of NG. I have met many talented artists through this site whom I can work with or discuss things with. Symbiotic relationships that can lead to great things when harnessed. I'll pay for NG any day. These guys deserve it and I'm sick of hearing little fuckers discourage them.

NG has done a lot for animation on the internet whether you or they realize it. Give them at least a little credit.

----Chinny out----

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 10:44:50

At 3/1/02 12:51 AM, arrogancy wrote: First of all, cafepress doesn't offer black shirts/hoodies, so stop asking Tom for them, people.

Now, Tom, this goes directly towards you. You mentioned "elitists" in your rant. Now, I don't know if you were referring to people who think that their movies are too good for NG, or people who think that the NG crowd in general suck.

I did kinda lose my temper in that previous post... What really bugs me about NG is that every other month I need to re-explain our situation to everyone, because there are so many new users who don't have a clue what the site has gone through. I really need to put together some NG-FAQ (as recommended on the BBS) that fills people in - but even then most of the users will never read it.

I feel that a lot of people are hostile towards me because I am able to make NG my full-time job. If they want to be mad at someone, they should look for rich kids who are living off daddy's money, not someone who built their own business and continues to work on it 7 days a week, 365 days a year (I know it doesn't always look like I'm working on the site - but I do sit here at my computer for at least 8 hours every day doing SOMETHING related).

The funny thing is that one response to my post that said I need to "learn to take constructive critisism". I found that pretty funny, considering I have been abused by users for the past 6 years now and usually take it with a smile.

NG has a lot of annoying, immature users. It is a sign of the sites popularity, I guess. Most of the population is stupid, and NG is apparently attracting most of the population. :) That doesn't mean we don't have a lot of great users, though. People overlook the good because the bad makes the most noise. NG is visited by over 100,000 unique users every day, with over 500,000 Portal movie views (so that doesn't even count stuff like Assassin and Pico). Only a small percentage of those daily visitors actually vote.

I'd like to think that NG has a lot of mature, silent users - while the immature users are the ones who are always making a fuss. Who really knows though.

As for elitists - I am talking about the ones who think they are too good to even acknowledge NG. I've had run-ins with lots of snobs, including some I met at the FlashForward2000 awards (where Zeebarf and I both won seperate awards, which was pretty cool) - who were such snobs that I've always held a grudge.


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 12:25:19

At 3/1/02 10:44 AM, TomFulp wrote: kneel before me!!

We listen and obey almighty Führer!

Pico Hoody and Stuff!

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 15:29:10

DAMN im way too poor for this shit

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 16:23:51

Tom dude,
I think its good that you let out that steam.
I see users say insulting bullsh*t all the time to you and Wade and you either dont respond or "take it with a smile" or something like that.

Pico Hoody and Stuff!

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-01 21:27:09

At 3/1/02 10:44 AM, TomFulp wrote: The funny thing is that one response to my post that said I need to "learn to take constructive critisism". I found that pretty funny, considering I have been abused by users for the past 6 years now and usually take it with a smile.

NG has a lot of annoying, immature users. It is a sign of the sites popularity, I guess. Most of the population is stupid, and NG is apparently attracting most of the population. :) That doesn't mean we don't have a lot of great users, though. People overlook the good because the bad makes the most noise. NG is visited by over 100,000 unique users every day, with over 500,000 Portal movie views (so that doesn't even count stuff like Assassin and Pico). Only a small percentage of those daily visitors actually vote.

I'd like to think that NG has a lot of mature, silent users - while the immature users are the ones who are always making a fuss. Who really knows though.

As for elitists - I am talking about the ones who think they are too good to even acknowledge NG. I've had run-ins with lots of snobs, including some I met at the FlashForward2000 awards (where Zeebarf and I both won seperate awards, which was pretty cool) - who were such snobs that I've always held a grudge.


Well, steam is best blown, well, reading is rare now-a-days isn't it. And, unlike rich kids, I'm not, ug. I guess it's a good thing, but i'm middle class, which is good.
Now, before I went off like that, take it with a smile? You've got some iron will! Boy 6 years, but I guess that's my life, ha ha! Anyway, with most kidding aside, a NG F&Q would be good, but not many will read, I go half way and stop, but that's just 'brutal honesty'.
Before I wear out my welcome, your grudge is the silent's grudge, I vote all the time now, ha ha, i reap the benfits of fan-net! Maybe it's time to take a stand, or no stand at all,(maybe I make TOO MUCH noise)but one things for sure, many people just come for the porn, or maybe not, but 90% probably do. Oh well, it's loud vs. quiet, great vs. galloping, goofus vs. gallant, or whatever you want to call it.
I don't mind, but someone's gonna swaer at me now, I'm done...

Response to Pico Hoody and Stuff! 2002-03-04 08:40:15

Privacy activists?! anyone that accepts "cookies" already has every site they have been to known by many many people. They are used for other things as well but that is also one of their functions. Get Cookie Crusher! :0)