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Voice Acting Club

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Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-15 19:50:49

Er...C3, not C4. I'm mixing up my octaves. Some musician.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-15 20:47:18

At 4/15/05 07:50 PM, Bezo wrote: Er...C3, not C4. I'm mixing up my octaves. Some musician.


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-15 21:58:24

At 4/15/05 11:57 AM, Bezo wrote: Question Whore Time:

One of my most favourite vocal effects in the world is the one that made Soundwave from the Transformers, I use a variant of it in Konquest Adventure for Smoke. But here's an example of reproducing the effect almost exactly.


What's everyone else's favourite vocal effect?

dude....you are now my hero!!! How did you do that? I'd kill to be able to do that effect*looks around*

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 00:20:15

At 4/15/05 08:47 PM, -Frogs- wrote:
At 4/15/05 07:50 PM, Bezo wrote: Er...C3, not C4. I'm mixing up my octaves. Some musician.

It was more of a typo than an actual error. :p

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 00:58:21

At 4/15/05 05:41 AM, Philljc wrote: I need voice actors for my new ray movie. If you havnt seen one of these movies do so here:
email me on raythemovie@hotmail.com if you are interested.

i e-mailed you already for info, so send away when ya feel like it.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 02:42:46

I remade my anime demo o_o;; Anyone who can correctly guess at least five of the characters gets a stick of Pocky.


If you think something needs improvement, I'm open to suggestions.

Alternate link: http://home.ripway.com/2004-11/210218/newanimedemo.mp3

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 09:22:48

At 4/16/05 02:42 AM, KagomeHigurashi wrote: I remade my anime demo o_o;; Anyone who can correctly guess at least five of the characters gets a stick of Pocky.


If you think something needs improvement, I'm open to suggestions.

Alternate link: http://home.ripway.com/2004-11/210218/newanimedemo.mp3

I'll try because I'm bored. and I need pocky.

Not in order, I did it how I remember them

Sasami - Tenchi
Kagome - Inuyasha
Tea - YugiOh
Asuka - Evangelion
Tohru - Fruits Basket (Furuba)

Now I get to feel stupid if I got them wrong. Yay!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 11:07:45

Voice Acting at Newgrounds... simply too intriguing not to try. Onward to the information.

Chris Nagy (CNagy, Cenauge)
Gender: Male
Age Range: I'd have to say 18-30
Specialties: I used to be type-casted as villains, but... :shrug:
Resume URL: Sooner or later.
Example(s): I don't really have a place to host them, so I can aim or e-mail my old demo reel.
Ways to contact you: Cenauge@gmail.com, Cenauge (AIM Sn)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 11:27:27

There are few absolutes in this world of grey but on the NGVAC, one thing is absolutely absolute; you must have a demo to join. No exceptions, no excuses.

Otherwise, people yell at you for not reading the rules. :P

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 11:43:03

There's lots of free sites where you can host demos. There's an extensive list here.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 11:43:36

*Yells with RAGE at CNagy*

Nah...I'm actually too tired to do that. Just woke up. CNagy, if you want to join, read the NG VAC Roster.

Oh, by the way, you're from the VAA, huh? Is it the VAA invasion, or somethin'? O.o;

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 11:45:03

Ellair: Round Table discussion, eh? Sounds...epic. Anywho, I'm up for a grand chatting session, but I just need to have some idea of when this is going to happen--still for Saturday?

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 11:52:05

At 4/16/05 11:45 AM, El_Shamro wrote: Ellair: Round Table discussion, eh? Sounds...epic. Anywho, I'm up for a grand chatting session, but I just need to have some idea of when this is going to happen--still for Saturday?

By epic, you mean King Arthur-ish? Yeah...thought someone would bring that up. Sure, you can be in on it, as well as anyone else who posted their interested but I didn't respond. I think I'll be setting the firm date for the Open Mic VAC Chat on April 23rd. Is that okay with everyone? If so, try to keep your schedule open that day! As for a time, I am still deciding that (still calculating everyone's timezones).

As for a Audio/Chat program: AIM does not allow numerous users to speak to each other simultaneously on a microphone, only 1-on-1. However, Yahoo! Instant Messenger does. So I recommend everyone downloading it (if you don't already have it).

