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Mind Matters

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Mind Matters 2024-03-18 22:19:11

It seems that my brain is starting to blossom, and since I do not wish to take up the entire news section with my own posts as that was unintentionally greedy of me, I will be putting all of my thoughts in this single forum.

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-19 17:41:06

With each passing day, it appears to become clearer to me that one must truly surrender themselves to that of the spontaneous, for in doing so, they would discover a newfound strength that they would not have ever obtained had they remained stagnant in the strict ways of their societal structures. And in this surrender, they would come upon a newly-discovered love of entropy; a love so profound that they would finally allow room for the change of their previously, unchanging demeanour. Furthermore, by taking this course of action, they would soon realize that they never had anything to fear in regards to the unknown, and this fear that they held was merely a metaphysical phantom of their own mind. This individual in their welcoming of chaos, would develop a rather calm composure to the concept of it. For in strictness, one is made of stone; their laws are set-in-stone, their morals, but what one often forgets, is that stone is still indeed cuttable. On the other hand, one who allows themselves to be everflowing in the way of spontaneity, would soon come to realize that their ways were like that of water, something that is uncuttable by nature, and simply adapts itself to the complexities introduced into its domain.


(art link)

I am putting this particular writing here as well, because I had a very special person in my life as the inspiration for it.

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-19 19:26:03

One cannot help how they are without help.

But should a person remain consistently seeking, they will eventually end-up receiving.

And this individual would be doing nothing, but cheating their own self by setting their sights on a path of dishonesty.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-19 20:15:54

When one truly does their best, that best, as they know it will only become better over time through experience, thus making perfection an illusion of the mind that holds one back from their evergrowing nature. For the day one thinks they know everything, is the day they begin withering instead of growing. But a withering flower can always be brought back with the proper care and attention.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-19 20:37:35 (edited 2024-03-19 20:43:28)

A smart mind is always prepared for the worst

A wise mind is expecting of the unexpected

A mystic mind is ready for a good time


(art link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-19 21:20:02

It is quite often said, that something is easier said than done,

but it could also be said, that something can be said easier when done.

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-19 23:45:30

It is a widely-accepted notion among many individuals, that one alone must rise above others to reach their ascension. But what the one failed to realize, is that their elevation was indeed an effect of the causes from the others around them. A leader cannot become a proper leader without first realizing that it is due to the others being lead, that this leader even receives their recognition as an authority figure. Therefore it is the divine duty of this leader that when they finally choose to take flight, that they take as many people along with them as passengers to also become their own leaders, for the more people this leader brings along with them as support, the less likely they are to fall from this lovely leadership.

And should some choose to dwell in the darkness a little longer, they may be left in peace, for that is their right.

Pray that they may soon see their light.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-20 14:32:45

No matter where someone is in life, that person is no better, or worse than anyone else may be, for a seed is just as important and necessary as whatever plant it shall grow into, and must be given the same tender-loving-care as any other organism.

It is quite interesting to me how much a human functions in some regard, similarly to that of a plant, the stomach acting almost as the soil, the spine as the stem, the heart as the fruit, and the brain as the blooming flower.

The difference in some form with a creature like the human, is how even much more important the addition of tender-loving-care is to the proper growth of their organism. As this individual is in their phase of childhood, without love, things like food instead of acting as fertilizer, behaves more similarly to that of concrete. Without understanding, knowledge to this child will feel more like weeds strangling them, instead of branches of knowledge leading them into a divine wisdom. Without care, this child will become unable to blossom their brain to its best potential that only leads to them growing ever better.

It is very important for all of us to understand how much the very simple concept of TLC is such an important factor to the growth of any seed, and paying careful attention, so that we may know when a plant is withering.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-20 15:05:44

In my times of quiet contemplation, I had come to the inner-realization of how much I was honestly capable of doing any horrible thing that I had previously hated others for, and that no matter what, anytime I judged, I was always merely placing myself in the seat of the one being judged. No more of that nonsense.


(Artist Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-21 18:01:03

One can only be dragged back down to hell if they reach for a hand that didn't truly wish yet to be pulled up into heaven.


