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General Update

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General Update 2002-01-30 14:57:12

We have some good news! Tonight we will hopefully be moving Newgrounds from our current server to a better server. There still maybe bugs to work out, but hopefully by the weekend Newgrounds will be running better. Thanks to everyone for being patient while we fix things.

In other news I have just put together a series page for Squigo, so be sure to check it out!

Also for Pac Man fans you gotta check out Pac Man's Revenge.

That's all for now!

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Response to General Update 2002-01-30 15:09:16

At 1/30/02 02:57 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Also for Pac Man fans you gotta check out Pac Man's Revenge.

hehe, that's Acidic_Venom's new movie. Good work man!

Response to General Update 2002-01-30 15:10:39

First to reply?

Response to General Update 2002-01-30 15:22:58

Good luck with the server switch ,hope it goes problem free.Finally a pacman series,I got a pacman game (LSD man) buts exe :(....
Oh and have you kicked out the e-mailer scumbag from the last post....?

Response to General Update 2002-01-30 15:54:23

Cool. So Pokecreations wasnt brutally murdered?

And how about a Heatman collection? pwwease??

Response to General Update 2002-01-30 15:58:45


General Update

Response to General Update 2002-01-30 16:00:40

Sweet!!! Server Switch Finally!!! The NG Crew r0x0rz

Response to General Update 2002-01-30 17:48:08

Good for Squigo.
Those toons are great.

Response to General Update 2002-01-30 20:03:51

I haven't noticed as big a difference as I was hoping for... so I'm kind of hoping that the server is yet to be changed.

If it has already been switched, time will tell how much a difference it makes.

Otherwise, good luck.

Response to General Update 2002-01-30 22:52:37

At 1/30/02 02:57 PM, WadeFulp wrote: In other news I have just put together a series page for Squigo, so be sure to check it out!

That's all for now!

Hey Wade - Any chance of putting up a Mr. T collection? There's more then enough submissions that can be used.

General Update

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Response to General Update 2002-01-31 01:35:25

At 1/30/02 02:57 PM, WadeFulp wrote: We have some good news! Tonight we will hopefully be moving Newgrounds from our current server to a better server. There still maybe bugs to work out, but hopefully by the weekend Newgrounds will be running better. Thanks to everyone for being patient while we fix things.

In other news I have just put together a series page for Squigo, so be sure to check it out!

Also for Pac Man fans you gotta check out Pac Man's Revenge.

That's all for now!

My stance on Wade Fulp:

"I really wanna like the guy, honest. But did any of you notice how the second he became actively involved in the site's management, that all those stupid porno ads started popping up all over the place, the Portal submission guidelines went down the crapper, and the site turned into cheeseball central?

Man, how could Tom allow his bro to ruin this site?"

Ok, ok, I realize those stupid-ass ads help pay for the site's hosting fees, etc. feed and clothe Tom and Wade every month, but c'mon, it's getting ridiculous. some of us just wanna watch/play NG stuff, not zone out to stupid porno crap. There's plenty of porn sites out there if yer a hard-up loser, it's not like we need it on NG.

Although, It IS nice how Wade puts together so many frickin' collections, it's really (ahem) fleshed out the site.
And hey someone's gotta do the gruntwork around here, so Tom can focus on making Pico 2.

But still I ain't Wade's biggest fan. (and seeing stupid dress-"up" games that took 30 seconds to make, getting top votes, while movies and games that actually took time to make, are given crappy scores, doesn't help this opinion of mine)

I was never really here.

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 01:46:02

At 1/30/02 02:57 PM, WadeFulp wrote: We have some good news! Tonight we will hopefully be moving Newgrounds from our current server to a better server. There still maybe bugs to work out, but hopefully by the weekend Newgrounds will be running better. Thanks to everyone for being patient while we fix things.

In other news I have just put together a series page for Squigo, so be sure to check it out!

Also for Pac Man fans you gotta check out Pac Man's Revenge.

That's all for now!

great. thats good to know. i've been havin some trouble getting in lately, and i have cable. hope the new server works out better.

