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Voice Acting Club

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Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 17:28:10

:( Well, so far, a total of 0% people are interested in my movie.... Im really desperite so heres the script anyway...


Oliver: Man! Nobody likes me!

Spankey: Well I like you Oliver!

Oliver: Man! Nobody good likes me!


Oliver: Hey, Spankey, Im going to Walmart! Wanna come?

Spankey: After last time? NEVER AGAIN!

(Spankey is in a Maze of Walls)

Spankey: HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Oliver: Come on! That only happened once!

Spankey: No, it happened at target to! Only 12 times worse though!

(Spankey is in a maze of targets)
(Spankey dodges like, 5 bullets)

Spankey: HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Oliver: Okay, Your loss!

(20 min later)
(Oliver is in a maze of walls)


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 17:37:19

At 10/21/05 02:57 PM, AudioTransmitter7000 wrote: Who knows, with a six year old voice, you might be able to beat Kagome.

That was completely uncalled for.

Also, a lot of people said they've asked the VAC and haven't gotten any help which is why they are posting in the Flash forum. What can we do about this?

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 17:48:12

Im one of the people who isnt getting any help :( I cant even start on this movie until I have the voice files!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 18:18:46

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really NEED voice Acting help PLEASE?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 18:32:38

Spike - Awesome, I'd love to do it.

Kuroi-kun: Try here. You could even go to the VA listing and just scout some people.

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 18:33:24

Why is everyone ignoring me? Is my storyline bad? Is it cause Im 13 and people think I can only make CRAPPY movies? Is it that my movie is uninteresting. Dangett! I cant start this till I have voices, and NOONE thinks I can make a decent movie!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 18:34:55

Thank you Kagome!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 18:35:07

At 10/21/05 06:19 PM, Spikemcruffy wrote: Hey its me again, basicly I'm still looking for voices, so I need-

Kagome - your doing a woman's voice
??????? - male anime character voice (normal type voice)
??????? - cool male anime character voice (think Spike Speigal)
??????? - narrator type joyfull trailer type voice (THIS IS TRICKY)

KK thanks ! ^^;

I can try the narrorator voice, but can it be a femine tone/voice?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 18:46:49

Well I have had a couple of offers on the voice actor i posted about above but I don't know if any of them will work (they haven't sent me voice samples, etc.) so if anyone here can, or knows some who, has a spanish or mexican accent, and would be able to work with me to do some of these lines, PLEASE send me an email before tomarrow. I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 19:00:47

Im not having ANY luck..........

This is so frustrating! All I need is 2 voice actors! 4 diferent board, and sofar, a total of 0 people are up for the job..........

Is my impression THAT BAD?????

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 19:08:07

PLease... Please... I realllllllyy need voice actors...... Iv been in this chair for 6 hours wait... and wait.... I really need voice actors.... uh....

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 19:24:05

I cant.... I went to alaska last week, and met up with a friend I hadnt and seen in 3 months, and some family... I wanted to show them my movies, so I put it on disc, they were crappy test, but just to show my family what I could do...

It wouldnt work on the disc, so I submitted it... I said anyone could blam it cause I only needed it for a second. So it did get blamed! And I mad my first movie 2 weeks befor that, so now I cant submitt aNYTHING IN 3 MORE DAYS...

But here is a movie thats already on... Nothin Special... I regret posting this reply cause it will only force people away....

Fire coming out of the Monkeys Head

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 19:35:35

At 10/21/05 07:08 PM, KuroiFurea wrote: PLease... Please... I realllllllyy need voice actors...... Iv been in this chair for 6 hours wait... and wait.... I really need voice actors.... uh....

Man, what is it with kids today? Can't you wait like a day? Everything has to be intantanious...

Sorry, but I work most of the day. 6 hours in a chair? That's my mon-fri, every week. RELAX buddy! Someone will see your post(s) tonight or tomorrow and reply. Just chill, play some gamestation, listen to some of that hippity-hop music on emptyV.

Gwen, I've been isck this week, so no auditions. I have also had to put a number or recordings on hold at least til my voice returns. But I can't take sole responsability for the lack of responces from the VAC.

AT7K, didn't you like.... quit, then come back, then quit, then come back, then get pewrma-banned, then quit, then come back again? If you're here once more, posting every 2 hours, insulting Kagome again and generally getting under foot; why don't YOU start auditioning for some parts? You spend you whole day it seems hanging out in a club dedicated to voice acting and yet you don't actually DO and VA'ing it seems (boy that was a fragmented-run-on sentance...). Seriously, if you auditioned/recorded/submitted as much as you post, you'd be like... king of the AVA's or something.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 19:50:02

Im sorry, I just need to get started on this! I dont do well with not animating for a long term....

And before I get this started, I need vocals...

It gets on my nerves that not one person is interested in the vocals.... They talk and talk, then I post something, and everyone stops talking for hours....

