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Codex: Zevclp

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Codex: Zevclp 2024-05-15 12:30:43


Miir is a moon with a diameter of 9,893 kilometers, an atmospheric pressure of 1418 millibars, and a gravity of 0,207 G. Atmospheric composition consists of 18% O2, 72% HE, and 10% CH4.

Miir orbits around the ocean world Xetej, a super-earth-like planet roughly within a Venusian orbit around the orange star Geldet. While not particularly noteworthy, Xetej has seen extensive colonization by the Zevclp, having floating cities scattered throughout the planet.

Some of these settlements are incredibly ancient, originating from the days when the Zevclp first deployed orbital drop colonies onto Xetej, which became isolated due to the higher gravity before advanced space technology came to be.

Eons ago, Miir was once a barren world until two events happened within its star system.

The first came from protons and other accelerated particles from the solar wind interacting with the surface material of Miir, forming hydrogen that formed into either water or heavy water/deuterium when bonded with oxygen within the regolith. Additionally, such impacts formed various molecular chains.

Deuterium accounts for nearly 60% of all water content on Miir, causing massive spikes of radioactivity, followed by an almost serene blue-green glow.

The second came from a sudden joint electrical burst between Miir and Xetej that rearranged the internal architecture of Miir’s core, giving it a magnetic field that protects its contents from cosmic rays and escaping into space.

These two events were essential in creating the ingredients needed for life to start erupting in Miir.

Beyond the gift of a magnetic field, the relationship between Miir and Xetej is far more turbulent; every three years, the moon experiences orbital and electrical changes around Xetej, causing various volcanic and geological shifts such as earthquakes and geothermal fissures. Most importantly, Miir gathers water vapor from the atmosphere of Xetej, which falls onto the surface as heavy rainfall, causing extreme flooding. Some of the water from Xetej comes as either standard or deuterium.

Miir also experiences a slow rotational period equivalent to fifteen Earth days and nights called the hand of Vegoruu and Zegoruu, respectively. Temperatures fluctuate because of this, flipping to below-freezing or humid summer-like conditions.

Miir itself experiences constant auroras thanks to its bombardment by charged particles from Geldet, which can spread far and wide beyond the poles throughout the whole moon, giving everyone a dazzling display of blue, green, magenta, and orange colors in the skies.

The charged particles that cause the auroras also cause various weather effects, including intense thunderstorms, lighting, and wind speeds up to 25 kilometers an hour.

For the most part, the environment of Miir consists of swamps and marshland, followed by semi-volcanic landscapes in the south, with several hundred rivers dotted throughout the moon.

No oceans or seas exist on Miir. Only circular lakes connected by the rivers, of which only five up to seven kilometers in diameter, are on Miir. They are called Lant Hewry, Lant Deqaav, Lant Xxaz, Lant Bevciikl, and Lant Dquok.

One anomaly with Miir’s magnetic field is how it disperses electromagnetic radiation of long wavelengths, jamming everything from radio waves, microwaves, and even visible light below UV.

Such an effect causes further temperature changes from trapping or preventing heat and affecting the senses of life on Miir, with technology and communication developed along this magnetic anomaly.

Because of these various environmental phenomena, life has evolved several adaptations, including insulated armor, branch climbing abilities, and seeing in UV light. Several species have developed sophisticated and focused bioluminescence akin to flashlights that allow them to see during the long nights of Miir, giving them an extra sense beyond smell and hearing during this period. One of these species was the Zevclp.

Response to Codex: Zevclp 2024-05-15 12:33:01


The Zevclp are aluminum-based lifeforms over 90 centimeters tall and weigh 21 kilograms.

The Zevclp evolved from arboreal pack hunters that move throughout the trees to strike at prey either within or below the forest floor of Miir.

Despite their low gravity world, the Zevclp remained short in stature while weighing like your average military loadout. Such a biological quirk stems from their biology utilizing heavy water, resulting in having small, dense bodies.

Using heavy water also results in having stronger chemical bonds or binding energy, making them more durable and more powerful compared to species of similar stature. On the other hand, nutrients containing deuterium take longer to digest and metabolize, increasing the length of time for growth and development and various digestive methods.

Across the skin layer of the main body lies an aluminum foam-like substance mixed with a conductive mesh designed to handle the fluctuating temperatures and electrical hazards of Miir's environment. The main body has multiple colorations, including gray, green, brown, white, red, and black.

Attached to the body are two pairs of semi-flexible limbs. Each one has a hand with an opposable thumb, giving the Zevclp ample ability to climb and move through the trees of their world. Like their bodies, they have ample coloration different from the torso, such as red, pink, brown, maroon, purple, and indigo.

Although barely the width of a water bottle, the limbs have dense energy-ritch muscle fibers, allowing them to lift over five times their body weight.

