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Worst game you've played

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-03-21 12:36:08

At 3/20/24 02:33 AM, PachkaNG wrote: Postal 2 Corkscrew Rules. A shitty russian ""DLC"" made by the same people who made Postal 3. Knowing that you can infer the quality of the game. It barely gives you any direction of what to do which makes the levels even worse to complete. Couple that with the fact there are angry villagers who will shoot at you for literally moving, and in this game they don't give you guns anywhere, so good luck :3. Also it's homophobic in a not funny way, like ffs at least be funny when ur making fun of people. Now that i think about it, it's offensive towards everyone and also not in a funny way either. So yeah all in all shite

the second i saw "postal 3" i knew this dlc was gonna be shit (never played the dlc btw)

my website roombaclock (google.com)

u\petir_greffin i'm peeking at you from my forum signature >:D

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-03-21 12:51:31

At 3/21/24 12:36 PM, Scout-from-tfc wrote:
At 3/20/24 02:33 AM, PachkaNG wrote: Postal 2 Corkscrew Rules. A shitty russian ""DLC"" made by the same people who made Postal 3. Knowing that you can infer the quality of the game. It barely gives you any direction of what to do which makes the levels even worse to complete. Couple that with the fact there are angry villagers who will shoot at you for literally moving, and in this game they don't give you guns anywhere, so good luck :3. Also it's homophobic in a not funny way, like ffs at least be funny when ur making fun of people. Now that i think about it, it's offensive towards everyone and also not in a funny way either. So yeah all in all shite
the second i saw "postal 3" i knew this dlc was gonna be shit (never played the dlc btw)

Dont. (I forgot the mention the soundtrack is good, but essentially just sprinkles on the top of the shit sunday known as this dlc)

Home, its where I want to be

But I guess I'm already there

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-03-21 14:41:16

At 3/21/24 12:51 PM, PachkaNG wrote:
At 3/21/24 12:36 PM, Scout-from-tfc wrote:
At 3/20/24 02:33 AM, PachkaNG wrote: Postal 2 Corkscrew Rules. A shitty russian ""DLC"" made by the same people who made Postal 3. Knowing that you can infer the quality of the game. It barely gives you any direction of what to do which makes the levels even worse to complete. Couple that with the fact there are angry villagers who will shoot at you for literally moving, and in this game they don't give you guns anywhere, so good luck :3. Also it's homophobic in a not funny way, like ffs at least be funny when ur making fun of people. Now that i think about it, it's offensive towards everyone and also not in a funny way either. So yeah all in all shite
the second i saw "postal 3" i knew this dlc was gonna be shit (never played the dlc btw)
Dont. (I forgot the mention the soundtrack is good, but essentially just sprinkles on the top of the shit sunday known as this dlc)

yeah, thats what the two have incommon, shit games but a killer soundtrack

my website roombaclock (google.com)

u\petir_greffin i'm peeking at you from my forum signature >:D

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-03-21 15:15:41

At 3/20/24 01:53 AM, NoobClock666 wrote:
At 3/19/24 09:15 PM, KeidanLand wrote: Any one of those "educational" games -_-
Video Games are supposed to rote people brains.

Nah man. Zoombinis fucking ruled.


If I don't feel my IQ increasing exponentially when I play a puzzle game then I don't wanna play it.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-03-21 15:42:28

At 3/21/24 02:41 PM, Scout-from-tfc wrote:
At 3/21/24 12:51 PM, PachkaNG wrote:
At 3/21/24 12:36 PM, Scout-from-tfc wrote:
At 3/20/24 02:33 AM, PachkaNG wrote: Postal 2 Corkscrew Rules. A shitty russian ""DLC"" made by the same people who made Postal 3. Knowing that you can infer the quality of the game. It barely gives you any direction of what to do which makes the levels even worse to complete. Couple that with the fact there are angry villagers who will shoot at you for literally moving, and in this game they don't give you guns anywhere, so good luck :3. Also it's homophobic in a not funny way, like ffs at least be funny when ur making fun of people. Now that i think about it, it's offensive towards everyone and also not in a funny way either. So yeah all in all shite
the second i saw "postal 3" i knew this dlc was gonna be shit (never played the dlc btw)
Dont. (I forgot the mention the soundtrack is good, but essentially just sprinkles on the top of the shit sunday known as this dlc)
yeah, thats what the two have incommon, shit games but a killer soundtrack

Sucks that the only way i know some of the best punk ive ever listened too was thru that piece of shit

Home, its where I want to be

But I guess I'm already there

BBS Signature

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-03-21 19:01:12

1: Kane and Lynch dead men

Awful controls, bullets dances around the enemy, bugged and bullshit

2: Overwatch 2

Never have felt such disappointment and contempt from a game

Borking My Jorking

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-04 17:12:05

the coffin of Andy and leyley FOR SURE

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-04 22:10:52

FNF...I mean, did the world really need this? there are real "rhythm games" like stepmania, osu etc... but then what's behind it... just a few days ago there was an update... and THEY RELEASED NEW MERCH WHILE THOSE WHO PAID ON KICKSTARTER HAS YET TO RECEIVE THE MATERIAL ALREADY PAID FOR 3 YEARS... we know about the team's terrible communication, but this? Can anyone give me a justification? (I never gave 1 cent to them, but that says a lot).

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-05 02:15:17

At 3/18/24 09:46 AM, Chdonga wrote:
At 3/18/24 12:46 AM, Quinnfinity3 wrote: Present day pixelgun 3D
Lmfao. I had to google that because it sounded more like some generic name you give to all those boring indie low poly "boomer shooters". This looks like an overproduced live service knockoff of Ace of Spades.

dude i forgot ace of spades even existed, i loved that shit as a kid

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-05 06:22:28

At 3/13/24 08:53 AM, Artcompany wrote: What's the worst game you ever played. Can be triple a or indie. Vent about how terrible it was.

