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HTML5 game not working

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HTML5 game not working 2024-05-10 16:11:22

hello everyone, i uploaded my first content on HTML5 (game). page showing error 403, i tried 2 browsers and VPN. why this happened?iu_1201768_14937857.webp

Samirkon12, over

Response to HTML5 game not working 2024-05-15 17:44:03

At 5/10/24 04:11 PM, Samirkon12 wrote: hello everyone, i uploaded my first content on HTML5 (game). page showing error 403, i tried 2 browsers and VPN. why this happened?

Might have something to do with your index file. I have never uploaded a game to NG but I think it needs to be in a particular place for NG to read it.

Response to HTML5 game not working 2024-05-16 22:19:50 (edited 2024-05-16 22:20:26)

Yes, as Yendor says, what does the file structure of your uploaded game look like?

It should be something like:

|____ index.html (required main entrypoint of the game with this exact name)
|____ other_stuff (there's probably a folder with some other referenced items)
|      |____ picture.png
|      |____ preloader.js
|____ file.txt (possibly another file in the root folder)

If it looks similar, does the browser console (i.e. with Chromium – F12 / Console, or perhaps better yet, F12 / Network) perhaps have more details?

I didn't really find any other people with your problem – there's someone who got 403 Forbidden when certain file types weren't supported, and someone who had “index.htm” instead of “index.html”.

Response to HTML5 game not working 2024-05-17 02:02:16

At 5/16/24 10:19 PM, RaIix wrote: Yes, as Yendor says, what does the file structure of your uploaded game look like?

It should be something like:
If it looks similar, does the browser console (i.e. with Chromium – F12 / Console, or perhaps better yet, F12 / Network) perhaps have more details?

I didn't really find any other people with your problem – there's someone who got 403 Forbidden when certain file types weren't supported, and someone who had “index.htm” instead of “index.html”.

i need use .htmL? i using .htm all life. thanks, will try it

Samirkon12, over

Response to HTML5 game not working 2024-05-19 09:19:47 (edited 2024-05-19 09:28:02)

thanks .html works

Samirkon12, over

Response to HTML5 game not working 2024-05-19 13:38:25

im pretty sure everywhere stopped using .htm like 24 years ago

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