Around the chest area is the mouth, possessing a bite force comparable to an Earth Crocodile, allowing them to eat their native flora, fauna, and mineral deposits.

Above the main body is the head, taking on a snout-like appearance. On the head is a single visor-like organ that acts as a photoreceptor, designed to see ultraviolet light, the only available spectrum on Miir. Their cyclopean eye can take on colors of green, cyan, gold, blue, violet, teal, and pearl white.

Surrounding the eye are three pairs of nostrils to assist in smelling their environment when sight isn't enough for a situation.

Adorned on top of the head is an organ called the geldatx. A bulbous object that acts as a biological flashlight via a focused form of bioluminescence via a yellow-colored emitter.

During the long nights on Miir, the geldatx will emit UV light to help see within the pitch-black jungles at the cost of a heightened metabolism. Like any bioluminescent related organ, the geldatx has its use in communication and luring prey.

Towards the back of the head is one pair of flaps designed to deliver nonverbal communication, mating displays, and fighting. Flaps on males stretch out over 16 centimeters past their heads as sails, while the females barely reach 5 centimeters as curve-like shapes.

Although hard to see, The Zevclp have ears just past their flaps.

Along the bottom in the back is an abdomen-like system containing reproductive organs and intestinal tract. Those of males take on a boxy rectangular look, while those of females have a thick oval appearance. Both have a wide range of flexibility for mating in various positions due to their arboreal lifestyle.

Below is a list of internal organs within a Zevclp body.

The stomach. Gathers nutrients from consumed food, utilizing various resonating systems and magnesium to help process the dense, heavy-water-rich organisms of Miir.

The mastripex. An organ designed to release magnesium-rich compounds to assist in digesting food and water.

The heart.

The lungs.

The bubeniur. An organ used in creating enzymes for processing minerals like magnesium.

The kidneys.

The liver.

The ovaries/testes.

The skeleton. The skeleton utilizes a copper oxide foam as a base material.

The nervous system.

The brain. The brain takes on a boat-like shape, with multiple electrodes meant for countering the electrical hazards of Miir's magnetic field.

The Zevclp reproduce by having the male penetrate and eject sperm into the female, where she will eject the offspring after nine months of fetal development.

The young of a Zevclp couple resemble that of tadpoles, with them developing in deuterium water (whether natural or artificial) filled with nutrients to slowly grow into infant versions of their parents for over a year, followed by another fifteen years of growth before becoming adults and reaching sexual maturity.

Response to Codex: Zevclp 2024-05-15 12:34:11 (edited 2024-05-15 12:36:22)


With their lives spent in the trees except on rare occasions, and with the dangers present on the ground during the flood and dry seasons, the Zevclp prefer living high above the surface of their worlds, even viewing it as the underworld.

Of course, the times when they have to venture down to the surface, such as pools for their young or food, lead to the idea that both life and death intertwine together, both the same and that living can come from the dead.

Those who have to drop to the ground to perform vital actions for Zevclp civilization are called death-treaders or underworld life cleansers, for they move through the underworld, processing its energies for the living within the middle world. Both names or terms also refer to the ancestors of the mountain Zevclp of Couzouhmm.

Their arboreal lifestyle has driven them to care for and protect trees or anything that stands high above the ground, to where trees or forests are viewed as the middle kingdom between the underworld and Vioshecht.

Their views of life and death and trees have led to them burying their dead under plants instead of tombstones, believing that flora would increase their chances of meeting Judge Bethhaln, followed by merging graveyards and breeding pools to give the dead's energy to their young or cause reincarnation.

Their association with the ground and the dead has prompted them to wear gloves on their upper and lower hands for fear of the dead taking their life energy. In fact, according to Zevclp law, every glove-wear company must have a priest perform a ritual that makes the accessory resistant to the underworld.

The Zevclp rely on other senses beyond sight for communicating or expressing emotion, with conversations having layers to them or special meanings undetectable to most other species. To compensate, either individual Zevclp would act bluntly, or other species would use equipment to interact with them through these methods.

The males of the species use their display flaps to speak a codded language to each other during hunting or work, sometimes even to talk privately without their wives knowing. Similarly, females use their flaps to express secret words, though not nearly on the same level due to size differences.

While valuing all of these senses, they value light, specifically UV, the highest, as that end of the spectrum has given them the gift of sight in both day and night and associate it with the god Visayr. Everything from UV lamps, clothing, toys, and festivities.

The Zevclp would often wear paint across their bodies using dye from numerous sources, some undetectable due to only appearing via UV light. Some of these tattoos mainly represent country of origin/allegiance and family heraldry, while a few showcase a personal feat or trait belonging to an individual.

