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Why NSFW art SO popular?

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Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-29 13:54:48 (edited 2023-12-29 13:59:35)

At 12/29/23 01:50 PM, SumKidWhoPlayz wrote: People mostly come to Newgrounds for 3 things:

1: Find entertaining content for their satisfaction

Used to be like this in my 20s.

2: Create their own platform on the site to entertain others and contribute to the community

Yeah totally right.

Or in some other strange cases:

3: Find nudity illustrations without the thought they're parents will find out

Yeah, but I am 30 years old and my parents opinion are not of my fucking concern.

Why people keep talking about kids and parents here?

This is a topic for adults only.

And for artists more specifically..


Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-29 23:20:07

Huh, my case is slightly different from yours, I feel my NSFW art gets heavily criticized and my SFW pieces get better scores or so I have seen in some of my recent works. Yet, while I enjoy drawing and consuming nsfw art, I gotta say that people who look for NSFW art are very different to people who like SFW art, sex will always attract more people, specially in this time where every single site is doing their best to wipe out NSFW artists. I literally have more followers here in newgrounds than in my Twitter, NSFW Twitter and Instagram together.

Still, I gotta say, people are missing out on some damn good art, that Samurai Jack piece of yours goes so hard. If you feel like you want to distance yourself from NSFW art, you could maybe do a separate account for SFW art and start fresh? Or just unpublish your erotic pieces? Just saying, in the end you are who decides how you deal with this. Still, I can say that I like your art and I hope you get to grow a bigger audience with it. Don't give up!

Tits dude

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Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-29 23:29:31

At 12/29/23 11:20 PM, TheGarbager619 wrote: Huh, my case is slightly different from yours, I feel my NSFW art gets heavily criticized and my SFW pieces get better scores or so I have seen in some of my recent works. Yet, while I enjoy drawing and consuming nsfw art, I gotta say that people who look for NSFW art are very different to people who like SFW art, sex will always attract more people, specially in this time where every single site is doing their best to wipe out NSFW artists. I literally have more followers here in newgrounds than in my Twitter, NSFW Twitter and Instagram together.

Still, I gotta say, people are missing out on some damn good art, that Samurai Jack piece of yours goes so hard. If you feel like you want to distance yourself from NSFW art, you could maybe do a separate account for SFW art and start fresh? Or just unpublish your erotic pieces? Just saying, in the end you are who decides how you deal with this. Still, I can say that I like your art and I hope you get to grow a bigger audience with it. Don't give up!

I highly appreciate your opinion.

Thank you for your support and yeah for the split account, I though so as well.

But I figured why not keeping it as it is?

The rating is already well made for this, and plus the fact I have a clear change in my spirit comes to art.

I think it is essencial that I keep my past arts as a reminder.

Like people said before, sex sells.

But I want to clarify it here and right now.

I do not want to sell my soul to NSFW art.

My personal choice, I don't insult any artist and I prefer to draw soft porn now then ever.

I respect any artist who take the easy route and go full on hardcore sex scenes.

Although, I think if I ever change my mind and go in this side of art.

I will absolutely ask people to pay me.


Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-30 00:33:14



Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-30 06:09:39

I like the sexes.

Therefore i draw.

Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-30 07:59:59

The average person likes sex, but probably doesn't care about the specific artistic ideas you care about and put into your art.

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Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 10:48:24

At 12/29/23 10:25 AM, Thetageist wrote:
At 12/26/23 03:04 AM, ScalieSpe wrote: People look at art for entertainment, primarily. The way I see it, there are probably... seven things that people want out of art. If it's going to get someone's attention, it should be...
This was eye opening, I took a screenshot of the list for later. I always felt like people never liked me for my work and were only there to support because I talked to them on the BBS. Now I know why - to put it bluntly, I’m boring and unskilled. But I can get there lol

I’m glad I could help! It’s a journey for sure, and rarely does anyone make it big overnight. Once you find your niche, though, you’ll start finding your audience, gradually. Good luck.

Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 15:04:41

At 12/25/23 11:57 AM, ZombieGhost wrote: Yeah so the title say it all.

