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Your christmas list?

2,964 Views | 57 Replies

Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 17:50:48

What do you want for christmas, my moms getting me everything on my list, heres mine, post yours...

-Nintendo DS
-Animal Crossing DS
-Metroid Prime DS
-Metroid Prime on GCN
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Animal Crossing E-reader cards

Visit my blog and click my ads! Link

If your IQ was any lower, you would trip over it.

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 17:54:28

At 11/8/04 05:50 PM, Vegeta6780 wrote: What do you want for christmas, my moms getting me everything on my list, heres mine, post yours...

-Nintendo DS
-Animal Crossing DS
-Metroid Prime DS
-Metroid Prime on GCN
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Animal Crossing E-reader cards

omfg get outta here rich kid


i wnat an ipod and san Andreas as well as turn tables and Nike sneakers of course

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 17:55:30

AN ENGAGE!!!!......I mean...............I'm cool

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 17:57:38

What's chirstmas? Some sort of religius cermony?

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 17:57:43

money I suppose, but other than that I'm getting my car repainted for christmas, thats a present to myself though.

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 17:58:51

Wow you people have boring presents, why has nobody said they want a DS yet, ds has online capabilities, an instant messenger, paint program, chat capabilities, animal crossing online, its gonna be the biggest hit since zelda ocarina of time

Visit my blog and click my ads! Link

If your IQ was any lower, you would trip over it.

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:00:07

At 11/8/04 05:50 PM, Vegeta6780 wrote: What do you want for christmas, my moms getting me everything on my list, heres mine, post yours...

-Nintendo DS

He just did.

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:00:09

I would like world peace.
...but that ain't gonna happen, so a camcorder will do for me.

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:08:16

This or this and a video camera...... but I most probably wont get any of these, so I'll have to settle for something more affordable. :(

Apologies aren't what I look for. Redemption is what I want!

Look at my profile to see a true cockhead! DO IT NOW!

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:08:55

At 11/8/04 05:50 PM, Vegeta6780 wrote: What do you want for christmas, my moms getting me everything on my list, heres mine, post yours...

Youre TEH RICH KID! Im getting the DS for my birthday + Christmas :'(

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:09:32

At 11/8/04 05:50 PM, Vegeta6780 wrote: What do you want for christmas?

A friend. :(

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:11:17

At 11/8/04 05:50 PM, Vegeta6780 wrote: What do you want for christmas, my moms getting me everything on my list, heres mine, post yours...

Someone sure is spoiled.

I'll probably save the money I get for Christmas to buy a sewing machine on Boxing Day. Other than the whole Jesus being born thing, Boxing Day is the real holiday. The DS looks cool, but I'm going to wait until the price goes down and see the games before I actually consider it.

For Christmas itself, I hope I get lots of Christmas cards in the mail because snail mail rocks. Chocolate would also be nice.

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:11:18

Metroid prime 2
cd scrach remover
GTA vice city (or sanandras dont care)
AND 20 $

the end!

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:11:36

I wanna say it before anyone else does...My two front teeth

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:12:24

i would like some books. maybe the new D&D complete arcana or the new "races of destiny". i'd really like some james clavel to. i already have shogun and tai-pan and i 'm hopeing to get his entire seris

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:15:05

My List:

A computer: Specializing in gaming
Nintindo DS or PSP
a game to go with DS or PSP

thats really about it since im getting GTA: san andreas this friday (my mom finally reserved it).

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:20:46

At 11/8/04 05:57 PM, Ulven wrote: What's chirstmas? Some sort of religius cermony?

Christmas happens December 25th started to celebrate the birth of Jesus (From Christianity) The point is supposed to be giving to others and sharing the wealth, but it has turned into and overcommerciallized holiday that every1 does as an excuse to get a huge amount of presents for no particular reason.

When kids are little parents tell them 'santa clause' is the person that does this, and he goes thru the chimney and gives them presents from his workshop in the north pole, where his elves work. This originated for Saint Nicholas or some guy like that who gave children presents in December at night.

Today it is a combination of the two.

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:24:09

Wait... So you're telling me that Santa Clause is really *gasp* Jesus?!
I always wondered how Santa packed all those presents in that small sack and flew around the world in a single night. Well no wonder!

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 18:31:00

in that order is how much i want them

Halo 2
Ever Quest 2
(dont know the realese date but) Kingdom Hearts 2
LOTR: Battle for middle earth
San Andreas

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:08:09

Guns n' Roses,The Live era '86-'93
Fahrenheit 9/11
Any kind of action figure, I'm cracking without awesome new toys!

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:10:40

Clockwork Orange
an Blues Brothers on DVD


Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:12:15


-Triple A Batteries.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:13:49

An original G-1 Optimus Prime, and all the Family Guy DVDs. That's all.

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:15:48

Skinny PS2
Alien Hominid

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:17:55

At 11/8/04 05:50 PM, Vegeta6780 wrote: What do you want for christmas, my moms getting me everything on my list, heres mine, post yours...

-Nintendo DS
-Animal Crossing DS
-Metroid Prime DS
-Metroid Prime on GCN
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Animal Crossing E-reader cards

What are you 10? lmao jk or maybe im not.

Meh for christmas i just want a crap load of music cds :D
And possibly a Ipod. or a guitar (acoustic.)

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:18:27

At 11/8/04 05:50 PM, Vegeta6780 wrote: What do you want for christmas, my moms getting me everything on my list, heres mine, post yours...

-Nintendo DS
-Animal Crossing DS
-Metroid Prime DS
-Metroid Prime on GCN
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Animal Crossing E-reader cards


anyways i only want these

fiber light zero skate board
GBA sp

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:26:01

1. Some nice skirts
2. Nice jeans
3. Cute shirts
4. More fitted hats >: )
5. Some fun video games.
6. Need a new sweater too.
7. 4 new pairs of Chucks. (different colors)

I really don't care what they give me but those are the things I really want.

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:32:01

I'm getting the DS and Metroid. Also, I might get sega dreamcast for fun ^^

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:35:57

At 11/8/04 06:20 PM, blade999 wrote: Christmas happens December 25th started to celebrate the birth of Jesus (From Christianity) The point is supposed to be giving to others and sharing the wealth, but it has turned into and overcommerciallized holiday that every1 does as an excuse to get a huge amount of presents for no particular reason.
When kids are little parents tell them 'santa clause' is the person that does this, and he goes thru the chimney and gives them presents from his workshop in the north pole, where his elves work. This originated for Saint Nicholas or some guy like that who gave children presents in December at night.

Here we got Jul (or Jol) which we celebrate December 24th, and we give each others presents, and then we have a tree in our house for some dumb reason. But we don't celebrate your Jesus, we celebrate that the winter is halfway over and from now on it's going to get warmer and warmer for each day.
And your Santa Claus might be from Saint Nicolas, but what he looks like comes from Old Norse Mythology since he's really a "nisse" (some sort of Elf combined with a tiny troll creature), and there are many of those in our woods. We even feed them by putting out food for them. And then they repay us with not pulling pranks on us.

BBS Signature

Response to Your christmas list? 2004-11-08 20:37:20

Short list: a Xbox controller and the Velvet Revolver CD. Thats all for now...