The sources of these pigments and dyes make them valuable to preserve and cultivate, with wealthy and noble families holding massive farms designed only for a particular plant used for their family crest.

Though used for personalization, culture, and fashion, Zevclp-based criminal organizations have used symbols visible only to UV light to contact each other and notify hideouts.

The Zevclp have a festival/view of the world called the dertri, where they see it through the three senses of smell, sound, and sight as a multi-layered portrait, with each sense representing an aspect of the world.

Smell represents the material world, its hidden details, properties, and connection or destination between life and death.

Sound represents the mind, its thoughts and ideas, and how it expresses itself.

UV light represents the soul and the divine, how the fingers or tools of the gods shaped and touched everything with their energies.

The festivities consist of three stages relating to the senses called the Liuoctam, Waquiyed, and Nortiuc.

Liuoctam involves smell. Putting on anything that produces an incredible sense for the nose, no matter how grotesque the scent or its origins.

Waquiyed involves sound. Individuals will create songs, perform plays, discuss intellectual pursuits, and engage in creative works.

Nortiuc involves light. Individuals will perform rituals and actions with UV light, plasmoid suns, and electrical forces considered acts of god.

Their fashion reflects their beliefs and admiration for these senses, with miniature hoses or patches releasing various scents or creating sounds unhearable to most species.

Their ability to have opposable thumbs on both limbs has caused them to design devices or techniques around this biological aspect.

One example is the book of omni-tree fury by Zervanium, which discusses and illustrates how a Zevclp can fight or kill with both pairs of hands or from a tree.

With deuterium present in their water, the Zevclp have developed and utilized nuclear fusion far longer than other species, acting as the driving force for industrialization akin to coal and steam power for Humans.

The Zevclp have also developed advanced magnetics and light-based technology to help counteract Miir’s field, such as using lasers to transmit information or sound instead of radio, protecting electronics from jamming, and superconductors.

The Zevclp religion consists of multiple deities and entities, with a rich lore of their interactions with each other.

There is Edirec, the god of electricity.

There is Xetej, the god of the planet Xetej, and life.

There is Miir, the god of the moon Miir.

There is Bebertreg, the god of trees and judge of the diseased.

There is Swaurparren, the god of the underworld.

There is Deuravoldur, the god of strength, durability, and water.

There is Fiuquqk, the god of volcanos, heat, and industry.

There is Geldet, the god of the sun.

There is Visayr, the god of light.

In their mythology, Edirec created everything with beams of azure white, with this power coursing through his creation to allow similar feats, such as birthing other worlds.

While capable of creating life on itself, Xetej was unable to make it in the world born from her, leading to the request of Geldet and Edirec to provide their energy to give life to her still-birth child. They accepted and brought forth her kid Miir into the world.

However, Xetej became overbearing towards Miir, using her gifts to keep him locked away to where he could not grow or create life himself. In response, Geldet sent one of his sons, Visayr,

to grant the gift of UV light, allowing Miir to make life of its own.

During this, Xetej began having a duel or struggle with the two gods, and later Miir, causing a cascade of life and death back and forth until creating a bridge between the two in the form of trees and, later, the Zevclp.

Vioshecht refers more to a state of being than an afterlife, where dead Zevclp of good character and excellent talent become capable of demi-god-like power and traversing the universe. Although not viewed in a negative context, the underworld merely holds those who have died while living a typical existence.

Below the underworld is Krekgainash, a barren landscape with no trees and with individuals crushed against the ground, unable to move as demons torture or feast on their flesh. Such a place is reserved for the most immoral and despicable amongst the Zevclp.

Overseeing them is Bebertreg, the god of trees and judge of the dead. She decides where they go by sending bugs to consume the essence of their bodies, identifying their moral character and what they have done before declaring their new afterlife. In some cases, Bebertreg will reincarnate a dead soul from the underworld into a new body to give them multiple chances to become a better individual.

In some funeral gatherings, individuals who knew the deceased would make a facsimile using meat, written notes, and trinkets and have insects consume the food caricature before eating the bugs. Those participating in the event believe that eating the insects that consumed the imitation would allow the deceased's essence to live on or affect their outcome within the afterlife.

Response to Codex: Zevclp 2024-05-15 12:38:03

In mythology, the god Deuravoldur originated from a race of spirits that lived on Miir before the battle between Xetej and Visayr caused their demise and brought forth life on Miir; all except for Deuravoldur, who survived through his resilience and the material heavy water. Because of this, the Zevclp will pray to Deuravoldur to achieve an impossible feat or to help protect and grow their young.

Depending on the situation or area they live in, the Zevclp would worship or focus on a particular deity within their pantheon, such as those close to deadly areas would pray to Bebertreg or those in space pray to Visayr or Geldet.