I am changing trajectory in my art, since I noticed people like adult stuff and etc.
I often drawed for the sake of fun and the attention it gets me. But now I got bored
of doing adult drawings.

I do slightly less and less into NSFW and the people doesn't care much about my art anymore.
Even if I put some effort.. Which is really telling me that Porn is
what matter for many critiques in here..

I make this post on art for the purpose to share your thoughs and you can
show E to M arts.

Since I am kinda tired of NSFW, I am not interested to keep on drawing those for awhile.

The reason I keep up in doing art is the fact I can get better in it, make what I imagine possible
and I want people to express what they think about my art.

I dunno why NSFW is so interesting for the critiques, I got less votes for many drawings that have
zero ass or tits to show. But hey, I just wanted to tell what I feel in here.

Here is my arts I love so far.






I hope some people will do the same and post their arts too.
Tell me what you think, what you want to improve and
what you wish to succeed at.

To me it's in movements with the body that I want to succeed at.
Since I will draw a fighting manga next year.

Anyway thanks all.

Honestly, in my opinion, it isn't even about how much effort you put into your artwork. You can put as much time and effort into a project as you possibly can, but even then it still won't be a guaranteed success. It's about knowing what people like seeing regardless of being NSFW or not.

It's about empathizing with the average newgrounds/twitter/etc user to know what they would want to see in an artwork/comic/video/etc if you were them. I've been pretty inactive on my Twitter account simply because of the shitshow it's proven to be, but I noticed that the only art I've made on that website that got popular were fanart pieces for really popular artists.

Sometimes the only way to gain recognition and appreciation as a digital artist is to first think about what other people would want to see (ie: making fanart for popular artists), and then after you've gained some traction, put effort into something of your creative mindset. It could be anything, from a character to a story, etc, etc. That way not only will you gain more recognition as an artist, but people will recognize something that came entirely from you.

I should also mention that at the end of the day, it really does just depend on how good of an artist you are. So always strive to improve your art-making skills each time you make a new artwork. It's a really long road, but you'll get there eventually!

Just keep moving forward.

T H E 1 9 9 0 ' S

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Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 15:23:46

At 12/31/23 03:04 PM, Ostan5000 wrote:

Honestly, in my opinion, it isn't even about how much effort you put into your artwork. You can put as much time and effort into a project as you possibly can, but even then it still won't be a guaranteed success. It's about knowing what people like seeing regardless of being NSFW or not.

Well, since people look at art for personal purpose.. It's definitely right.

It's about empathizing with the average newgrounds/twitter/etc user to know what they would want to see in an artwork/comic/video/etc if you were them. I've been pretty inactive on my Twitter account simply because of the shitshow it's proven to be, but I noticed that the only art I've made on that website that got popular were fanart pieces for really popular artists.

Yeah, until you found your ground to break through.

Sometimes the only way to gain recognition and appreciation as a digital artist is to first think about what other people would want to see (ie: making fanart for popular artists), and then after you've gained some traction, put effort into something of your creative mindset. It could be anything, from a character to a story, etc, etc. That way not only will you gain more recognition as an artist, but people will recognize something that came entirely from you.

I agree.

I should also mention that at the end of the day, it really does just depend on how good of an artist you are. So always strive to improve your art-making skills each time you make a new artwork. It's a really long road, but you'll get there eventually!

Just keep moving forward.

I am still an amateur to this day, but I draw art for like 20 years now..

But I appreciate your kindness and I will keep moving forward.


Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 17:12:39

*reads thread title*


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Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 17:30:36

At 12/31/23 05:12 PM, Narratorway wrote: *reads thread title*

Is that all you did read though?


Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 17:39:05

Welp, gooners love gooning!

Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 17:57:49

At 12/31/23 05:30 PM, ZombieGhost wrote:
At 12/31/23 05:12 PM, Narratorway wrote: *reads thread title*

Is that all you did read though?

*reads OPs post*


BBS Signature

Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 18:04:32


Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2023-12-31 22:28:37

At 12/25/23 03:58 PM, ZombieGhost wrote:
At 12/25/23 03:46 PM, zeddy1267 wrote: I saw someone else say this~ so I'll try and restate their point as closely as I can.