(Art Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-21 19:17:55

Mud is indeed stronger than blood, for anyone who has truly

wallowed in misery will never take their company for granted.iu_1178245_9692889.jpg

(Artist Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-21 21:53:11

At 3/21/24 07:17 PM, Jojo wrote: Mud is indeed stronger than blood, for anyone who has truly
wallowed in misery will never take their company for granted.
(Artist Link)

A beautiful. Mind

The revelation of my dreams

1. At the end of the day if you don't give all the money to the poor your just the rich man that walked away sad .

2. You can only push someone in the dirt so many times before he starts playing in it

Love Attacts Like a an Invivisible God in the Snow. The Devil always looses so presevire until the morning star arises in your own heart.

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-21 22:00:04

At 3/21/24 06:01 PM, Jojo wrote: One can only be dragged back down to hell if they reach for a hand that didn't truly wish yet to be pulled up into heaven.

I feel I rewrote this one better here.

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-22 04:01:57

It is apparent to me now that I probably would not have ever lost my mind had I lost my mask first instead, but it could also be a situation where losing my mind was merely an effect of losing my mask; either way, no regrets.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-22 14:22:55

Everybody always gathers to judge a man for their worst mistakes, but where were they before those mistakes were made?


Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-22 14:58:23 (edited 2024-03-22 15:01:37)

One of the greatest things one could ever know, is that they are indeed a vessel of a vast variety of solutions for a finite amount of problems.


Furthermore, in regards to a problem, when one makes the decision to give more power to the solution, the problem will in-turn become inferior, and the solution superior.

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-23 00:43:05

Forgot to give credit for the art above. Woops!

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-23 12:56:09

Should one wish to stop wasting time, they must begin to take their time.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-23 14:28:39 (edited 2024-03-23 14:30:00)

The one who has had the greatest experience with evil, understands on a tremendous level the often unacknowledged within most others. Should they come out of the deepest of darkness, they will be gifted with a torch to reignite their once-lost, inner-flame. This light will serve greatly to guide another out of their dark abyss should that other make the choice to follow this guiding lantern for a time.


(Artist Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-23 15:38:59 (edited 2024-03-23 15:41:50)

An individual who is always acting as if they have a place to be, will never truly arrive. But one who views the universe as their domain, will become the center of it, the ruler of their own destiny.

To the people that always say, "I wanna go home!", I simply reply, "My friend, you are already there!"


(Artist Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-23 18:57:19 (edited 2024-03-23 19:14:15)

Let a man be concerned merely for their own misfortunes, lest they take on the entire forces of Hell with naught but a stick and stone. One shall receive what they require within and without.


(Artist Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-23 20:28:16

Man's war against nature is not only foolish, but pointless, for nature has already surrendered to itself; if man were to have done the same ages ago, they would've sooner realized that they were only fighting their own nature.


(Artist Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-24 12:45:55

Any one of us that holds a penitent person to their past is struggling to let go of our own.


(Artist Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-24 15:54:46 (edited 2024-03-24 15:55:25)

There is nothing quite better for balancing out a mind that is rising in logic, than a heart that is falling in love.


(Artist Link)

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-24 18:07:15

I posted the one above twice, because I accidentally used an image that the artist did not want anybody posting elsewhere, so I will respect that wish of the artist and have the former post deleted.

Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-25 19:10:03

A lie may be easy to tell, but over time it will become impossible to maintain.

A truth may be harder to tell, however it will also consistently uphold itself.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-03-25 21:06:21 (edited 2024-03-25 21:12:58)

A people who have become entirely unable to think for themselves are surprised when a leader is elected among them who does not appear to exhibit the slightest amount of thought for them either.

Response to Mind Matters 2024-04-05 03:22:21

True unity can only come from true individuality, and anytime one is being anything but genuine, they are only attracting the disingenuous unto themselves. And then this same person wonders why everything feels so fake to them.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-04-05 20:46:08

Solutions cannot be derived simply from consistencies.


Response to Mind Matters 2024-04-05 20:51:47

At 4/5/24 08:46 PM, Jojo wrote: Solutions cannot be derived simply from consistencies.

Klonoa my beloved

GRR <-- that's my signature

Pretty ironic how I draw cowboys even though I'm First nations ;)

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