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 12:03:04

Ellair: Alright then, sounds good! Ah, and my time zone is Central.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 12:29:27

At 4/16/05 12:58 AM, TESM wrote:
At 4/15/05 05:41 AM, Philljc wrote: I need voice actors for my new ray movie. If you havnt seen one of these movies do so here:
email me on raythemovie@hotmail.com if you are interested.
i e-mailed you already for info, so send away when ya feel like it.

Come back to the flash forum :(

We all miss you.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 12:51:06

Man, this thread has slowed down a bit...

But it looks like everyone has come back and the world is sitting correctly on its axis again.

Well, do I have any other takers to be traffic cones for that incredibly stupid sounding flash movie idea I posted a bunch of pages back? Anyone?

And I'm still waiting for lines for a certain not gonna talk about project cause it seems to cause chaos at its very mention from two people. If you want to opt out I guess thats fine too, the movies probably gonna suck a little, or a lot depending on how lazy I get.

Plus I don't have any damn internet seeing as how the cable lines was lying in two pieces in my yard when I got back yesterday... I'm suffering withdrawl... *twitch* so looks like I'll not be voice acting for a while till this gets fixed. I'm sure this concerns no one.

And I had almost finshed a little radio thing. My ability to discribe items is amazing! Erm, just decided to do another quazi sampler yesterday, runs about 4 1/2 minutes and is pretty random. I would upload it for thoughtless reasons, but of course I probably won't be able to, seeing as how my friends all suck. Yeah, I went there!

And yeah, I should probably at least attempt to finish my own projects for now anyways, even though I got the rest of the weekend planned to screw off and spend money I don't have. But youth is to be squandered! So squander I shall! This rant of irresponsability has been brought to you by water, yes, water! Pepsi is tearing into our profit margins so we gotta advertise! And heres a monkey on a tricycle! *Circus music plays while the monkey does cute stuff*

And somewhere along the lines I was going to respond to some stuff said to me and about me, but I forgot what it was. Maybe next time. I'm not ignoring everyone, I'm just absent minded.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 13:03:42

Hmm... I suppose this jumpstarts my "I'll get around to making a resume page sooner or later" thing. The demo reel will be up in a little while, and then I'll link it, and we can forget that any little breach of ettiquette has ever happened (oy, it's not like I expected to be accepted voice unheard, I just thought I'd end up mailing stuff out.)

Yeah, I guess I am technically here by way of the VAA, but you won't find more than one project with my voice in it, mostly because nothing I was casted in (and there were a few) ever got finished.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 13:15:15

No worries, dude. We just get a lot of people posting stuff like, "I don't have a microphone, but I can imitate ___________ exactly! Email me!" It's a hard rule, but a necessary one. ;)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 13:58:49

Tv: I'm up for playing a traffic cone maybe even two

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 15:18:50

I think we should record the round table discussion.

Could be great for laughs or whatever later... and who knows when it might come in handy... if nothing else, atleast we'll have a piece of recorded history for the NG VAC.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 15:45:39

At 4/16/05 01:58 PM, Shock_Dingo wrote: Tv: I'm up for playing a traffic cone maybe even two

The lines for it are like a few pages back, so yeah, if ya wanna throw in thats cool. I'm just going to lump everything together myself, so you can do whatever lines you oike, or at least whatever lines you don't absolutely detest.

D'oh, and looks like I'm gonna be missing that messenger discussion. Unless I could shoehorn my friend into letting me take over his computer for however long it is, but thats kinda doubtful, even though all he ever does whenj he comes over to my house is play counterstrike with my broadband... ker, I think I'm gonna punch him in the arm till he lets me, so yeah, I could probably still get in on the discussion if it happens to fall on today or tomorrow. So, anyone know when its all going down?

And stuff and stuff and stuff.

And just in case there might be any juicy VA roles to be offered, I'm totally out of the running. In fact I'm going to give up pursuing roles for the time being as it is. I got other stuff to do right now, and watching all my stuff vaporize into nothingness has finally killed my initive, and my spelling for that matter. I'm not wallowing on it, I'm just giving it a rest for the time being. Though I'll try to see if I can find a way to upload that radio thing I did as sort of a last gasp. Or I can let it linger on my hard drive, eithier or.