The primary reason is service. When you draw art, you primarily draw for yourself. Drawing your OC? that's for you. Other people may think it's neat~ but overall, most people wont get much out of it. A person needs to have some personal connection with you or your art to fully understand it. (This can be as minor as just having an affinity for the art style or character design, but that still has some personal roots)

With NSFW, it actually provides a service for other people. Normally when someone uploads an NSFW piece, it's done with the intent of someone being able to get off to it. Otherwise, why upload it to begin with? It's a broader appeal, and something people can spend more time with (cuz wacking off). NSFW art also often has less personal meaning, which helps people attach more to it, since they don't need to care about you, the artist to fully get the piece.

There's also just the obvious. Sex drive is something the majority of people have. Someone who has absolutely 0 interest in manga or art can still get off to hentai due to that humane constant.

I definitely missed something about the point that the other person said, but hopefully you get the idea and can fill in the blanks yourself

Also, as Thetageist said, people who like porn artists really only like the service they're providing, and don't give a damn about the person behind the porn art.
I get the idea of sex is what attract more people to it, but I also hate the fact my art get ignored for being totally normal.
My thoughs about that constant sexual drive/pleasure human seek is that it doesn't fufill my own standards.

Yeah, I have interest in art and doing drawings about the body.

But it doesn't take take the spot in my heart and soul.. I need true meaning behind my art.

Not just pointless sex scenes, after pointless sex scenes..

And it's not a rant, but I feel like sex is soulless without love.

Maybe that's why I get sick of drawing porn comics after 2 or 3 pages of drawing them.

But when I draw some mature context, and make my characters do natural things like sports and accomplishment.

I feel relieved. Like if it really matter to me.

I have learned many things through out the year of 2023.
And I also thank Newgrounds to show me the true face of judgement.

I know now that judgement can be biased alot, or just being right.

I appreciate people's honesty about this topic by the way.

Facts man, I do nsfw art only to express repressed feelings I've bottled up for years. But I don't want to draw pointless sex but, add bits of character and humor to it that makes people invest in them outside of the bedroom sparing.

Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2024-01-10 17:27:46 (edited 2024-01-10 17:31:13)

At 12/25/23 03:46 PM, zeddy1267 wrote:

I saw someone else say this~ so I'll try and restate their point as closely as I can.

The primary reason is service. When you draw art, you primarily draw for yourself. Drawing your OC? that's for you. Other people may think it's neat~ but overall, most people wont get much out of it. A person needs to have some personal connection with you or your art to fully understand it. (This can be as minor as just having an affinity for the art style or character design, but that still has some personal roots)

With NSFW, it actually provides a service for other people. Normally when someone uploads an NSFW piece, it's done with the intent of someone being able to get off to it. Otherwise, why upload it to begin with? It's a broader appeal, and something people can spend more time with (cuz wacking off). NSFW art also often has less personal meaning, which helps people attach more to it, since they don't need to care about you, the artist to fully get the piece.

There's also just the obvious. Sex drive is something the majority of people have. Someone who has absolutely 0 interest in manga or art can still get off to hentai due to that humane constant.

I definitely missed something about the point that the other person said, but hopefully you get the idea and can fill in the blanks yourself

Also, as Thetageist said, people who like porn artists really only like the service they're providing, and don't give a damn about the person behind the porn art.

Cant be said better, this is the exact same reason why any passionate artist could be feeling like their work doesnt catch people's attention, because some people may be just really lazy about it, and its not their fault or the artist's, but because sometimes "Less is better".

Philosophical or profund things are rad such as personal complexions and artistic directions, but not everyone appreciates that at least most of the time, and lets say things like sexual or arousal things, straight up a mere feeling transmitted in the most fast way into their mind is often the content majority of the people consume, instant satisfaction.

Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2024-01-10 20:24:15

I don't think there is a complicated answer to why porn is popular. It's because people be horny and that's that.

Response to Why NSFW art SO popular? 2024-01-10 20:26:01

At 12/26/23 09:28 AM, Skoops wrote: To answer the titular question, it's because I can't crank my hawg to landscapes.

Wait until you discover the rainbow dick geysers of Nevada.