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 22:35:48

-Your name or screen name


-Age range (not how old you actually are, but what ages you are able to sound like)

-Specialties (screaming, anime voices, monster voices, etc.)
Gruff, serious voices
Actin Crazy
Still practicing so yeah....

-Resume URL (if you have one)
Sadly, none

-Example(s) of your voice
Reality Check: Things I Hate It's my first time voice acting. Should improve in time for LOTG.

-Ways to contact you

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 22:56:20

I agree with Kagome that this lack of help we are giving people is bad, it hurts our rep, and is unkind to the producers who come here to us for help. However, speaking for myself and probably most of the VAC, waiting a day or two ain't gonna kill ya. We are all regular people with regular lives, we are busy just like everyone else, some of us have jobs, and it's not like we are getting paid for this. Therefore, even though we are here to help and are glad to do it, we cannot always do so, or at least not instantly. As for me, I've been very busy and almost have to keep myself away from VA roles right now, but I'll start auditioning and crap again soon, so some of you who are seeking help and haven't been able to get it, gimme a day or two and I'll audition for a few roles.

Heh, just got back from playing my friend's electric guitar with the amp blasting. They are away and asked me to feed their pets, he's got no prob with me playing it, I just don't use the amp when anyone's there. I figure, at least someone's using it, he doesn't play.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 23:00:59

Im sorry, I just lose myself... see...

Im on my summer break, cause I skipped normal summer and did work...

So while everyone else has lives... I dont... heh...

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 23:33:42

Well, I really need a spanish accent male va. At least by tomarrow. I have to finish this thing by monday. and i have other things to do too. arr..

So last call pretty much, if anyone can do or knows someone who can do a voice like this for me, PLEASE send me an email. dustoe@gmail.com


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 23:36:40

At 10/21/05 11:33 PM, dusty_h wrote: Well, I really need a spanish accent male va. At least by tomarrow. I have to finish this thing by monday. and i have other things to do too. arr..

So last call pretty much, if anyone can do or knows someone who can do a voice like this for me, PLEASE send me an email. dustoe@gmail.com


well, I speak a little spanish, my accents pretty good, gimme a sample line and I could try. Actually, my accent is fine if I'm speaking spanish, I'll have to try the accent while speaking english, haven't really tried (oddly).

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 23:43:45

Can anyone do a 16 to 19 year old male voice? I really need that...

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-21 23:45:09

Your name or screen name
-Age range (not how old you actually are, but what ages you are able to sound like)
-Specialties (screaming, anime voices, monster voices, etc.)
I can sound really cute, to really sexy, to even kinda scary. I can do many accents and I am NOT afraid to say ANYTHING. Also: Screaming, Moaning, insane, sick, depressed, super hyper. I can do some very femine anima voices. Throw me a challange!
-Resume URL (if you have one)
None on the internet, but I have done:
2 Radio Annocements(one for a car dealership another anouncing station identification)
Hosted my own Pirate radio show
Some Underground plays and Media Art Performances
Sexy caller voice overs for a local TV ad
And some low budget horror movie screams.
and a few other voice over gigs for completed or shelved items.

-Example(s) of your voice
ummmmm I have yahoo voice, other then that I am, as you say, a noobie.

-Ways to contact you
sisterdiscordia on yahoo chat

If you show me or tell me what to do I will DO AS YOU BID!!!


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 00:01:45

Example of your voice meaning, a recording of your voice, showing your abilities, vocal range, etc. Then just upload it to geocities or putfile or whatever so we can download it and hear it. If you want to get an idea of what they should sound like, listen to a few people's voice demos. Also, there is a link to the VAC site in my sig, there is info on joining, in there, and if you want you can sign up for it and put your profile in the VA listings section.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 00:26:46

The reason I haven't been auditioning much is that a bit back I messed up my voice, had to recover it and have/had things on the back burner, so I'm finally finishing up and then when all is through I think I'll hopefully be able to work on my halloween vac challenege.

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 10:38:35

At 10/21/05 11:36 PM, TripleArrow wrote:
well, I speak a little spanish, my accents pretty good, gimme a sample line and I could try. Actually, my accent is fine if I'm speaking spanish, I'll have to try the accent while speaking english, haven't really tried (oddly).

Hey I checked out your voice sample and you could do it perfect. I sent you an email. Thanks.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 10:59:22

I need a voice actor for a boy (12 years)lets start with "Hey"
email the sample at Bartstekelhaar@hotmail.com

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 11:20:06

At 10/22/05 10:08 AM, AudioTransmitter7000 wrote: I'm waiting for Napoleon Dynamite to finish downloading. blah blah blah. blabity blah. blah blah blah blah blah...

Type stuff like that here please.


Casting director, semi-retired from online voice acting. Sorry folks! You can still hear me in TOME, Reincarnation, and Wonders of the Universe!