And damn I've just been rambling for no reason. I gotta start thinking up subjects here.

Oh yeah, again unrelated, but I might be moving to Texas as an attempt to not let the midwest kill me.

Okay, now back to what I was on about. Question time! Approximate your number of actual good characters you can do. Ya know, not just doing one character and doing another in a lower tone. But the number of characters you can voice that actually sound like different characters. I must know my competition! Actually I gave up already, so that really doesn't matter. But I'm curious. As for my number of good characters, I really didn't think about it till just now, but offhand I'd say I can do 15. Could be more or less, but I didn't really count up, thats just an aproximation.

And mercifully I think I am done, whoo!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 17:18:32

Winners so far! ::hands out sticks of pocky::


And since you were the only one who replied, you get TWO sticks of pocky for getting them all right! lol

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 17:53:41

Whoa...it's topleka. Hopefully I'm doing this correctly.

Name: topleka
Gender: Female, but able to voice males as well
Age Range: Female 6-25, Male 3-15
Specialties: Young boys, feminine males, tomboys, dark gothic girls
Resume URL: http://www.topleka.net/voice/
Voice Samples: http://www.topleka.net/voice/topleka_minidemo.mp3 (boring short demo)
There are also lots of voice clips at my website
Email: topleka@yahoo.com
AIM: toplekaness
MSN: topleka@yahoo.com
Yahoo: topleka
Skype: kuramayama

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 18:08:36

Jesus christ. Another one from the VAA!? @_@;

Oh, and welcome Topleka and whatnot! You've a good (and short) demo. :)

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 18:20:14

^_^;; Indeed. A couple VAA members have been trying to get me here for awhile, but I've never really had a good demo reel. Still don't. I'll eventually get something up that isn't random clips thrown together... ^_^;;

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 18:32:11

Is it too late to join in? (o.O;;
i'm also from VAA.

-Your name or screen name: Aimi
-Gender: Female (but can play male roles as well.)
-Age range: teen to older female, teen male
-Specialties: Does singing count? *lol* Or Japanese language proficency?
-Resume URL: i'm working on that... along with an official demo reel.
-Example(s) of your voice: check here- http://www.ismusic.ne.jp/rekimusic/monologues/
-Ways to contact you: AIM- azu79 , e-mail- excaliper (at) arek-net.com

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 19:36:28

Aimi: ...IT'S TEH VAA INVASION!!!11!1 @_@;;; (Oh, and welcome to the VAC.)

Anywho. The VAC has gone through a few pages without one of these:

Hello and Welcome to the VAC if you are not already familiair with this place.

The following is important for all newcomers of the VAC who wish to join:

NG VAC ROSTER!!11!!!1!!1

All Who Wish To Join The VAC: Click right here.
When joining, remember: NEVER post your profile when joining UNLESS you have a demo of your voice ready! Yes! THAT MEANS YOU! Ignore this requirement when joining and you will be beaten severely with a banana. And it will hurt. A lot.

If you need any additional help, contact me via AIM or E-mail (my contact information is in my profile) or contact -Frogs-. Once again, welcome to the VAC (to all who are new here) and enjoy your stay! <3

To the Talented Flash Animators & Producers: Thank you for choosing the NG VAC for your voice actor/actress source! We all hope that you are able to find voice actors and actresses suitable for any roles that you may have available. Click here.

~[This is the Unofficial first page post of the NG VAC - brought to you by Elliair]~

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 20:17:16

i'd like to join but i don't think my name has been posted yet on there, here's my info:

-Your name or screen name: Lila
-Gender: Female
-Age range: young to middle aged, accents too
-Specialties: Sexy characters, boy voices, heroic characters
-Resume URL: http://lila-atherley.com
-Example(s) of your voice: http://lila-atherley.com/LilaDemo_version2.mp3
-Ways to contact you: email odango@shaw.ca

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 21:16:19

Lila: You've been on the roster for quiet awhile now. :)

Sure is a quiet day at the VAC...

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-04-16 21:30:49

well shit, i got projects out my ass... don't think it doesn't piss me off...

god, school sucks so much right now.

i love naps.

oh well... back to work.