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Let's talk about Art & ideology.

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Let's talk about Art & ideology. 2023-12-31 15:18:23

The main questions of this topic is about Art & its ideology.

Since this is about art, I do not care about any outsider's opinion.

Except only if you are an art enthousiast who want to share

constructive intuitions.

So here is the short questions..

What makes art truely beautiful, complex and interesting to see?

Is it the artist's psychology? Is it the intention being its creator?

Or is it just great to see art as a whole?

MY thoughts are that art is built on any ideas, desires, rebellion and inspirations.

If we go in the science and the origin of art.

Art - The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Scientifically speaking, art is a form of creativity.. Made in many branches, such as painting, music, literature and so on.

The common idea is that someone's art is representative of the artist's mind or personal past.

In my case, I think it is not true.

As an exemple.. If I draw a duck, does that mean I was a duck yesterday? Or do I think like a duck?

The answer is obviously no.

An artist is free of people interpretations, and need to have at some point total disregards to the general public's

opinion. That does not include laws though. So keep in mind that laws are essencially things to follow as a whole.

So here we come to laws of the art.

Rather than being bound to the general public's mind, artists need to be detached of whatever people think of them.

It is a defensive method to protect the spirit of an artist.

This is the way to get freedom among the mass through rebellion.

And the main reason I mention laws are also attributed to be reasonable on what you do, none the less.

We need to care about the defacto of art.

What is criminal, in such perspective and what is literally right to do as an artist.

Well glorifying illegal acts is against the laws, at some point it will attract

the bad people and very wrong situations for the artist.

I won't even consider naming them all to keep this topic at low rate.

But mind that art is legal until you break the law.

I suggest to read the laws if you are not sure of what you are doing in art, and I am not a lawyer.

But the main idea is that it's okay to go in imaginary fields of the art

until you connect this to reality and figure what is right and wrong.

After all this, what does really matter in art?

Is it the people's opinion? Your opinion ? Or the world that matter for this fact?

I think the exact answer is that the artists need to express themselve

and embrace the talent they have in their lives.

Because humans are mortals and need to do art to satisfy a need

to be alive. To be right in their time, and to accept that mortality is

what we have..

Time is precious, and cannot be bought back. So use this to accumulate

experiences in art, since you are surely an artist.

I expect that the artists can express their thoughs about the subject.

Hope this introduction was helpful, and wish you all the greatest time!


To me, art is the balance between human's instinct and conscience. Allow to explain.

Instinct is the nature in which us, as part of the animal kingdom, react to the situations we live by pure reflection. Whenever you go to a street, something makes you think you shouldn't go there, or contrarily, that you should indeed go there, even if you don't know anything about that street. Conscience, on the other side, is what allows us as humans to use intelligence to overcome problems or make some tasks easier. Something that also makes us question our existence as we get to be curious and want to explore beyond the usual things.

I feel that instinct and conscience represent heart and mind respectively, which I also like to interpret as passion and planning. To me, when I do things for passion, I don't care about the outcome, I just wanna do the best I can, and I wanna make sure I'm having fun. When I do things for planning, I'm thinking about how it would affect me or others in the future.

By balance, I don't mean that it should be equilibrated. In fact, you could be more passionate than planner, or viceversa. That's what I define as art: something made by someone based in their own balance. Some are more passionate and spend days doing something great, while others are more planner and do something expecting it could be useful in the future. You could even be both or none, but that leads to a more worse outcome, as people with both tend to be whole wanters, while people with none don't actually know what they want

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

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Response to Let's talk about Art & ideology. 2023-12-31 18:53:05

At 12/31/23 06:33 PM, EmsDeLaRoZ wrote: To me, art is the balance between human's instinct and conscience. Allow to explain.

Instinct is the nature in which us, as part of the animal kingdom, react to the situations we live by pure reflection. Whenever you go to a street, something makes you think you shouldn't go there, or contrarily, that you should indeed go there, even if you don't know anything about that street. Conscience, on the other side, is what allows us as humans to use intelligence to overcome problems or make some tasks easier. Something that also makes us question our existence as we get to be curious and want to explore beyond the usual things.