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 12:51:57

sorry i havent posted in a while guys
buster- i love your flash
well, thats it, thats why i dont post much

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 13:25:14

At 10/21/05 05:37 PM, KagomeHigurashi wrote:
At 10/21/05 02:57 PM, AudioTransmitter7000 wrote: Who knows, with a six year old voice, you might be able to beat Kagome.
That was completely uncalled for.

I thought so too when read it. We all need to consider ourselves equally good as VAs, but different only in terms of experience. How can we help out eachother if we make competing like comments like that? We're all gunan have those auditions where we're gunan be going against eachother for a role, but we needn't associate bad thoughts of discouragement against ourselves because we read in a post that someone can do better than us or we might have the upper hand. We should be getting enough ridicule from Flash artists, and anti-VAC posters or something. We don't need it here between us all. It ought to me a rule, oui? We oughta be able to support eachother.

Frogs:Okay, you're getting too cheesy.

VAC:Thanks MOM

:P Well, I think so.

Also, a lot of people said they've asked the VAC and haven't gotten any help which is why they are posting in the Flash forum. What can we do about this?

I'm also thinking that as VAs, we all have our certain standard to what we'll audition for. Therefore, flash artists must appear professional and be persistant. As VAs, we ought to be willing to seek out auditions and post and e-mail at least our interest in the flash (you can decline auditioning or a role, of course) and in knowin more about the flashs soon to come, we can help those in it. We should stop discouraging "no0b" flash artists, and just go for helping them. We can't assume that someone else is doing the flash if we're busy w/ other projects, so we should at least, again, show interest. The only reason why we're here as the NGVAC/VAB is because we've got a connection to flash artist, so we oughta make that strong with as many flash artist who dare come into this thread as we can manage.

VAC:Yeaaah... corny.

Perhaps, but I definately think it's got some truth to it.

Kagome: ^.^ I sent you an e-mail about the script. I'll try to get the lines in hopefully by this weekend via cousin Kat's comp. I honestly don't like not having my computer. It takes away from my timely nature. BTW, I read your guestbook thingy on my resume. ^.^ It was tres sweet. I was gunna write you another entry, but I don't have the address to the new resume. Andrew hasn't been e-mailing me back about it. He most likely has been slacking off and it's probably not done or something. I hope the links on the contact page works out and that there is a guestbook... :S

Theif: Sorry I couldn't come to your aide sooner. I'm sure your challenge entry'lll be awesome. I was planning to ask Kagome if you could maybe partner up w/ us, considering you needed the help. However, all the scripts are done for either party now, so no doubt it'll be awesome. No regrets, cool feeling, everyone's happy. Aren't you happy? We all happy? yes, we all happy, yeaaaaah yeaaah.

(She loves you, yeaaah yeaaah yeaah.)

Audio:Wasn't it you who typedthis(second post,312)? ^.~ Is it just me, or is a "check up" more like involved w/ the VAC? Hee hee... :P

Dave Humphries & cybex: I need your deadlines again. If I don't get them, be aware that I might put them offat most for two more weeks due to computer repairs. At least, it'll be in by next week. I'll send you e-mails about this.

cybex: I think it was you, but apparently the computer sounds like a certain Holy from a film? If you could please, send me some sample lines. I'll e-mail you about this as well.

VAC: I post here every Saturday until my comp's fixed. At least, it'll be in by next week. Hopefully by this weekend, I'll have auditions in for Dave H's piece, beonkiss's Wario project, cybex's project lines, and auds in for Yes's Sonic thing as well as the VAChallenge entry lines. I know I might have send that last week, but I'm a timely person w/ my lines, and I'll do my best to get them in.

Without revealing the story, how are your projects for the challenge going everyone?

Frogs: Will there me prizes again? Do you just come up w/ them on the spot, or is there actually a rebrick or list for everyone to get off of?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 13:47:07

Hey, I'm pretty interested in animation and recently I've been wanting to get into voice acting. I have no experience with this, I'm terribly sorry. I guess little voice parts would be cool. I am lacking in imagination... ;-;

Your name or screen name
Name's Julie, can't come in with a nickname T_T

Hmm... female

Age range (not how old you actually are, but what ages you are able to sound like)
Just around my age I suppose, I think I sound younger though sometimes. I'm 17 btw.

Specialties (screaming, anime voices, monster voices, etc.)
I can do random noises, no specialities (wow I am really selling myself here).
...I'm willing to try though.

Resume URL (if you have one)

Example(s) of your voice
I'm screaming, can you hear me? Okay, I don't have an example that would do justice.

Ways to contact you
You can message me by the AIM sn: "bring the fetus", although please write why you are messaging me please; just like a simple note like "hi, contacting you about voicing acting" or something similar.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-10-22 13:54:45

The only reason Im so impatiant is because I have nothing going on in my life except animating, and hotpockets...