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Your favorite weapon in video games

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As a child I played Metal Slug Advance a lot as it was one of the few games I had and it was my favorite, although it was better if I had the shotgun, my favorite weapon of all those in Metal Slug.It was simply beautiful because of how destructive it could be to the point of taking down tanks with 2 shots and better with the s+ which was one of the collectible cards that improved weapons was a thing Unstoppable I still miss the game because my Advance broke down:'c

iu_1204500_21205724.gif iu_1204499_21205724.gif

plante un cacahuate de oro para conseguir mucho dinero comprarme una mansion un yate y una sandia :3

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Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-16 06:00:42

Mini nuke launcher amirite guise epic lulz

Check out the Flash RPG I made in 2024. It takes about 25 minutes to complete.

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Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-16 08:44:42

Probably the upgraded shotgun from the original Resident Evil 2, simply for the fact that you are not going to be prepared for how it's going to sound and what it's going to do to the next zombie you see.

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-16 09:08:39

A lot of weapons in Terraria are really fun, from the Light Discs, to the KO Cannon.

Kirby has some abilities where Kirby wields kickass weapons and are satisfying to use too, like a Yo-Yo or Whip.

But I can't just pick one man c'mon!!

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

BBS Signature

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-16 09:17:33

At 5/16/24 09:08 AM, Drazah wrote: A lot of weapons in Terraria are really fun, from the Light Discs, to the KO Cannon.
Kirby has some abilities where Kirby wields kickass weapons and are satisfying to use too, like a Yo-Yo or Whip.

But I can't just pick one man c'mon!!

I came here to mention Terraria too. I didn’t get to the Wall of Flesh yet in either of the save files I had on my old iPod touch, but the game is generous enough to treat you with a ton of fun weapons even before you beat the Wall and make the jump into hard mode. I gave one of my characters a bunch of magic weapons from the Dungeon, like Magic Missile and the…scepter thing, it’s been a while so I don’t remember the name.

Someone please help me revive my clubs

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Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-16 11:15:21

At 5/16/24 01:29 AM, rotorxd wrote: As a child I played Metal Slug Advance a lot as it was one of the few games I had and it was my favorite, although it was better if I had the shotgun, my favorite weapon of all those in Metal Slug.It was simply beautiful because of how destructive it could be to the point of taking down tanks with 2 shots and better with the s+ which was one of the collectible cards that improved weapons was a thing Unstoppable I still miss the game because my Advance broke down:'c

The discombubulator from pv2 garden warfare. I was cracked when I had ts on

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-16 12:00:54

the shotgun in Doom

like its a cliche answer but honestly Doom 1 & 2 had the best shotguns in gaming

What's a Signature text? Why'd I click on this? How do I leave?

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-16 12:14:15

I am not sure if it can be considered a "weapon" but I will never stop loving the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (AKA Portal Gun).


Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-16 19:35:55

The gun from Ratched & Clank that shoots out buzzsaws. It's consistently a pretty mediocre weapon whenever it appears but it's fun to see the buzzsaw blades bounce off and fly back into the enemy like they're being repeatedly stung by angry hornets.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

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One weapon that has always stuck with me is arguably the most well remembered weapon from the game, the Terra Blade from Terraria.

While many weapons nowadays outclass it, I remember making this back in 1.2 and it felt like a huge accomplishment. The weapon felt like a huge reward after needing quite a ton of materials but it always felt so worth it, being this fast and strong weapon that rapidly shot projectiles. I genuinely also really like the new projectile that the current newest version, 1.4, has.

sorry i'm here, i'm busy doing absolutely nothing at all...

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-17 15:24:58

I think the Shotgun from Bioshock Series.


Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-17 19:37:38


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Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-17 20:28:21

The "Laser" in Tyrian.


It was so powerful compared to other weapons in the game, it felt almost like a cheat.

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Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-17 21:23:00

MIRV from Fallout franchise.

Because kaboom.


Doom 2's super shotgun

A gun that I am glad it exists

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-18 00:01:27

Many great choices in this thread!

Mine, as of this writing, is Alastor from DMC. It's such a satisfying, quick-response sword to use.

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-18 06:52:59

For me its the frontier justice of the enginner in tf2

Or the shotgun from ultrakill

It feel bulky and i really love the Designs and sounds they make

Im just a sucker for shotguns

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-18 06:54:14

"Im owning you you fat bald fatty fat.. fat fat!"

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-18 10:45:48

My particular Death Deluxe Sniper Rifle: although mine is factory-new not field tested


How's it going?

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Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-18 11:05:19

AlexToolStudio voicing acting since 2023

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-18 16:17:53

its probably any heavy type weapon

because instead of being fast and sweaty

its more strategic and timed

BBS Signature

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-18 19:53:53

At 5/16/24 01:29 AM, rotorxd wrote: As a child I played Metal Slug Advance a lot as it was one of the few games I had and it was my favorite, although it was better if I had the shotgun, my favorite weapon of all those in Metal Slug.It was simply beautiful because of how destructive it could be to the point of taking down tanks with 2 shots and better with the s+ which was one of the collectible cards that improved weapons was a thing Unstoppable I still miss the game because my Advance broke down:'c

I love when you can somehow use enemies as weapons just because of how funny it is


I LOVE pissing people off with shotguns. I'm always in the corner of cod maps waiting for some restarted person to come my way and get backshotted.




Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-18 23:54:37

The Master Sword from Legend of Zelda and the Ragnell from Fire Emblem 9 and 10

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-19 11:17:34

At 5/16/24 01:29 AM, rotorxd wrote: As a child I played Metal Slug Advance a lot as it was one of the few games I had and it was my favorite, although it was better if I had the shotgun, my favorite weapon of all those in Metal Slug.It was simply beautiful because of how destructive it could be to the point of taking down tanks with 2 shots and better with the s+ which was one of the collectible cards that improved weapons was a thing Unstoppable I still miss the game because my Advance broke down:'c

I mean, you can't go wrong with the Energy Sword!


Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-19 12:05:26

Do I need to explain?iu_1206317_18336907.webp

GRR <-- that's my signature

Pretty ironic how I draw cowboys even though I'm First nations ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-19 14:35:18

shotgun :3

The charge blade (charge axe in japan) from the Monster Hunter series might be the most satisfying weapon ever conceived in fiction. A lot of people often call it the swiss army knife of the game in it's design. It's both complex and simple, slow and fast, defensive and offensive. It is everything you need it to be and more and all it takes is some dedication to understand it. The two combat modes, the resource management, it's ability to do consistent damage or burst damage, it can be used like a chainsaw; it can be used to dish out counters, it can be used like a sword with a lance quality greatshield. This weapon lets you be very expressive and it feels so good to master it. I genuinely feel bad for people who can't get into Monster Hunter, I have not played any other game with more satisfying combat and I've played A LOT of other games. The best part is it's just 1 weapon type amongst 14 all designed with the same care.

Attached image is to show the weapons physical functionality; art made by @Zen_jirakun on Twitter for the MHW design contest from 2019.


Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-19 16:42:25

gunblade, just looks cool

Response to Your favorite weapon in video games 2024-05-19 18:21:54

How tf did I forget about Ratchet and Clank when making my reply from a couple days ago??

Ratchet has a lot of fun weapons too, especially the flare in DeadLocked, and the Visibomb Gun in RAC2002.

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

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