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Stylized vs Realistic Graphics

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Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-01 03:41:09

if you want realism just go outside


BBS Signature

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-01 07:09:15

I feel like stylised graphics are better not only for creativity and recognisability like other ppl have mentioned but also like, we have already hit the peak for realisitc graphics. imo, we hit it a LONG time ago but atp wether it be the directors, corporate or gamers, they keep trying to push it further, becoming more and more realistic to the point that now it isnt even realism yk, they're just not compressing their textures and making sure their models are ridiculously smooth- like it's looking like Scott Cawthorn's topology.

I feel like now for game studios, they need to start swinging into stylisation or just older graphics bc how is anyone (except like people who basically spend all their money on computer upgrades) meant to afford the hardware to even store the sizes of these games, never mind the specs needed to run it.

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-01 09:37:11

At 4/25/24 12:57 PM, Artcompany wrote: Which do you prefer? Do you only like certain types of stylization or is all great for you? How do you feel about the AAA push for realism? Do you think it is hurting or helping the game industry? What was the best style of graphics in your opinion? Do you want more realism in game graphics or stylization? Anything regarding the topic is on the table!

Realism in video games is monotonous, archaic and overrated. I prefer to prioritize the artistic section.

Why do you think lowpoly is becoming so popular lately anyway?

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-01 09:39:23

At 4/25/24 06:59 PM, orangebomb wrote: Why not a mixture of both?

As long as they are consistent with the tone, setting and just know what they're doing, you can have success with either style or even a mixture of both.

You mean things like Overwatch?

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-01 09:43:02

At 4/25/24 11:28 PM, jthrash wrote: Just out of personal taste, I've always preferred stylized graphics.

I think realistic graphics have their place in encouraging digital artists to continue to push the boundaries of technology, and will probably become at least a little faster/easier once real-time raytracing becomes more viable for even the cheapest hardware. That said, I do think the current push for realism in AAA games is unsustainable, resulting in absurdly-high budgets with diminishing returns. What even is the point of current-gen consoles like the PS5 anymore other than to play ports of already-beautiful PS4 games with slightly better anti-aliasing, reflections and MAYBE 60 FPS gameplay (way too many games are still too unoptimized to handle a consistent 30, just like in previous generations). How many people have bought an impressively-realistic-looking game, "Oohed" and "Ahhed" at the graphical achievements for like 10 minutes, then forced yourself to enjoy the $70+ game you just bought for at least a couple more weekends because it turns out there's no gameplay "substance" behind all the visual "style."

Finally, I just miss when games in franchises like Sonic the Hedgehog or Final Fantasy came out more than once every two or three years, without drastically reducing the quality to meet that quota. Barring an ethical and efficient use of AI to drastically reduce the time it makes an entire AAA game while ensuring everyone gets to keep their jobs, simple, stylized graphics are the only way to feasibly put out games more often throughout the year while maintaining some semblance of polish and quality. I'm tired of waiting multiple console generations just for a Final Fantasy spin-off, for example, to finally come out, admire the visuals a bit, then feel like I wasted my money once I stop admiring the graphics and ask myself if the actual game is "fun."

Yes, it is something that I consider about games like Mrotal Kombat: the only thing that stands out is the graphics section. The mobility and combos are miserable and the designs are kind of boring. Games like Skullgirls understand this perfectly

I'm gonna go with Stylized graphics, simply due to the fact that I think they age slower than realistic graphics. Some old realistic graphics can look rough, but I still think even games like the original Jet Set Radio can still look great because of it's unique art style. And then more modern games like Hi-Fi Rush just look fantastic all the way through and is also just really fun to play, and plus stylized games don't blend together in my head compared to realistic looking games.

sorry i'm here, i'm busy doing absolutely nothing at all...

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-01 14:04:49

At 5/1/24 09:39 AM, khicher wrote:
At 4/25/24 06:59 PM, orangebomb wrote: Why not a mixture of both?

As long as they are consistent with the tone, setting and just know what they're doing, you can have success with either style or even a mixture of both.
You mean things like Overwatch?

More or less. I would lump in games like Street Fighter 6 in the mix.

I'm not going to favor one style over the other partly because of arbritray reasons, but mostly because there are plenty of strengths and weaknesses with either one, and to disavow, or at least downplay them solely on preference is restricting at best.

Though from what I've seen, the more overtly stylized games usually tend to have compromises somewhere else, whether it's framerates, gameplay or storytelling. (Which in a way, makes the great stylized games stand out more and not end up becoming period pieces)

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-01 19:29:45

I prefer stylized graphic, much like what someone else on this thread said. if you want a realistic art style, then go outside or simply see a live action movie or see a painting in that style. I don't like the idea of having games have this hyper realistic environment, and I would prefer stylized, as in a cartoonish style, weather it'd be anime, comics, retro 30s, or anything in that manner.

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-01 19:31:17

In fact, I wish games will prioritize story and gameplay over graphics. After all a game does not need good graphics to be good, which is why I prefer stylized over realistic.

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-02 09:57:43

At 5/1/24 03:41 AM, thesoysaucetree6969 wrote: if you want realism just go outside

That's not exactly a strong argument, as that would be akin to playing sports for real instead of playing them in a game, not realizing how difficult that can be IRL.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-02 10:01:18

if you want realism just go outside
That's not exactly a strong argument, as that would be akin to playing sports for real instead of playing them in a game, not realizing how difficult that can be IRL.

get good then lol


BBS Signature

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-02 13:42:02

Stylized graphics. I don’t get why people want more realism in games. It takes up 9999999+ terabytes and stylized games age far better overtime.

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-03 07:38:20

At 5/1/24 02:04 PM, orangebomb wrote:
At 5/1/24 09:39 AM, khicher wrote:
At 4/25/24 06:59 PM, orangebomb wrote: Why not a mixture of both?

As long as they are consistent with the tone, setting and just know what they're doing, you can have success with either style or even a mixture of both.
You mean things like Overwatch?
More or less. I would lump in games like Street Fighter 6 in the mix.

I'm not going to favor one style over the other partly because of arbritray reasons, but mostly because there are plenty of strengths and weaknesses with either one, and to disavow, or at least downplay them solely on preference is restricting at best.

Though from what I've seen, the more overtly stylized games usually tend to have compromises somewhere else, whether it's framerates, gameplay or storytelling. (Which in a way, makes the great stylized games stand out more and not end up becoming period pieces)

Yes, focusing only on realism in a video game can in a way disfavor other aspects that are often more important, such as playability and aesthetics.

Response to Stylized vs Realistic Graphics 2024-05-03 09:27:15

Stylised all the way. The fact that syo many old games with stylised graphics still look good today whereas old games that tried to go for realism usually ended up aging horribly should tell devs all they nyeed to know (plus, we hit the peak for realism back on AT LEAST the PS4, pretty much every attempt to make more realistic-looking games nyow just give diminishing returns).

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