The Zevclp enjoy decorating or engaging in fun activities with their geldatx, such as putting cut-out patterns on the emitters to produce symbols of their lights for fun or work.

The Zevclp also take drastic measures to protect and preserve the geldatx, as they view it as a symbol of Visayr and his gift, followed by viewing it as a conduit to the soul and the gods. During funerary arrangements, the geldatx is preserved to ensure it is the last thing to decompose while the rest of the body falls apart through Bebertreg's bugs.

The Zevclp posses several sports, including tretgboutal, where two opposing teams use sticks to launch a ball into each others' net while moving through the trees. Other sports include beluduncrag, where individuals swim deep into the water to collect something before returning, and bebergeldatx, where players arrange insects into various patterns using bioluminescence.

A popular activity within Zevclp society is knife throwing, which is much more elaborate and complex as they use all four hands to fling sharp objects, followed by grabbing them from several vantage points with acrobatic glee.

On a local level, the government of the Zevclp consists of the zenritc, a council of nobles of industrial, agricultural, technological, and cultural ownership or background, who provide and dictate the necessary resources, needs, and laws for the people. Depending on the age and size of a world, the zenritc could have anywhere between forty to over fifty thousand individual council members. Essentially, the zenritc functions as a combination of feudalism, aristocratic societies, and corporatocracy.

While the zenritc typically exercises hereditary succession for their companies/ruling families, some individuals will pick someone not related by blood from the ulltale, either temporally or permanently, depending on their son's age and ability to take over. Regardless, designated successors perform rigorous testing and training to take on the role.

The amount of nobles increases thanks to specialty programs or titles granted by other nobles. Typically, when colonizing a new world, life-bearing ones are reserved for new royal families to take over and rule, while those meant only for industrial use become accessible to everyone via viceroys.

Much like modern-day nobility systems, the zenritc have a ranking system that decides political power, corporate ownership, and the size and scale of their business.

How the Zevclp achieved nobility, let alone from corporate powers, comes from a select few from ancient history willing to venture down into the dangerous swamplands to gather the natural resources below, which only became more prominent as technology and industries within their grasp advances, leading to civilians viewing them as demi-god-like figures, and giving them political power.

This merging of royalty and corporatism continues to this day, with individual Zevclp only able to create companies of their own if they receive a noble title. Such a practice or requirement comes from practical and religious reasons, where having anyone create mega-scale corporations on the fly on their small world would destroy their ecosystem and livelihoods, followed by the belief that they would upset or unleash the underworld or Krekgainash upon the living. However, some of these traditions have become somewhat lax on other planets, and the need to expand nobility increases with their territorial holdings.

Alongside the zenritc is the zenyp, a single individual that enforces and funnels the resources of the zenritc, who uses various technologies and AI to complete such a task by themselves. Such a role was a recent addition accounting for cooperative and planetary scale operations.

Much like choosing a successor for a noble family, either a commoner or someone within the zenritc achieves the role of zenyp via a majority vote from the council and can be removed at any time if they were to violate the Zevclp constitution.

Next is the greligio, a religious organization that ensures the moral fortitude of the nobles and acts as the first line of defense for the safety of the Zevclp and their rights. Their capabilities have only grown with the discovery of theophysics and their ability to commune with the gods.

Next is the ulltale, civilians that work and perform services for the zenritc, acting as de-facto employees for the council. Unlike other nobility or aristocratic societies, the ulltale have some influence and control over the actions of both the zenritc and zenyp thanks to holding shares within their companies and their role in keeping things running, with those with the most shares viewed as representatives or knights that protect civilians or influence the zenritc for their benefit or on their behalf.

Every zenritc council in every Zevclp planet adheres to or follows a federation where the zenyp and ulltale representatives of these member worlds via internet conferences represent, discuss, and vote on galactic scale issues and laws on behalf of the zenritc and ulltale.

Heading or seated alongside the zenritc federation are the military, an interstellar-scale version of the greligio, and the feqqet.

The military, also known as the general defense force, protects all of Zevclp space, with the zenritc providing funding, equipment, and personnel as a tax or fee for their protection. Leading the military is a central commander voted into power by federation members. Additionally, every Zevclp noble possesses a private army and security force, with its size dependent on rank and importance.

The feqqet is an AI administrative system that facilitates or assists in trade, communication, and transporting populations and resources across Zevclp space, maintained by thousands of technicians and maintenance personnel funded by the zentritc.

In theory, every member of a zenritc council or the federation works together for the benefit of every Zevclp and must consult with each other before making decisions that would affect them on interstellar scales. In practice, the nobles throughout points in history have actively competed with or undermined each other for their benefit or went off on private ventures despite the consequences to the populace, with many forming alliances via political marriages to gain power or favor within local or galactic matters.