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 08:41:04

At 1/31/02 01:35 AM, RiftMaster wrote:
At 1/30/02 02:57 PM, WadeFulp wrote: We have some good news! Tonight we will hopefully be moving Newgrounds from our current server to a better server. There still maybe bugs to work out, but hopefully by the weekend Newgrounds will be running better. Thanks to everyone for being patient while we fix things.

In other news I have just put together a series page for Squigo, so be sure to check it out!

Also for Pac Man fans you gotta check out Pac Man's Revenge.

That's all for now!
My stance on Wade Fulp:

"I really wanna like the guy, honest. But did any of you notice how the second he became actively involved in the site's management, that all those stupid porno ads started popping up all over the place, the Portal submission guidelines went down the crapper, and the site turned into cheeseball central?

Man, how could Tom allow his bro to ruin this site?"

Ok, ok, I realize those stupid-ass ads help pay for the site's hosting fees, etc. feed and clothe Tom and Wade every month, but c'mon, it's getting ridiculous. some of us just wanna watch/play NG stuff, not zone out to stupid porno crap. There's plenty of porn sites out there if yer a hard-up loser, it's not like we need it on NG.

Although, It IS nice how Wade puts together so many frickin' collections, it's really (ahem) fleshed out the site.
And hey someone's gotta do the gruntwork around here, so Tom can focus on making Pico 2.

But still I ain't Wade's biggest fan. (and seeing stupid dress-"up" games that took 30 seconds to make, getting top votes, while movies and games that actually took time to make, are given crappy scores, doesn't help this opinion of mine)

Yeah....I thought NG didn't even used to allow porn in the portal?


Response to General Update 2002-01-31 09:11:33

WTG man!

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 10:32:26

At 1/30/02 02:57 PM, WadeFulp wrote: We have some good news! Tonight we will hopefully be moving Newgrounds from our current server to a better server. There still maybe bugs to work out, but hopefully by the weekend Newgrounds will be running better. Thanks to everyone for being patient while we fix things.

Why wouldn't I be patient?
NG 4 life!!!!

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 10:38:08

I remember playing Pac Man once as a small child in some foreign shit hole ... Cyprus I think (no offense to any beautiful Cyprian girls out there). I seem to remember it was quite entertaining ... if not utterly mind numbing.

Drink plenty of fluids and have unprotected anal sex.


General Update

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 10:47:57

I agree with this fine fellow, although pornography in my point of view is a blessing to those teenagers like myself who are currently single (surprise, surprise) if this Wade Fulp guy if responsible for all these advertisements we have to put up with he must be shot, hung, drawn and quartered!! So let it be written, so let it be done ... it begins now.

Drink your coffee black with one sugar only and have plenty of unprotected anal sex.


General Update

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 10:52:46

At 1/31/02 10:47 AM, Emoticons wrote: I agree with this fine fellow ...

The fine fellow I was refering to was of course none other than my dear friend RiftMaster, and what a man he is, I dug up this old picture of him from our school days together (not so long ago), isn't he the gentleman??

Eat wild stoats and have lots and lots of unprotected anal sex.


General Update

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 11:21:05

Sounds good Wade!

Newgrounds is a website for 13 year olds who cannot understand the difference between "there", "their" and "they´re".

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 13:03:55

At 1/31/02 01:35 AM, RiftMaster wrote: My stance on Wade Fulp:
"I really wanna like the guy, honest. But did any of you notice how the second he became actively involved in the site's management, that all those stupid porno ads started popping up all over the place, the Portal submission guidelines went down the crapper, and the site turned into cheeseball central?

LOL, who are you to talk? You have no clue who does what around Newgrounds. I have been involved in NG since September of 2000, LONG before the porn ads showed up. I don't really have any say about the ads, but if you want to know, Tom put up those ads, and I came into work and there they were, so it had nothing to do with me. It's Tom's site, and he tells me what to do and work on. I don't make decisions. I sometimes change the rotation of them, and we use the tamest ads we can find. We don't use any that show full nudity, and there is content on this site far worse than those ads, so what's the big deal? It's the same as seeing an ad for a racey movie on network TV. Sure, the TV ad doesn't show nudity, but if you go watch that movie it may contain a ton of nudity and sex.

As far as Portal guidelines, they haven't changed. We have lacked the means to enforce the guidelines we have. Soon we will have better tools to deal with that stuff, and I will be helping to clean things up.

