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I uploaded the entirety of my comic book to NG and it feels cool

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Yeah yeah!! I just uploaded the last part today!! The book was finished earlier this year but the second printing just happened a couple of weeks ago which cleaned up several technical and grammatical errors. I'm pretty happy to have this on NG, and I'm still proud of it, but I'm also ready to move onto working on something new. It's called How To Exist As An Artist, which as a name I think sounds a little egocentric but this was originally just Part 1 as a small zine so I didn't know what else to call an expanded collection, but oh well!! I'll drop links for the curious, Happy New Years and all that!!

Part 1: How To Exist As An Artist Without Constant Dread

Part 2: How To Exist As An Artist While Running Out Of Time

Part 3: How To Exist As An Artist After Giving Up

holy smokes i found a folder of all my like 2008 forum signatures that my friends made me i'm gonna use them lol

BBS Signature

At 12/31/23 11:20 AM, Foxmosis wrote: Yeah yeah!! I just uploaded the last part today!! The book was finished earlier this year but the second printing just happened a couple of weeks ago which cleaned up several technical and grammatical errors. I'm pretty happy to have this on NG, and I'm still proud of it, but I'm also ready to move onto working on something new. It's called How To Exist As An Artist, which as a name I think sounds a little egocentric but this was originally just Part 1 as a small zine so I didn't know what else to call an expanded collection, but oh well!! I'll drop links for the curious, Happy New Years and all that!!

Part 1: How To Exist As An Artist Without Constant Dread
Part 2: How To Exist As An Artist While Running Out Of Time
Part 3: How To Exist As An Artist After Giving Up

Read them all in one go. Thank you for them.