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Voice Acting Club

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Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 16:41:06

At 12/16/04 02:43 AM, KagomeHigurashi wrote: I was thinking this could be a place for the people around Newgrounds who are interested in voice acting, whether for Flash, anime, etc..and also a good place for people to find others when they need a voice actor/actress for an animation.

Feel free to delete this if there's already a VA club..but I didn't see one in the search.

yeah I'd love to join I just got a mic I'm a little sick at the moment but I'll get better

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 16:49:05

Another front page for me! I'm two for two..w00t! Anywho, check out the Half-Life 2 movie on the main page. Then again, maybe not...I think my Sean Connery was the only one that came out right and the sound files were a little too compressed =( Oh well.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 16:52:37

Im looking for a voice actor, for a father any one interested just post a reply with your email address thanks or aim address

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 17:11:37

I was just trying to help you out! Fuck you Tvs_Slayer! Your an asshole!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 17:21:08

swearing unesacarly in not necassary

*bad spelling*

Yes its been a while since i've posted, but i've been booked with things to do... soo.... did i miss anything cool?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 17:32:11

At 5/2/05 05:30 AM, BitClock wrote: Apparently no one saw my post on page #127. Last call.

I've sent you something, BitClock. :)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 17:56:01

At 5/2/05 05:32 PM, Isca wrote:
At 5/2/05 05:30 AM, BitClock wrote: Apparently no one saw my post on page #127. Last call.
I've sent you something, BitClock. :)

Yeah, me too. ^^

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 20:23:32

I don't have any good sound edititng program but I'm good at voice acting at times and I'm eager to help

-6 to 20
-sqeeky voices, cute voices, weird voices, foregin accents
No resume
-sry, no flashes with me talking on but f u want I cna e-mail u a sample. Just tell me what to do
-My e-mail is martykug@hotmail.com

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 20:33:32



Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 20:45:32

I'd be interested in Balthazar. Do you have any specific audition lines you want to hear?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 20:46:35

Sorry Ubertropper and sshafty1, but you both are required to have samples of your voice acting talent. No exceptions. Information on how to go about making a sample/demo of your voice can be found on the VAC Roster. Thank you.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 23:39:07

Hello! I'm brazilian and want join!

Name: Anax
Gender: Male
Age range: 05 - 15 years old (I'm 28)
Specialities: I can do voice acting in portuguese languages (cartoons), funny voice acting (litle creatures) or old man/woman voices.
Resume: No resume
- http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/234052
- http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/159462
- http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/160063

Ways to contact me:
MSN anax_al@bol.com.br
E-mail anaxcartoons@bol.com.br

I have a question: how can I do the voice capturing with better quality?
Sorry about my poor englsh, ok? But, if you want funny englsh voices, send the text to me and I do it for you. Right?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-02 23:43:59

A REALLY weird boredom clip I made from a script I wrote on the way back from Sakura-Con. It's what happens when anime characters attend an anime convention with the registration desk run by a crazed catgirl. Download

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 00:14:16

Well, I don't want to speak for Kagome or anything, but I thought Halo for Retards was a pretty good flash movie and her work in it was suitable enough.

Anyway. Annax, welcome to the VAC! Though I'm glad to see you've got some experience under the belt, we prefer that you have a link to a .mp3 file of a demo of your voice acting talent, instead of links to flash movies you've been in. (See my voice acting demo in my signature as an example). More information on how to make a demo may be found on the VAC Roster. If any additional help is needed or if you have any questions, you can ask here (same goes for everyone else). Thanks.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 00:34:26

Auditions have been received, I will be making a decision shortly. This role will also be reoccuring. Thank you for all your submissions.


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 08:40:21

Obviously you people (except El Shamro) don't want to cooperate with me, I've send all the people from VAC that were interested In doing voices for the project "Metal Gear Solid: The third deleted ending" an email with all the dialogue, Don't like It when people are "messing" with me so I'm canceling It (temporarely).

Voice Acting Club

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 09:05:25

Any age (moster voices)
i can act like a monster and if i maybe practice just a teen (i think my voice sounds like a girl in the mic :S)

Contact me at markie_starkie@hotmail.com

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 09:27:23

*Sigh* Z_Blood, you are required to have a demo of your voice in order to join. Please read the second to first post above.