I feel that instinct and conscience represent heart and mind respectively, which I also like to interpret as passion and planning. To me, when I do things for passion, I don't care about the outcome, I just wanna do the best I can, and I wanna make sure I'm having fun. When I do things for planning, I'm thinking about how it would affect me or others in the future.

By balance, I don't mean that it should be equilibrated. In fact, you could be more passionate than planner, or viceversa. That's what I define as art: something made by someone based in their own balance. Some are more passionate and spend days doing something great, while others are more planner and do something expecting it could be useful in the future. You could even be both or none, but that leads to a more worse outcome, as people with both tend to be whole wanters, while people with none don't actually know what they want

Interesting, I appreciate your take on the subject.

Art is relatively made through passion, but some take some rather intellectual meaning behind it.

Like people who paint with numbers.. And those who are more in the abstract form of art.

Passion is a strong desire for something, someone who have great love for someone's else

are often more likely to be good artist. As we say in other terms, a muse.

A muse is like a core factor of being inspired, many scientist found out that men who saw

a desirable woman, are more willing to paint.


Back in my teenage life, I had mutiple muses.. Specifically I was in love with some girls.

But nowadays, I do not have any. Since I have break that phase. And discovered my true self

in the art world.

I discovered that passion can come in many ways, not just in love or desires.

I often use a mix of past memories, things that I like or hate.. And totally outside things that I have no care about.

And so on.

But you are right, instinct and intelligence are really extraordinary in occurance.

The field of these source of creativity can be very deep depending on the individual.


Response to Let's talk about Art & ideology. 2023-12-31 19:02:05

At 12/31/23 06:53 PM, ZombieGhost wrote:
At 12/31/23 06:33 PM, EmsDeLaRoZ wrote: To me, art is the balance between human's instinct and conscience. Allow to explain.

Instinct is the nature in which us, as part of the animal kingdom, react to the situations we live by pure reflection. Whenever you go to a street, something makes you think you shouldn't go there, or contrarily, that you should indeed go there, even if you don't know anything about that street. Conscience, on the other side, is what allows us as humans to use intelligence to overcome problems or make some tasks easier. Something that also makes us question our existence as we get to be curious and want to explore beyond the usual things.

I feel that instinct and conscience represent heart and mind respectively, which I also like to interpret as passion and planning. To me, when I do things for passion, I don't care about the outcome, I just wanna do the best I can, and I wanna make sure I'm having fun. When I do things for planning, I'm thinking about how it would affect me or others in the future.

By balance, I don't mean that it should be equilibrated. In fact, you could be more passionate than planner, or viceversa. That's what I define as art: something made by someone based in their own balance. Some are more passionate and spend days doing something great, while others are more planner and do something expecting it could be useful in the future. You could even be both or none, but that leads to a more worse outcome, as people with both tend to be whole wanters, while people with none don't actually know what they want
Interesting, I appreciate your take on the subject.

Art is relatively made through passion, but some take some rather intellectual meaning behind it.

Like people who paint with numbers.. And those who are more in the abstract form of art.

Passion is a strong desire for something, someone who have great love for someone's else
are often more likely to be good artist. As we say in other terms, a muse.

A muse is like a core factor of being inspired, many scientist found out that men who saw
a desirable woman, are more willing to paint.


Back in my teenage life, I had mutiple muses.. Specifically I was in love with some girls.

But nowadays, I do not have any. Since I have break that phase. And discovered my true self
in the art world.

I discovered that passion can come in many ways, not just in love or desires.

I often use a mix of past memories, things that I like or hate.. And totally outside things that I have no care about.

And so on.

But you are right, instinct and intelligence are really extraordinary in occurance.
The field of these source of creativity can be very deep depending on the individual.

I wanna deepen more this subject, but I'm working rn. Maybe later when I'm in home

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

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