As far as being cheeseball central you need to be more specific.

Man, how could Tom allow his bro to ruin this site?"

I follow Tom's instructions as far as making collections and series. If you think the site is being ruined, it isn't my fault.

Ok, ok, I realize those stupid-ass ads help pay for the site's hosting fees, etc. feed and clothe Tom and Wade every month, but c'mon, it's getting ridiculous. some of us just wanna watch/play NG stuff, not zone out to stupid porno crap. There's plenty of porn sites out there if yer a hard-up loser, it's not like we need it on NG.

It costs us money to host and maintain the site so YOU can watch/play NG stuff. We needs the ads to help offset the costs. We are simply advertising different sites, we don't host their content on Newgrounds.

Although, It IS nice how Wade puts together so many frickin' collections, it's really (ahem) fleshed out the site.
And hey someone's gotta do the gruntwork around here, so Tom can focus on making Pico 2.

But still I ain't Wade's biggest fan. (and seeing stupid dress-"up" games that took 30 seconds to make, getting top votes, while movies and games that actually took time to make, are given crappy scores, doesn't help this opinion of mine)

Here's the deal. Newgrounds.com is an entertainment site. People come here to be ENTERTAINED. Sure, there are lots of great artistic well done Flash movies that deserve higher scores, but no one would ever see them if we didn't have the Dress-Ups and other silly things to draw in the audience. So would you rather submit an artsy movie that is really well done and have it seen by 100 people, or 10,000? Newgrounds is all about giving artists a chance to expose their work to a lot of people. While a dress-up game may only take half a day to put together, go look at how many views they get. They help bring people to the site. Once people are here, hopefully they will look around and find the high end Flash.

Maybe someday we can classify submissions differently. So you can have a list of the top dress ups, a list of the top movies, a list of the top games, etc.

So don't be so quick to judge me. I have some flash submissions, but they are more for fun, I don't consider myself a great flash artist, I'm just messing around with it. My main job is to do the grunt work, like put together collections, series, update other sections, field questions, etc. All the stuff Tom would have to do that would keep him from doing Flash like Pico 2. I don't think I've made any collection without being told to by Tom. So don't blame me! :)

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Response to General Update 2002-01-31 15:03:44

At 1/31/02 01:03 PM, WadeFulp wrote:
LOL, who are you to talk? You have no clue who does what around Newgrounds. I have been involved in NG since September of 2000, LONG before the porn ads showed up. I don't really have any say about the ads, but if you want to know, Tom put up those ads, and I came into work and there they were, so it had nothing to do with me. It's Tom's site, and he tells me what to do and work on. I don't make decisions. I sometimes change the rotation of them, and we use the tamest ads we can find. We don't use any that show full nudity, and there is content on this site far worse than those ads, so what's the big deal? It's the same as seeing an ad for a racey movie on network TV. Sure, the TV ad doesn't show nudity, but if you go watch that movie it may contain a ton of nudity and sex.

As far as Portal guidelines, they haven't changed. We have lacked the means to enforce the guidelines we have. Soon we will have better tools to deal with that stuff, and I will be helping to clean things up.

As far as being cheeseball central you need to be more specific.
I follow Tom's instructions as far as making collections and series. If you think the site is being ruined, it isn't my fault.
It costs us money to host and maintain the site so YOU can watch/play NG stuff. We needs the ads to help offset the costs. We are simply advertising different sites, we don't host their content on Newgrounds.
Here's the deal. Newgrounds.com is an entertainment site. People come here to be ENTERTAINED. Sure, there are lots of great artistic well done Flash movies that deserve higher scores, but no one would ever see them if we didn't have the Dress-Ups and other silly things to draw in the audience. So would you rather submit an artsy movie that is really well done and have it seen by 100 people, or 10,000? Newgrounds is all about giving artists a chance to expose their work to a lot of people. While a dress-up game may only take half a day to put together, go look at how many views they get. They help bring people to the site. Once people are here, hopefully they will look around and find the high end Flash.

Maybe someday we can classify submissions differently. So you can have a list of the top dress ups, a list of the top movies, a list of the top games, etc.