Oh, and Dragonias, I received an e-mail from you. I haven't been able to do much recording lately, but I'll make an attempt to do lines after I come home from school today.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 12:19:37

I need to update my "resume"
I did Voices for the Flash "Dream Breakers" They are the following:

Please Add this to my resume, someone, please.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 13:27:41

Hey all.

Just figured I'd post something here since everyone is all with the singing (no, I'm not posting any kind of singing I do in the VAC chats)...

This is a combination of "singing" and VAing. Last year, I created something called the "Vegeta Album", which was a collection of popular songs with the lyrics re-written DBZ style and sung by Vegeta (voiced by myself).

Well, they weren't all that great quality back then, but with my equipment I've decided to start remastering (re-recording) the "Vegeta Album", and I've already finished the first track (which is also my favorite) entitled "My Rage Will Go On", which is a parody of "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion.

Anyway, figured I'd post it here and see what you all think.

So, without further adieu, to listen to/download the song, click a right-a here!

Oh, it's also being turned into a flash... hehe!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 13:29:40

Man I wish there was an "edit post" button...

sorry, the link was typed incorrectly...

Click here for the CORRECTLY TYPED link... lol.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 13:36:01

That never stops being funny.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 14:41:57

What? The word 'lol'? Or the complete lack of an edit post button, which even hyperboards.com accounts have?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 15:27:55


I am looking for one (possibly 2)male voice actors that can portray someone in their 30's+ (so I would prefer you be at least 20 because I am 17 and am not satisfied with my own voice). You will be redoing the small voice part in Men at arms: introduction and then there is a much bigger part in Men at arms: Chapter 1 (which is much longer and better imo). If you are interested email me please (its in my profile). Oh and the parts can be done in a British or American accent, whichever you sound more natural in. Thanks a lot.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 18:15:35

Hey everybody! I'm back from the road.

The tour was awesome. The shows rocked, the parties were ragin', the food... oh man, we did shabu-shabu twice!

We got to see a lot of old friends back east. And family too. Once again we got rained on every night we played (we've been cursed with rain on gig nights for years). But we got tons of video and pictures (going up soon I hope), as well as a recording of our last (and best) show. I'm going to be mastering it this week. A video for one song will also be made using the footage we have.

So many stories I don't have time to tell. Too many new inside jokes no one here would appreciate... but it's good to be back (I have 8 scripts to record today!). I'll read through the last few pages as time permits.

Hope y'all didn't have too much fun without me...

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 18:41:18

At 5/3/05 03:27 PM, BARMan wrote: Hey,

I am looking for one (possibly 2)male voice actors that can portray someone in their 30's+ (so I would prefer you be at least 20 because I am 17 and am not satisfied with my own voice).

I'm currently free, I'd be interested

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 18:43:34

Welcome back dude! Glad to hear things went well

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 18:53:04

-Your name or screen name
name - wesdood
aim- hizpandexboi
-Age range (not how old you actually are, but what ages you are able to sound like)
im 15 but can can do up to about 20
-Specialties (screaming, anime voices, monster voices, etc.)
cheesy/annoying voices
-Resume URL (if you have one)
not one yet
-Example(s) of your voice
-Ways to contact you
email - wesdood@gmail.com or aim - read above

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 19:07:34

Welcome back Frogs! Sounds like you had fun on your tour. Awesome. It's just too bad you missed yet another VAC Chat AND some VAC Idol (which I'm sure you would've loved to be apart of). :(

Wesdood, welcome to the VAC. Thanks for having samples of your voice...BUT it would be nice if they were .mp3 files, instead of .wav. They took way to long to load, and I just didn't have the patience to give them a hear. Maybe you could try converting the voice samples?

Oh, and the Zodiak and I are in a lovely new flash animation made by Ackmm7! Harvest Moon: The Accident. Go watch it and vote 5! ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-03 20:55:57

At 5/3/05 07:07 PM, Elliair wrote: Oh, and the Zodiak and I are in a lovely new flash animation made by Ackmm7! Harvest Moon: The Accident. Go watch it and vote 5! ;)

Uh oh! You forgot TESM was in it too =P
It was pretty good. I didn't think it was all that funny but it still was really cute. Good job you guys!

-Frogs-: Welcome back! You were terribly missed by all... Glad to hear your tour kicked ass!