Snow white and the seven clever boys for PS2, absolute dogwater. Got it for a joke at a gaming convention a couple years back but sold it back to a different gaming center after seeing how much it goes for a copy in working condition.

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-05 12:04:51

Bubsy 3D it's so bad nobody like's it.

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-06 00:33:59

At 3/13/24 08:53 AM, Artcompany wrote: What's the worst game you ever played. Can be triple a or indie. Vent about how terrible it was.

I'm typically very forgiving when it comes to mediocre or "bad" videogames, but Sonic Jam for the Tiger Game.COM was genuinely one of the worst experiences I've ever had.

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-07 15:33:58

Wizards of Waverly Place for the DS. The fact I got it for $1 shows enough.

There are three "chapters", all extremely short, and when the game ends it ends, there's nothing after that.

It took like 3 hours and it's just an easy boring fetch quest game of what I remember (I PLAYED THIS ONLY A FEW YEARS AGO AND I FORGOT LITERALLY ALL OF THE STORY IN THIS CRAP)

Also it's really really boring and ugly.

The good news is, there's Download Play for the minigames so I can play them with my brother!!!! (help)

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-07 21:45:39

Loading Screen Simulator

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-08 16:20:57

devil may cry 2, forever and (hopefully) always will be the worst game ive ever played. at least the soundtrack was good.

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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-09 08:19:40

At 3/13/24 08:53 AM, Artcompany wrote: What's the worst game you ever played. Can be triple a or indie. Vent about how terrible it was.

league of legends hands down. I started playing when taliyah was first released and quit around 2018, 2019. I hated every second that i played that game. the only reason why i played it in the first place was because it was the only game my friends played consistently and i liked playing with my friends. Theres hundreds of champions all of them uniquely bullshit in their own way. ive heard that the champions being released today are even more complicated and more bullshit so one more reason to not go back to that game. The people on league are tar pits. most of them have been playing for a couple of hours beforehand and have been constantly exposed to other peoples bullshit so they treat everyone and anyone that they can like a punching bag, even their own teammates. from what i remember, the only reason longtime players continue to play it is because they've spent so much money on skins that they think it would be a waste to quit. this is a stupid reason to stay and if you are a longtime player and in this mindset then i encourage you to do some self refection. Anyways yeah. Dont play league. its for your own good.

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-09 16:26:33

60 parsecs, absolutely a disgrace of a sequel

uh someone ig

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-09 20:51:13

Easily Sonic Forces for me.

99% of the levels are just going in a straight line with nothing interesting or fun, or it's just 2.5D platforming (including that one of the three playable characters is 2D exclusive, good luck finding any 3D sections in that game).

Also the god awful automation in that game, half the time, I'm not playing the game, the game is playing itself. And that most of the areas in that game are just reused assets of Sonic Generations with little change.

The only thing I genuinely like about that game is the Avatar customization.

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-18 04:41:08

DDR because I tripped over my shoelace while playing it and hit my head on the metal bar. Going back tomorrow.


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Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-25 01:31:09

Epic mickey 2. It's a genuine slog to play.

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-25 10:07:20

Aliens: Colonial Marines.The graphics sucks

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-26 12:45:06

Fellowship of the Ring on GBA. It was my young brain's first introduction to the concept of a Bad Game.

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-26 16:04:12

I am not sure if this counts as a game but Taboo on NES

Response to Worst game you've played 2024-05-27 13:37:27

Ride to Hell: Retribution. It was a ride to hell alright they got the title right for the game which was ironic because that's how the entire game felt. Pretty much you are a biker from the US who gets back from Vietnam and visits your family and your brother gets killed and you pretty much have to find the people who were responsible for his death. The game is bad because every time fight you can just use the kick attack which unlocks enemies and makes you invisible. Also, there are sex scenes in this game. Every time you save a woman you get a cutscene with no context at all and have sex with them with clothes still on. Pretty much-clothed sex scenes. Also, the intro starts you off in a turret section. Yes, a turret section. The enemy AI is so dumb because when the enemy doesn't have a gun they just charge at you which gives you enough time to aim at the enemy's head and kill them. The voice acting is awful. I remember watching one cutscene and this women's body proportions looked very off. Her boobs looked like they could easily weigh her down but just carries them like they were nothing. I liked some of the music in the game. The women in this game are just sex objects and I don't even remember anyone's name in the game because they just suck in the game. There's one mission where you have to take down an electric fence. You would think you need to just turn off the power. Easy right? Wrong. You fight a guy who takes his truck with a tanker, go to the electric plant while cops are following him, get to the electric plant and park the truck with the tanker, fight off the guards there, and then go somewhere to shoot the truck with a tanker on it's back with a gun which causes the electric plant generator to explode then you go back to go through the fence. The logic in this game is so dumb for that one that I wish I made this up. Not that memorable but had some ok tracks in the game. Also, the QuickTime events are easy even in the first minute of the game you're introduced to one. From what I heard for development for the game it was supposed to be an open-world biking game with actual music from the period that it takes place in but got scrapped because the game took too long to make and was redone by scratch and this is what we got. This is one of the worst games I have ever played and I have played bad games trust me I've played a lot of bad games including Alien: Colonial Marines but Ride to Hell: Retribution takes the cake for me. It's a 1 out of 10 game for me because everything in this game is just so wrong.