So don't be so quick to judge me. I have some flash submissions, but they are more for fun, I don't consider myself a great flash artist, I'm just messing around with it. My main job is to do the grunt work, like put together collections, series, update other sections, field questions, etc. All the stuff Tom would have to do that would keep him from doing Flash like Pico 2. I don't think I've made any collection without being told to by Tom. So don't blame me! :)

standing ovation!
You tell him, Wade! That was a great post! At first I kinda agreed with him, but after your arguments, I find that you're right! Keep up the good work on Newgrounds, and tell Tom to hurry up with Pico 2 ;)
Oh yeah, I really like Squigo, it's so cool! And I saw the Pac-Man thing yesterday, it's also cool!

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 16:01:22

Wades got a point (little bitch!).
Who the hell are you to jump on peoples shit when you have no idea what the F*CK is going on huh?

General Update

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 20:45:30

I'm going have to agree about the porno thing. I really don't mind the ads for useless junk or some internet scam, but porn gets a bit annoying.

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 20:55:47

At 1/31/02 08:45 PM, Jen_the_Great wrote: I'm going have to agree about the porno thing. I really don't mind the ads for useless junk or some internet scam, but porn gets a bit annoying.

Well, this isn't www.waltdisney.com, or some little kiddy site. This is Newgrounds.com, it was founded by clubbing seals, and teletubbies having anal sex with sheeps. So what's the big deal about mild porn ads that don't show any nudity? Get real.

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Response to General Update 2002-01-31 21:45:16

At 1/31/02 08:55 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Well, this isn't www.waltdisney.com, or some little kiddy site. This is Newgrounds.com, it was founded by clubbing seals, and teletubbies having anal sex with sheeps. So what's the big deal about mild porn ads that don't show any nudity? Get real.

I'm not talking about mild porno banner ads, but the series of hardcore pop-ups. It's quite depressing to think how large an audience there is for "pre-teen girls" and various types of animal sex.

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 22:23:58

I'm not talking about mild porno banner ads, but the series of hardcore pop-ups. It's quite depressing to think how large an audience there is for "pre-teen girls" and various types of animal sex.

At least it isn't animal sex anymore.

Response to General Update 2002-01-31 23:01:59

At 1/31/02 04:01 PM, SHIZNIC wrote: Wades got a point (little bitch!).
Who the hell are you to jump on peoples shit when you have no idea what the F*CK is going on huh?

I never claimed to have it all figured out. I don't live at "NG HQ". When I made that post I was telling everyone about a theory I had. so just shut it

I was never really here.

Response to General Update 2002-02-01 01:24:09

At 1/30/02 02:57 PM, WadeFulp wrote: We have some good news! Tonight we will hopefully be moving Newgrounds from our current server to a better server. There still maybe bugs to work out, but hopefully by the weekend Newgrounds will be running better. Thanks to everyone for being patient while we fix things.

In other news I have just put together a series page for Squigo, so be sure to check it out!

Also for Pac Man fans you gotta check out Pac Man's Revenge.

That's all for now!

Response to General Update 2002-02-01 01:39:01

At 2/1/02 01:24 AM, pandi wrote:
At 1/30/02 02:57 PM, WadeFulp wrote: We have some good news! Tonight we will hopefully be moving Newgrounds from our current server to a better server. There still maybe bugs to work out, but hopefully by the weekend Newgrounds will be running better. Thanks to everyone for being patient while we fix things.

In other news I have just put together a series page for Squigo, so be sure to check it out!

Also for Pac Man fans you gotta check out Pac Man's Revenge.

That's all for now!

Response to General Update 2002-02-01 15:03:41

At 1/31/02 09:45 PM, Jen_the_Great wrote: I'm not talking about mild porno banner ads, but the series of hardcore pop-ups. It's quite depressing to think how large an audience there is for "pre-teen girls" and various types of animal sex.

We don't have any hardcore porn pop-ups. The only way you would get hard core porn pop-ups is if you click on the porn ads, so if you don't want to see that, stop clicking on the ads. You can just as easily type "www.sex.com" or something in and see porn too. There isn't any ads for pre-teen girls, and nothing with animal sex. This just shows your ignorance. If you are refering to girlie zoo, that's women with animals, but there is no sex involved. If there was it would be illegal and pulled off the net.

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